-- | Test Ogma module Main where import Data.List ( intercalate ) import Data.Monoid ( mempty ) import System.Exit ( ExitCode (ExitSuccess) ) import System.Process ( readProcessWithExitCode ) import Test.Framework ( Test, defaultMainWithOpts ) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit ( testCase ) import Test.HUnit ( assertBool ) -- | Run all unit tests on Ogma. main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithOpts tests mempty -- | All unit tests for Ogma tests :: [Test.Framework.Test] tests = [ testCase "cli-main-ok" (runErrorCode ["--help" ] True) -- Should pass , testCase "cli-main-fail" (runErrorCode ["hfdsafdkajdfaskl"] False) -- Should fail due to arguments being incorrect , testCase "cli-cmd-structs" (runErrorCode ["structs", "--help" ] True) -- Should pass , testCase "cli-cmd-structs-fail" (runErrorCode ["structs", "--incorrect-argument"] False) -- Should fail due to arguments being incorrect , testCase "cli-cmd-handlers" (runErrorCode ["handlers", "--help" ] True) -- Should pass , testCase "cli-cmd-handlers-fail" (runErrorCode ["handlers", "--incorrect-argument"] False) -- Should fail due to arguments being incorrect , testCase "cli-cmd-cfs" (runErrorCode ["cfs", "--help" ] True) -- Should pass , testCase "cli-cmd-cfs-fail" (runErrorCode ["cfs", "--incorrect-argument"] False) -- Should fail due to arguments being incorrect , testCase "cli-cmd-fret-component-spec" (runErrorCode ["standalone", "--help" ] True) -- Should pass , testCase "cli-cmd-fret-component-spec-fail" (runErrorCode ["standalone", "--incorrect-argument"] False) -- Should fail due to arguments being incorrect , testCase "fret-cmd-fret-parse-ok" (parseFretCopilot "examples/fret.json" True) -- Should pass , testCase "fret-cmd-fret-file-not-found" (parseFretCopilot "tests/file-invalid.json" False) -- Should fail because the file does not exist , testCase "fret-cmd-fret-parse-fail-1" (parseFretCopilot "tests/commands-fret-error-parsing-failed-1.json" False) -- Should fail because the opening bracket is [ and not { , testCase "fret-cmd-fret-parse-fail-2" (parseFretCopilot "tests/commands-fret-error-parsing-failed-2.json" False) -- Should fail because a field is missing in an external variable , testCase "fret-cmd-fret-parse-fail-3" (parseFretCopilot "tests/commands-fret-error-parsing-failed-3.json" False) -- Should fail because a field is missing in an internal variable , testCase "fret-test2" (parseFretCoCoSpec "tests/fret-example1.json") -- Should pass , testCase "structs-parse-ok" (testCStructs2Copilot "tests/reduced_geofence_msgs.h" True) -- Should pass , testCase "structs-parse-fail-1" (testCStructs2Copilot "tests/reduced_geofence_msgs_bad.h" False) -- Should fail because a keyword is incorrect ] -- | Test C struct parser for a particular file. -- -- This test uses the Copilot backend for C header files, so it generates -- Copilot types and instances. It may be convenient to run this action in a -- temporary directory. -- -- This IO action fails if any of the following are true: -- * Ogma cannot be found in the current PATH. -- * Ogma cannot be executed. -- * The given file is not found or accessible. -- * The format in the given file is incorrect. -- * Ogma fails due to an internal error or bug. -- * The output file cannot be created due to lack of space or permissions. -- testCStructs2Copilot :: FilePath -- ^ Path to a C header file with structs -> Bool -> IO () testCStructs2Copilot file success = do (ec, _out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ogma" args "" -- True if success is expected and detected, or niether expected nor -- detected. let testPass = success == (ec == ExitSuccess) assertBool errorMsg testPass where args = ["structs", "--header-file-name", file] errorMsg = "Result of processing file " ++ file ++ " failed" -- | Test FRET parser for a particular file. -- -- This test uses the Copilot backend for FRET files, so it generates a Copilot -- file. It may be convenient to run this action in a temporary directory. -- -- This IO action fails if any of the following are true: -- * Ogma cannot be found in the current PATH. -- * Ogma cannot be executed. -- * The given file is not found or accessible. -- * The format in the given file is incorrect. -- * Ogma fails due to an internal error or bug. -- * The output file cannot be created due to lack of space or permissions. -- parseFretCopilot :: FilePath -- ^ Path to a FRET/JSON requirements file -> Bool -> IO () parseFretCopilot file success = do (ec, _out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ogma" args "" -- True if success is expected and detected, or niether expected nor -- detected. let testPass = success == (ec == ExitSuccess) assertBool errorMsg testPass where args = ["standalone", "--file-name", file] errorMsg = "Parsing file " ++ file ++ " result unexpected." -- | Test FRET CoCoSpec-based parser for a particular file. -- -- This test uses the Copilot backend for FRET files, so it generates a Copilot -- file. It may be convenient to run this action in a temporary directory. -- -- This IO action fails if any of the following are true: -- * Ogma cannot be found in the current PATH. -- * Ogma cannot be executed. -- * The given file is not found or accessible. -- * The format in the given file is incorrect. -- * Ogma fails due to an internal error or bug. -- * The output file cannot be created due to lack of space or permissions. -- parseFretCoCoSpec :: FilePath -- ^ Path to a FRET/JSON requirements file -> IO () parseFretCoCoSpec file = do (ec, _out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ogma" args "" assertBool errorMsg (ec == ExitSuccess) where args = [ "standalone", "--file-name", file, "--input-format", "fdb" , "--prop-format", "cocospec"] errorMsg = "Parsing file " ++ file ++ " failed" -- | Test ogma by running it and checking the error code. -- -- This tests just whether ogma finishes with an error code or not. If files -- may be generated for the command being tested, it may be convenient to run -- this action in a temporary directory. -- -- This IO action fails if any of the following are true: -- * Ogma cannot be found in the current PATH. -- * Ogma cannot be executed. -- * The given command is not valid. -- * Ogma fails due to an internal error or bug. -- * Output files cannot be created due to lack of space or permissions. -- runErrorCode :: [String] -- ^ Arguments to pass to ogma -> Bool -> IO () runErrorCode args success = do (ec, _out, _err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "ogma" args "" -- True if success is expected and detected, or niether expected nor -- detected. let testPass = success == (ec == ExitSuccess) assertBool errorMsg testPass where errorMsg = "Testing ogma's CLI parser with arguments " ++ intercalate "," args ++ " failed"