-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Serokell -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | This module introduces function to format and parse time in desired way. module Time.Series ( AllTimes , type (...) -- * Formatting , SeriesF (..) , unitsF -- * Parsing , SeriesP (..) , unitsP ) where import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter) import Data.Kind (Constraint) import Data.Type.Bool (type (&&), If) import Data.Type.Equality (type (==)) import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (Text), TypeError) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Time.Rational (type (>=%), withRuntimeDivRat) import Time.Rational (Rat) import Time.Timestamp ((-:-)) import Time.Units (Day, Fortnight, Hour, KnownRatName, Microsecond, Millisecond, Minute, Nanosecond, Picosecond, Second, Time (..), Week, floorUnit, toUnit) -- $setup -- >>> import Time.Units (Time (..), fortnight, hour, minute, ms, sec) -- >>> import Time.Timestamp ((+:+)) -- >>> import GHC.Real ((%)) -- | Type-level list that consist of all times. type AllTimes = '[ Fortnight, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second , Millisecond , Microsecond, Nanosecond, Picosecond ] {- | Creates the list of time units in descending order by provided the highest and the lowest bound of the desired list. Throws the error when time units are not in the right order. __Usage example:__ >>> seriesF @(Hour ... Second) $ hour 3 +:+ minute 5 +:+ sec 3 +:+ ms 123 "3h5m3+123/1000s" -} type family (from :: Rat) ... (to :: Rat) :: [Rat] where from ... to = If (IsDescending '[from, to]) (TakeWhileNot to (DropWhileNot from AllTimes)) (TypeError ('Text "Units should be in descending order")) -- Drops wile not the required time unit in 'AllTimes'. type family DropWhileNot (from :: Rat) (units :: [Rat]) :: [Rat] where DropWhileNot x '[] = '[] DropWhileNot x (u ': units) = If (u == x) (u ': units) (DropWhileNot x units) -- Takes while not equal to the provided bound. type family TakeWhileNot (to :: Rat) (units :: [Rat]) :: [Rat] where TakeWhileNot x '[] = '[] TakeWhileNot x (u ': units) = If (u == x) '[u] (u ': TakeWhileNot x units) -- | Type family for verification of the descending order of the given -- list of time units. type family IsDescending (units :: [Rat]) :: Bool where IsDescending ('[]) = 'True IsDescending ('[unit]) = 'True IsDescending (unit1 ': unit2 ': units) = (unit1 >=% unit2) && (IsDescending (unit2 ': units)) type family DescendingConstraint (b :: Bool) :: Constraint where DescendingConstraint 'True = () -- empty constraint; always satisfiable DescendingConstraint 'False = TypeError ('Text "List of units should be in descending order") {- | Class for time formatting. __Examples__ >>> seriesF @'[Day, Hour, Minute, Second] (minute 4000) "2d18h40m" >>> seriesF @'[Day, Minute, Second] (minute 4000) "2d1120m" >>> seriesF @'[Hour, Minute, Second] (sec 3601) "1h1s" >>> seriesF @'[Hour, Second, Millisecond] (Time @Minute $ 3 % 2) "90s" >>> seriesF @'[Hour, Second] (minute 0) "0h" >>> seriesF @'[Hour, Minute, Second] (Time @Day (2 % 7)) "6h51m25+5/7s" The received list should be in descending order. It would be verified at compile-time. Example of the error from @ghci@: >>> seriesF @'[Millisecond, Second] (minute 42) ... • List of units should be in descending order • In the expression: seriesF @'[Millisecond, Second] (minute 42) In an equation for ‘it’: it = seriesF @'[Millisecond, Second] (minute 42) ... -} class SeriesF (units :: [Rat]) where seriesF :: forall (someUnit :: Rat) . KnownRatName someUnit => Time someUnit -> String instance SeriesF ('[] :: [Rat]) where seriesF :: Time someUnit -> String seriesF _ = "" instance (KnownRatName unit) => SeriesF ('[unit] :: [Rat]) where seriesF :: forall (someUnit :: Rat) . KnownRatName someUnit => Time someUnit -> String seriesF t = let newTime = withRuntimeDivRat @someUnit @unit $ toUnit @unit t in show newTime instance ( KnownRatName unit , SeriesF (nextUnit : units) , DescendingConstraint (IsDescending (unit ': nextUnit ': units)) ) => SeriesF (unit ': nextUnit ': units :: [Rat]) where seriesF :: forall (someUnit :: Rat) . KnownRatName someUnit => Time someUnit -> String seriesF t = let newUnit = withRuntimeDivRat @someUnit @unit $ toUnit @unit t flooredNewUnit = floorUnit newUnit timeStr = case flooredNewUnit of Time 0 -> "" _ -> show flooredNewUnit nextUnit = withRuntimeDivRat @unit @unit $ newUnit -:- flooredNewUnit in if nextUnit == Time 0 then show newUnit else timeStr ++ seriesF @(nextUnit ': units) @unit nextUnit {- | Similar to 'seriesF', but formats using all time units of the library. >>> unitsF $ fortnight 5 "5fn" >>> unitsF $ minute 4000 "2d18h40m" -} unitsF :: forall unit . KnownRatName unit => Time unit -> String unitsF = seriesF @AllTimes {- | Class for time parsing. Empty string on input will be parsed as 0 time of the required time unit: >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Minute, Second] @Second "" Just (0s) __Examples__ >>> seriesP @'[Day, Hour, Minute, Second] @Minute "2d18h40m" Just (4000m) >>> seriesP @'[Day, Minute, Second] @Minute "2d1120m" Just (4000m) >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Minute, Second] @Second "1h1s" Just (3601s) >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Second, Millisecond] @Minute "90s" Just (1+1/2m) >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Second] @Second "11ns" Nothing >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Minute] @Minute "1+1/2h" Nothing >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Minute] @Minute "1+1/2m" Just (1+1/2m) >>> seriesP @'[Hour, Minute] @Minute "1h1+1/2m" Just (61+1/2m) __Note:__ The received list should be in descending order. It would be verified at compile-time. -} class SeriesP (units :: [Rat]) where seriesP :: forall (someUnit :: Rat) . KnownRatName someUnit => String -> Maybe (Time someUnit) instance SeriesP '[] where seriesP _ = Nothing instance (KnownRatName unit) => SeriesP '[unit] where seriesP :: forall (someUnit :: Rat) . KnownRatName someUnit => String -> Maybe (Time someUnit) seriesP "" = Just $ Time 0 seriesP str = readMaybeTime @unit str instance ( KnownRatName unit , SeriesP (nextUnit : units) , DescendingConstraint (IsDescending (unit ': nextUnit ': units)) ) => SeriesP (unit ': nextUnit ': units :: [Rat]) where seriesP :: forall (someUnit :: Rat) . KnownRatName someUnit => String -> Maybe (Time someUnit) seriesP "" = Just $ Time 0 seriesP str = let (num, rest) = span isDigit str (u, nextStr) = span isLetter rest maybeT = readMaybeTime @unit $ num ++ u in case maybeT of Nothing -> seriesP @(nextUnit ': units) str Just t -> ((t <>)) <$> (seriesP @(nextUnit ': units) nextStr) {- | Similar to 'seriesP', but parses using all time units of the library. >>> unitsP @Second "1m" Just (60s) >>> unitsP @Minute "2d18h40m" Just (4000m) -} unitsP :: forall unit . KnownRatName unit => String -> Maybe (Time unit) unitsP = seriesP @AllTimes @unit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Util ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- readMaybeTime :: forall (unit :: Rat) (someUnit :: Rat) . (KnownRatName unit, KnownRatName someUnit) => String -> Maybe (Time someUnit) readMaybeTime str = withRuntimeDivRat @unit @someUnit $ toUnit @someUnit <$> (readMaybe @(Time unit) str)