{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}

module Online.Quantiles where

import NumHask.Prelude
import qualified Control.Foldl as L
import Data.TDigest
import Data.TDigest.Internal
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Heap as VHeap
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.TDigest.Postprocess()

-- | a raw non-online tdigest fold
tDigest :: L.Fold Double (TDigest 25)
tDigest = L.Fold step begin done
    step x a = insert a x
    begin = tdigest ([]::[Double]) :: TDigest 25
    done = identity

-- | non-online version
tDigestQuantiles :: [Double] -> L.Fold Double [Double]
tDigestQuantiles qs = L.Fold step begin done
    step x a = insert a x
    begin = tdigest ([]::[Double]) :: TDigest 25
    done x = fromMaybe nan . (`quantile` compress x) <$> qs

-- | non-online version
tDigestHist :: L.Fold Double (Maybe (NonEmpty HistBin))
tDigestHist = L.Fold step begin done
    step x a = insert a x
    begin = tdigest ([]::[Double]) :: TDigest 25
    done x = histogram . compress $ x

data OnlineTDigest = OnlineTDigest { td :: TDigest 25, tdN :: Int, tdRate :: Double } deriving (Show)

emptyOnlineTDigest :: Double -> OnlineTDigest
emptyOnlineTDigest r = OnlineTDigest (emptyTDigest :: TDigest n) 0 r

-- | decaying quantiles based on the tdigest library
onlineQuantiles :: Double -> [Double] -> L.Fold Double [Double]
onlineQuantiles r qs = L.Fold step begin done
    step x a = onlineInsert a x
    begin = emptyOnlineTDigest r
    done x = fromMaybe nan . (`quantile` t) <$> qs
        (OnlineTDigest t _ _) = onlineForceCompress x

median :: Double -> L.Fold Double Double
median r = L.Fold step begin done
    step x a = onlineInsert a x
    begin = emptyOnlineTDigest r
    done x = fromMaybe nan (quantile 0.5 t)
          (OnlineTDigest t _ _) = onlineForceCompress x

onlineInsert' :: Double -> OnlineTDigest -> OnlineTDigest
onlineInsert' x (OnlineTDigest td n r) = OnlineTDigest (insertCentroid (x, r^^(-(fromIntegral $ n+1))) td) (n+1) r

onlineInsert :: Double -> OnlineTDigest -> OnlineTDigest
onlineInsert x otd = onlineCompress (onlineInsert' x otd)

onlineCompress :: OnlineTDigest -> OnlineTDigest
onlineCompress otd@(OnlineTDigest Nil _ _ ) = otd
onlineCompress otd@(OnlineTDigest t _ _)
    | Data.TDigest.Internal.size t > relMaxSize * compression && Data.TDigest.Internal.size t > absMaxSize
        = onlineForceCompress otd
    | otherwise
        = otd
    compression = 25

onlineForceCompress :: OnlineTDigest -> OnlineTDigest
onlineForceCompress otd@(OnlineTDigest Nil _ _ ) = otd
onlineForceCompress (OnlineTDigest t n r) = OnlineTDigest t' 0 r
    t' = NumHask.Prelude.foldl' (flip insertCentroid) emptyTDigest $
         (\(m,w) -> (m, w*(r^^fromIntegral n))) . fst <$> VU.toList centroids
    -- Centroids are shuffled based on space
    centroids :: VU.Vector (Centroid, Double)
    centroids = runST $ do
        v <- toMVector t
        -- sort by cumulative weight
        VHeap.sortBy (comparing snd) v
        f <- VU.unsafeFreeze v
        pure f

onlineDigitize :: Double -> [Double] -> L.Fold Double Int
onlineDigitize r qs = L.Fold step begin done
    step (x,_) a = (onlineInsert a x, a)
    begin = (emptyOnlineTDigest r, nan)
    done (x,l) = bucket' qs' l
        qs' = fromMaybe nan . (`quantile` t) <$> qs
        (OnlineTDigest t _ _) = onlineForceCompress x
        bucket' xs l' = L.fold L.sum $ (\x' -> if x'>l' then 0 else 1) <$> xs

-- | decaying histogram based on the tdigest library
onlineDigestHist :: Double -> L.Fold Double (Maybe (NonEmpty HistBin))
onlineDigestHist r = L.Fold step begin done
    step x a = onlineInsert a x
    begin = emptyOnlineTDigest r
    done x = histogram . compress $ t
        (OnlineTDigest t _ _) = onlineForceCompress x