Name: loadObject Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Version: 0.1 Synopsis: Demo of obj loading with the obj package. Description: Demo of obj loading with the obj package. Author: Thomas Davie Maintainer: Thomas Davie ( Category: Graphics build-type: Simple Executable loadModel Build-Depends: obj >= 0.1, haskell98 >= 1.0, base >= 3, filepath >= 1.1, FieldTrip >= 0.1, reactive >= 0.8.3, reactive-glut >= 0.0.1, Codec-Image-DevIL >= 0.1, OpenGL >= 2.2, graphicsFormats >= 0.1, InfixApplicative >= 1.0 Ghc-Options: -O2 Main-is: LoadObject.hs