module Options.Applicative.Help (
  ) where

import Data.List (intercalate, sort)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, catMaybes)

import Options.Applicative.Common
import Options.Applicative.Types
import Options.Applicative.Utils

-- | Style for rendering an option.
data OptDescStyle = OptDescStyle
  { descSep :: String
  , descHidden :: Bool
  , descSurround :: Bool }

-- | Generate description for a single option.
optDesc :: ParserPrefs -> OptDescStyle -> OptHelpInfo -> Option a -> String
optDesc pprefs style info opt =
  let ns = optionNames $ optMain opt
      mv = optMetaVar opt
      descs = map showOption (sort ns)
      desc' = intercalate (descSep style) descs <+> mv
        | optVisibility opt == Hidden
        = descHidden style
        | otherwise
        = optVisibility opt == Visible
        | hinfoMulti info
        = prefMultiSuffix pprefs
        | otherwise
        = ""
      render text
        | not show_opt
        = ""
        | null text || not (descSurround style)
        = text ++ suffix
        | hinfoDefault info
        = "[" ++ text ++ "]" ++ suffix
        | null (drop 1 descs)
        = text ++ suffix
        | otherwise
        = "(" ++ text ++ ")" ++ suffix
  in render desc'

-- | Generate descriptions for commands.
cmdDesc :: Parser a -> [String]
cmdDesc = concat . mapParser desc
    desc _ opt =
      case optMain opt of
        CmdReader cmds p ->
          tabulate [(cmd, d)
                   | cmd <- reverse cmds
                   , d <- maybeToList . fmap infoProgDesc $ p cmd ]
        _ -> []

-- | Generate a brief help text for a parser.
briefDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> String
briefDesc pprefs = fold_tree . treeMapParser (optDesc pprefs style)
    style = OptDescStyle
      { descSep = "|"
      , descHidden = False
      , descSurround = True }

    fold_tree (Leaf x) = x
    fold_tree (MultNode xs) = unwords (fold_trees xs)
    fold_tree (AltNode xs) = alt_node (fold_trees xs)

    alt_node [n] = n
    alt_node ns = "(" ++ intercalate " | " ns ++ ")"

    fold_trees = filter (not . null) . map fold_tree

-- | Generate a full help text for a parser.
fullDesc :: ParserPrefs -> Parser a -> [String]
fullDesc pprefs = tabulate . catMaybes . mapParser doc
    doc info opt
      | null n = Nothing
      | null h = Nothing
      | otherwise = Just (n, h ++ hdef)
      where n = optDesc pprefs style info opt
            h = optHelp opt
            hdef = maybe "" show_def (optShowDefault opt)
            show_def s = " (default: " ++ s ++ ")"
    style = OptDescStyle
      { descSep = ","
      , descHidden = True
      , descSurround = False }

-- | Generate the help text for a program.
parserHelpText :: ParserPrefs -> ParserInfo a -> String
parserHelpText pprefs pinfo = unlines
   $ nn [infoHeader pinfo]
  ++ [ "  " ++ line | line <- nn [infoProgDesc pinfo] ]
  ++ [ line | let opts = fullDesc pprefs p
            , not (null opts)
            , line <- ["", "Available options:"] ++ opts
            , infoFullDesc pinfo ]
  ++ [ line | let cmds = cmdDesc p
            , not (null cmds)
            , line <- ["", "Available commands:"] ++ cmds
            , infoFullDesc pinfo ]
  ++ [ line | footer <- nn [infoFooter pinfo]
            , line <- ["", footer] ]
    nn = filter (not . null)
    p = infoParser pinfo