
Overture is an alternative to some of Haskell's Prelude.

- [Install](#install) - [Use](#use) ## Install To use Overture in a Cabal package, add it to your Cabal file. ~~~ build-depends: overture ==0.0.* ~~~ For other use cases, install it with `cabal-install`. ~~~ {.sh} $ cabal update $ cabal install 'overture ==0.0.*' ~~~ Overture uses [Semantic Versioning][]. Check out [the change log][] for a detailed list of changes. ## Use Overture is designed to be imported unqualified. It does not export anything that conflicts with the Prelude. To get started, simply import it. ~~~ {.haskell} import Overture ~~~ Check out [the Haddock documentation][] for more information about the functions Overture provides. [semantic versioning]: http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html [the change log]: CHANGELOG.md [the haddock documentation]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/overture