{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{- |
Module      :  Neovim.Context.Internal
Description :  Abstract description of the plugin provider's internal context
Copyright   :  (c) Sebastian Witte
License     :  Apache-2.0

Maintainer  :  woozletoff@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental
Portability :  GHC

To shorten function and data type names, import this qualfied as @Internal@.
module Neovim.Context.Internal

import           Neovim.Classes
import           Neovim.Exceptions                         (NeovimException (..),
import           Neovim.Plugin.Classes
import           Neovim.Plugin.IPC                         (SomeMessage)

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception                         (ArithException,
import           Control.Monad.Except
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8                      as U (fromString)
import           Data.Map                                  (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                                  as Map
import           Data.MessagePack                          (Object)
import           System.Log.Logger
import           UnliftIO

import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc                 (Doc, Pretty (..),
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal (AnsiStyle)

import           Prelude

-- | This is the environment in which all plugins are initially started.
-- Functions have to run in this transformer stack to communicate with neovim.
-- If parts of your own functions dont need to communicate with neovim, it is
-- good practice to factor them out. This allows you to write tests and spot
-- errors easier. Essentially, you should treat this similar to 'IO' in general
-- haskell programs.
newtype Neovim env a = Neovim
    { unNeovim :: ResourceT (ReaderT (Config env) IO) a }

  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
           , MonadThrow)

-- | User facing instance declaration for the reader state.
instance MonadReader env (Neovim env) where
    ask = Neovim $ asks customConfig
    local f (Neovim a) = do
        r <- Neovim ask
        liftIO $ runReaderT (runResourceT a)
                    (r { customConfig = f (customConfig r)})

instance MonadResource (Neovim env) where
    liftResourceT m = Neovim $ liftResourceT m

instance MonadUnliftIO (Neovim env) where
    askUnliftIO = Neovim . withUnliftIO $ \x ->
        return (UnliftIO (unliftIO x . unNeovim))

-- | Same as 'ask' for the 'InternalConfig'.
ask' :: Neovim env (Config env)
ask' = Neovim ask

-- | Same as 'asks' for the 'InternalConfig'.
asks' :: (Config env -> a) -> Neovim env a
asks' = Neovim . asks

exceptionHandlers :: [Handler IO (Either (Doc ann) a)]
exceptionHandlers =
    [ Handler $ \(_ :: ArithException)   -> ret "ArithException (e.g. division by 0)"
    , Handler $ \(_ :: ArrayException)   -> ret "ArrayException"
    , Handler $ \(_ :: ErrorCall)        -> ret "ErrorCall (e.g. call of undefined or error"
    , Handler $ \(_ :: PatternMatchFail) -> ret "Pattern match failure"
    , Handler $ \(_ :: SomeException)    -> ret "Unhandled exception"
    ret = return . Left

-- | Initialize a 'Neovim' context by supplying an 'InternalEnvironment'.
runNeovim :: NFData a
          => Config env
          -> Neovim env a
          -> IO (Either (Doc AnsiStyle) a)
runNeovim = runNeovimInternal (\a -> a `deepseq` return a)

runNeovimInternal :: (a -> IO a)
                  -> Config env
                  -> Neovim env a
                  -> IO (Either (Doc AnsiStyle) a)
runNeovimInternal f r (Neovim a) =
    (try . runReaderT (runResourceT a)) r >>= \case
        Left e -> case fromException e of
            Just e' ->
                return . Left . exceptionToDoc $ (e' :: NeovimException)

            Nothing -> do
                liftIO . errorM "Context" $ "Converting Exception to Error message: " ++ show e
                (return . Left . viaShow) e
        Right res ->
            (Right <$> f res) `catches` exceptionHandlers

-- | Create a new unique function name. To prevent possible name clashes, digits
-- are stripped from the given suffix.
newUniqueFunctionName :: Neovim env FunctionName
newUniqueFunctionName = do
    tu <- asks' uniqueCounter
    -- reverseing the integer string should distribute the first character more
    -- evently and hence cause faster termination for comparisons.
    fmap (F . U.fromString . reverse . show) . liftIO . atomically $ do
        u <- readTVar tu
        modifyTVar' tu succ
        return u

-- | This data type is used to dispatch a remote function call to the appopriate
-- recipient.
newtype FunctionType = Stateful (TQueue SomeMessage)
    -- ^ 'Stateful' functions are handled within a special thread, the 'TQueue'
    -- is the communication endpoint for the arguments we have to pass.

instance Pretty FunctionType where
    pretty = \case
        Stateful  _ -> "\\os -> Neovim env o"

