# Welcome! ![Hackage Version](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/orgmode-parse.svg?style=flat) ![Travis CI Status](https://travis-ci.org/ixmatus/orgmode-parse.svg?branch=master) `orgmode-parse` provides a top-level parser and collection of attoparsec parser combinators for org-mode structured text. - [What's Finished](#whats-finished) - [What's Planned](#whats-planned) - [Building](#building) You can find the package on [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/orgmode-parse). ## What's Finished We have built attoparsec parsers for parsing org-mode document structures and meta-data. Here is a list of all the syntax features that have a complete parsing implementation and not: - [X] Headlines - [X] State keywords - [X] Priority indicator - [X] Title - [X] Status / progress indicator - [X] Tag list - [X] Property drawers - [X] State keyword changelogs - [X] Scheduled and deadline timestamps (timestamp, range, duration, periodicity) - [X] Active and inactive timestamps - [X] Clock timestamps - [ ] Markup - [ ] Emphasis - [ ] Bold - [ ] Italic - [ ] Strikethrough - [ ] Underline - [ ] Superscript - [ ] Subscript - [ ] Code / monospaced - [ ] Tables - [ ] Lists - [ ] Unordered lists - [ ] Numbered lists - [ ] Checkbox modified lists - [ ] Blocks (src / quote / example blocks) Parsing org-mode markup is currently being worked on. ## What's Planned (outside of what's not finished) 1. Modernizing this library and adding significantly more documentation to it 2. Writing a sister library, `orgmode-pretty`, providing a pretty printer implementation for an org-mode AST 3. Pandoc integration ## Building There are a few ways to build this library if you're developing a patch: - `stack build && stack test`, and - `nix-build --no-out-link --attr orgmode-parse release.nix` You can also use the `nix-shell` provided cabal environment for incremental development: ```shell $ nix-shell --attr orgmode-parse.env release.nix $ cabal build ``` ## Projects that use this package: https://github.com/volhovm/orgstat # License [BSD3 Open Source Software License](https://github.com/digitalmentat/orgmode-parse/blob/master/LICENSE)