/.config/nvim/lib/TestPlugins.hs:23:9: Warning: Couldn't match type ‘STM (Either Object Object)’ with ‘[Char]’ Expected type: Neovim () () String Actual type: Neovim () () (STM (Either Object Object)) In the expression: vim_call_dict_function "g:mydict" False "Greet" [toObject "World"] In an equation for ‘greet’: greet = vim_call_dict_function "g:mydict" False "Greet" [toObject "World"] /.config/nvim/lib/TestPlugins.hs:23:32:Warning: Couldn't match expected type ‘Object’ with actual type ‘[Char]’ In the first argument of ‘vim_call_dict_function’, namely ‘"g:mydict"’ In the expression: vim_call_dict_function "g:mydict" False "Greet" [toObject "World"] In an equation for ‘greet’: greet = vim_call_dict_function "g:mydict" False "Greet" [toObject "World"]