-- Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Tim Sheard -- OGI School of Science & Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University -- Maseeh College of Engineering, Portland State University -- Subject to conditions of distribution and use; see LICENSE.txt for details. -- Wed Sep 7 18:45:44 CEST 2011 -- Omega Interpreter: version 1.5.1 module SCC where import DepthFirstSearch import List(findIndex) topSort :: (Show a,Eq a) => (d -> [a]) -> [(a,d)] -> [[(a,d)]] topSort depends pairs = topSortP (==) depends pairs topSortP :: Show a => (a -> p -> Bool) -> (d -> [a]) -> [(p,d)] -> [[(p,d)]] topSortP exports depends pairs = map (map f) groups where zs = zipWith g pairs [0..] -- [(("even",0,d1),(("odd"),1,d2),...] g (p,d) n = (p,n,depends d) -- getindex "odd" ---> 1 getindex [] s = [] getindex ((p,n,_):xs) s = if exports s p then [n] else getindex xs s edges1 = concat[ map (\ e -> (n,e)) es | (a,n,ws) <- zs, es <- map (getindex zs) ws ] groups = scc2 (buildG (0,length pairs -1) edges1) f n = pairs !! n -- f 1 ---> (("odd"),d2) topSortQ :: (Eq a, Show a) => (b -> [a]) -> (b -> [a]) -> [b] -> [[b]] topSortQ exports depends pairs = map (map f) groups where zs = zipWith g pairs [0..] -- [(("even",0,d1),(("odd"),1,d2),...] g d n = (exports d,n,depends d) -- getindex "odd" ---> 1 getindex [] s = [] getindex ((exs,n,_):xs) s = if elem s exs then [n] else getindex xs s edges1 = concat[ map (\ e -> (n,e)) es | (a,n,ws) <- zs, es <- map (getindex zs) ws ] groups = scc2 (buildG (0,length pairs -1) edges1) f n = pairs !! n -- f 1 ---> (("odd"),d2) topSortR :: (Eq a, Show a) => (b -> ([a],[a])) -> [b] -> ([[b]],[([a],[a])]) topSortR deps bs = (map (map f) groups,map project zs) where zs = zipWith g bs [0..] g d n = let (exports,depends) = deps d in (exports,n,depends) -- getindex "odd" ---> 1 getindex [] s = [] getindex ((exs,n,_):xs) s = if elem s exs then [n] else getindex xs s edges1 = concat[ map (\ e -> (n,e)) es | (a,n,ws) <- zs, es <- map (getindex zs) ws ] groups = scc2 (buildG (0,length bs -1) edges1) f n = bs !! n -- f 1 ---> (("odd"),d2) project (exs,n,deps) = (exs,deps) pairs :: [(String,Int)] pairs = [("odd",1),("even",2),("id",3),("map",4),("fold",5)] depends :: Int -> [String] depends 1 = ["even"] depends 2 = ["odd"] depends 3 = [] depends 4 = [] depends 5 = ["map"] ans = topSort depends pairs exports (s,n) = [s] ans2 = topSortQ exports (depends . snd) pairs