openid- An implementation of the OpenID-2.0 spec.Source codeContentsIndex
MaintainerStability : unstable

Base64 decoding and encoding routines.

Note: This module was taken from the mime package released by Galois, Inc. The original author is unknown.

encodeRaw :: Bool -> [Word8] -> String
encodeRawString :: Bool -> String -> String
encodeRawPrim :: Bool -> Char -> Char -> [Word8] -> String
formatOutput :: Int -> Maybe String -> String -> String
decode :: String -> [Word8]
decodeToString :: String -> String
decodePrim :: Char -> Char -> String -> [Word8]
encodeRaw :: Bool -> [Word8] -> StringSource
encodeRawString :: Bool -> String -> StringSource
encodeRawPrim :: Bool -> Char -> Char -> [Word8] -> StringSource
formatOutput :: Int -> Maybe String -> String -> StringSource
'formatOutput n mbLT str' formats str, splitting it into lines of length n. The optional value lets you control what line terminator sequence to use; the default is CRLF (as per MIME.)
decode :: String -> [Word8]Source
decodeToString :: String -> StringSource
decodePrim :: Char -> Char -> String -> [Word8]Source
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