-- |Implements HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm as defined in RFC 4226 and
-- Time-Based One-Time Password Algorithm as defined in RFC 6238.
module Data.OTP
       ( -- * HOTP
       , hotpCheck
         -- * TOTP
       , totp
       , totpCheck
         -- * Auxiliary
       , totpCounter
       , counterRange
       , totpCounterRange
       ) where

import Crypto.Hash
import Data.Bits
import Data.Byteable
import Data.ByteString       (ByteString)
import Data.Serialize.Get
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Word

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

{- | Compute an HOTP using secret key and counter value.

>>> hotp SHA1 "1234" 100 6

>>> hotp SHA512 "1234" 100 6

>>> hotp SHA512 "1234" 100 8


hotp :: (HashAlgorithm a)
     => a                       -- ^ Hashing algorithm from module "Crypto.Hash"
     -> ByteString              -- ^ Shared secret
     -> Word64                  -- ^ Counter value
     -> Word                    -- ^ Number of digits in password
     -> Word32                  -- ^ HOTP
hotp alg secr cnt digit =
    let h = trunc
            $ toBytes
            $ hmacAlg alg secr
            $ runPut
            $ putWord64be cnt
    in h `mod` (10^digit)
    trunc :: ByteString -> Word32
    trunc b =
        let offset = BS.last b .&. 15 -- take low 4 bits of last byte
            rb = BS.take 4
                 $ BS.drop (fromIntegral offset) b -- resulting 4 byte value
        in case runGet getWord32be rb of
            Left e -> error e
            Right res -> res .&. (0x80000000 - 1) -- reset highest bit

{- | Check given one time password considering counter resinchronization

>>> hotp SHA1 "1234" 10 6

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0,0) 10 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0,0) 9 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0,1) 9 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (1,0) 11 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 8 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 7 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 12 6 50897

>>> hotpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2,2) 13 6 50897


hotpCheck :: (HashAlgorithm a)
          => a                  -- ^ Hashing algorithm
          -> ByteString         -- ^ Shared secret
          -> (Word64, Word64)   -- ^ how much counters to take lower and higher than ideal
          -> Word64             -- ^ ideal (expected) counter value
          -> Word               -- ^ Number of digits in password
          -> Word32             -- ^ Password entered by user
          -> Bool               -- ^ True if password acceptable
hotpCheck alg secr rng cnt digits pass =
    let counters = counterRange rng cnt
        passwds = map (\c -> hotp alg secr c digits) counters
    in any (pass ==) passwds

{- | Compute an TOTP using secret key and time.

>>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 6

>>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 8

>>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:15 UTC") 30 8

>>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:01:31 UTC") 30 8


totp :: (HashAlgorithm a)
     => a                       -- ^ Hash algorithm to use
     -> ByteString              -- ^ Shared secret
     -> UTCTime                 -- ^ Time of TOTP
     -> Word64                  -- ^ Time period in seconds
     -> Word                    -- ^ Number of digits in password
     -> Word32                  -- ^ TOTP
totp alg secr time period digits =
    hotp alg secr (totpCounter time period) digits

{- | Same as 'hotpCheck' but checks TOTP

>>> totp SHA1 "1234" (read "2010-10-10 00:00:00 UTC") 30 6

>>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:00:00 UTC") 30 6 778374

>>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (0, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:00:30 UTC") 30 6 778374

>>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (1, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:00:30 UTC") 30 6 778374

>>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (1, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 6 778374

>>> totpCheck SHA1 "1234" (2, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30 6 778374

totpCheck :: (HashAlgorithm a)
          => a                  -- ^ Hashing algorithm
          -> ByteString         -- ^ Shared secret
          -> (Word64, Word64)   -- ^ How much counters to take lower and higher than ideal
          -> UTCTime            -- ^ Time of totp
          -> Word64             -- ^ Time period in seconds
          -> Word               -- ^ Numer of digits in password
          -> Word32             -- ^ Password given by user
          -> Bool               -- ^ True if password acceptable
totpCheck alg secr rng time period digits pass =
    let counters = totpCounterRange rng time period
        passwds = map (\c -> hotp alg secr c digits) counters
    in any (pass ==) passwds

{- | Calculate counter for `hotp` using time. Starting time (T0
according to RFC6238) is 0 (begining of UNIX epoch)

>>> totpCounter (read "2010-10-10 00:00:00 UTC") 30

>>> totpCounter (read "2010-10-10 00:00:30 UTC") 30

>>> totpCounter (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30


totpCounter :: UTCTime          -- ^ Time of totp
            -> Word64           -- ^ Time period in seconds
            -> Word64           -- ^ Resulting counter
totpCounter time period =
    let timePOSIX = floor $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds time
    in timePOSIX `div` period

{- | Return sequence of acceptable counters. It protects you from
arithmetic overflow and truncates output to 1000 values, because huge
counter ranges are not secure.

>>> counterRange (0, 0) 9000

>>> counterRange (1, 0) 9000

>>> length $ counterRange (5000, 0) 9000

>>> length $ counterRange (5000, 5000) 9000

>>> counterRange (2, 2) maxBound

>>> counterRange (2, 2) minBound

>>> counterRange (2, 2) (maxBound `div` 2)

>>> counterRange (5, 5) 9000

RFC recommends not to use big values for higher and lower counter

counterRange :: (Word64, Word64) -- ^ How much counters to take lower than ideal and higher
             -> Word64           -- ^ Ideal counter value
             -> [Word64]
counterRange (tolow', tohigh') ideal =
    let tolow = min 500 tolow'
        tohigh = min 499 tohigh'
        l = trim 0 ideal (ideal - tolow)
        h = trim ideal maxBound (ideal + tohigh)
    in [l..h]
    trim l h = max l . min h

{- | Same as 'counterRange' but used for time-based counters.

>>> totpCounterRange (0, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30

>>> totpCounterRange (2, 0) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30

>>> totpCounterRange (0, 2) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30

>>> totpCounterRange (2, 2) (read "2010-10-10 00:01:00 UTC") 30


totpCounterRange :: (Word64, Word64)
                 -> UTCTime
                 -> Word64
                 -> [Word64]
totpCounterRange rng time period =
    counterRange rng $ totpCounter time period