-- | Type of the values stored in the function map.
type FunctionMapEntry = (FunctionalityDescription, FunctionType)

-- | A function map is a map containing the names of functions as keys and some
-- context dependent value which contains all the necessary information to
-- execute that function in the intended way.
-- This type is only used internally and handles two distinct cases. One case
-- is a direct function call, wich is simply a function that accepts a list of
-- 'Object' values and returns a result in the 'Neovim' context. The second
-- case is calling a function that has a persistent state. This is mediated to
-- a thread that reads from a 'TQueue'. (NB: persistent currently means, that
-- state is stored for as long as the plugin provider is running and not
-- restarted.)
type FunctionMap = Map FunctionName FunctionMapEntry

-- | Create a new function map from the given list of 'FunctionMapEntry' values.
mkFunctionMap :: [FunctionMapEntry] -> FunctionMap
mkFunctionMap = Map.fromList . map (\e -> (name (fst e), e))

-- | A wrapper for a reader value that contains extra fields required to
-- communicate with the messagepack-rpc components and provide necessary data to
-- provide other globally available operations.
-- Note that you most probably do not want to change the fields prefixed with an
-- underscore.
data Config env = Config
    -- Global settings; initialized once
    { eventQueue        :: TQueue SomeMessage
    -- ^ A queue of messages that the event handler will propagate to
    -- appropriate threads and handlers.

    , transitionTo      :: MVar StateTransition
    -- ^ The main thread will wait for this 'MVar' to be filled with a value
    -- and then perform an action appropriate for the value of type
    -- 'StateTransition'.

    , providerName      :: TMVar (Either String Int)
    -- ^ Since nvim-hs must have its "Neovim.RPC.SocketReader" and
    -- "Neovim.RPC.EventHandler" running to determine the actual channel id
    -- (i.e. the 'Int' value here) this field can only be set properly later.
    -- Hence, the value of this field is put in an 'TMVar'.
    -- Name that is used to identify this provider. Assigning such a name is
    -- done in the neovim config (e.g. ~\/.nvim\/nvimrc).

    , uniqueCounter     :: TVar Integer
    -- ^ This 'TVar' is used to generate uniqe function names on the side of
    -- /nvim-hs/. This is useful if you don't want to overwrite existing
    -- functions or if you create autocmd functions.

    , globalFunctionMap :: TMVar FunctionMap
    -- ^ This map is used to dispatch received messagepack function calls to
    -- it's appropriate targets.

    -- Local settings; intialized for each stateful component
    , pluginSettings    :: Maybe (PluginSettings env)
    -- ^ In a registered functionality this field contains a function (and
    -- possibly some context dependent values) to register new functionality.

    , customConfig      :: env
    -- ^ Plugin author supplyable custom configuration. Queried on the
    -- user-facing side with 'ask' or 'asks'.

-- | Convenient helper to create a new config for the given state and read-only
-- config.
-- Sets the 'pluginSettings' field to 'Nothing'.
retypeConfig :: env -> Config anotherEnv -> Config env
retypeConfig r cfg = cfg { pluginSettings = Nothing, customConfig = r }

-- | This GADT is used to share information between stateless and stateful
-- plugin threads since they work fundamentally in the same way. They both
-- contain a function to register some functionality in the plugin provider
-- as well as some values which are specific to the one or the other context.
data PluginSettings env where
        :: (FunctionalityDescription
            -> ([Object] -> Neovim env Object)
            -> TQueue SomeMessage
            -> TVar (Map FunctionName ([Object] -> Neovim env Object))
            -> Neovim env (Maybe FunctionMapEntry))
        -> TQueue SomeMessage
        -> TVar (Map FunctionName ([Object] -> Neovim env Object))
        -> PluginSettings env

-- | Create a new 'InternalConfig' object by providing the minimal amount of
-- necessary information.
-- This function should only be called once per /nvim-hs/ session since the
-- arguments are shared across processes.
newConfig :: IO (Maybe String) -> IO env -> IO (Config env)
newConfig ioProviderName r = Config
    <$> newTQueueIO
    <*> newEmptyMVar
    <*> (maybe (atomically newEmptyTMVar) (newTMVarIO . Left) =<< ioProviderName)
    <*> newTVarIO 100
    <*> atomically newEmptyTMVar
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> r

-- | The state that the plugin provider wants to transition to.
data StateTransition
    = Quit
    -- ^ Quit the plugin provider.

    | Restart
    -- ^ Restart the plugin provider.

    | Failure (Doc AnsiStyle)
    -- ^ The plugin provider failed to start or some other error occured.

    | InitSuccess
    -- ^ The plugin provider started successfully.

    deriving (Show)