-- | http://www2.stetson.edu/~efriedma/mathmagic/0916.html -- On an N×N chessboard, when we place Q queens, -- what is the maximum number of squares -- that can be attacked exactly A times? {-# language LambdaCase #-} import Prelude hiding ((&&),(||),not,and,or) import qualified Prelude as P import OBDD import OBDD.Linopt import Data.Ix (inRange) import qualified Data.Array as A import Control.Monad ( guard ) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import Data.List (sort) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M main = getArgs >>= \ case [] -> run 6 2 0 [n,q,a] -> run (read n) (read q) (read a) run n q a = putStrLn $ form n q a $ linopt ( board n q a ) $ M.fromList $ zip ((\ p -> Var p Attacked) <$> positions n) (repeat 1) ++ zip ((\ p -> Var p Queen) <$> positions n) (repeat 0) type Position = (Int,Int) positions :: Int -> [ Position ] positions n = (,) <$> [1..n] <*> [1..n] data Type = Attacked | Queen deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Var = Var !Position !Type deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) type Bit = OBDD Var queen p = variable $ Var p Queen attacked p = variable $ Var p Attacked header n q a w = unwords [ "n =", show n , "q =", show q , "a =", show a , "m =", show w ] form n q a (Just (w,m)) = unlines $ header n q a w : do row <- [1..n] return $ do col <- [1..n] let c = if m M.! Var (row,col) Queen then 'Q' else if m M.! Var (row,col) Attacked then '+' else '.' [ c, ' ' ] for = flip map board :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bit board n q a = let r = ray n in and $ ( exactly q $ queen <$> positions n ) : ( for ( positions n) $ \ p -> (not $ queen p) || (not $ attacked p) ) ++ ( for (positions n) $ \ p -> implies (attacked p) $ exactly a $ for directions $ \ d -> r A.! (d,p) ) -- | ray n ! (d,p) == looking in direction d from p, -- there is (at least one) queen (which might be on p) ray n = let bounds = (((-1,-1),(1,1)),((1,1),(n,n))) result = A.array bounds $ do (d,p) <- A.range bounds let q = shift d p return ( (d,p) , queen p || if onboard n q then result A.! (d,q) else false ) in result directions = filter (/= (0,0)) $ (,) <$> [ -1 .. 1 ] <*> [ -1 .. 1 ] onboard n (x,y) = inRange (1,n) x P.&& inRange (1,n) y shift (dx,dy) (x,y) = (x+dx,y+dy) exactly :: Int -> [Bit] -> Bit exactly k xs = if k <= 8 P.&& length xs <= 8 then exactly_direct k xs else exactly_rectangle k xs exactly_rectangle n xs = last $ foldl ( \ cs x -> zipWith ( \ a b -> ite x a b ) (false : cs) cs ) (true : replicate n false) xs exactly_direct k xs = atmost k xs && atleast k xs atmost k xs = not $ atleast (k+1) xs atleast k xs = or $ for (select k xs) and select 0 xs = return [] select k [] = [] select k (x:xs) = select k xs ++ ( (x:) <$> select (k-1) xs )