{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Version (showVersion) import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (exposedModules, installedPackageId) import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName) import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as MN import Distribution.Package (InstalledPackageId(..)) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD import Distribution.Simple.Configure (localBuildInfoFile, getPersistBuildConfig, checkPersistBuildConfigOutdated) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex (lookupInstalledPackageId) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (cabalVersion) import Distribution.Text (display) import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as H import System.Console.CmdArgs.Implicit import System.Directory (getModificationTime, getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.FilePath (()) import Paths_packunused (version) #if !MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,16,0) componentBuildInfo :: Component -> PD.BuildInfo componentBuildInfo = foldComponent PD.libBuildInfo PD.buildInfo PD.testBuildInfo PD.benchmarkBuildInfo #endif -- |CLI Options data Opts = Opts { ignoreEmptyImports :: Bool , ignoreMainModule :: Bool } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) opts :: Opts opts = Opts { ignoreEmptyImports = def &= explicit &= name "ignore-empty-imports" , ignoreMainModule = def &= explicit &= name "ignore-main-module" } &= program "packunused" &= summary ("packunused " ++ showVersion version ++ " (using Cabal "++ showVersion cabalVersion ++ ")") &= details helpDesc helpDesc :: [String] helpDesc = [ "Tool to help find redundant build-dependancies in CABAL projects" , "" , "In order to use this package you should set up the package as follows, before executing 'packunused':" , "" , " cabal clean" , " rm *.imports" , " cabal configure -O0 --disable-library-profiling" , " cabal build --ghc-option=-ddump-minimal-imports" , " packunused" , "" , "Note: The 'cabal configure' command above only tests the default package configuration." ++ "You might need to repeat the process with different flags added to the 'cabal configure' step " ++ "(such as '--enable-tests' or '--enable-benchmark' or custom cabal flags) " ++ "to make sure to check all configurations" ] main :: IO () main = do Opts {..} <- cmdArgs opts -- print opts' lbiExists <- doesFileExist (localBuildInfoFile distPref) unless lbiExists $ do putStrLn "*ERROR* package not properly configured yet or not in top-level CABAL project folder; see --help for more details" exitFailure lbiMTime <- getModificationTime (localBuildInfoFile distPref) lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig distPref let cbo = compBuildOrder lbi -- minory sanity checking case pkgDescrFile lbi of Nothing -> fail "could not find .cabal file" Just pkgDescFile -> do res <- checkPersistBuildConfigOutdated distPref pkgDescFile when res $ putStrLn "*WARNING* outdated config-data -- please re-configure" putHeading "detected package components" when (isJust $ libraryConfig lbi) $ putStrLn $ " - library" ++ [ '*' | CLibName `notElem` cbo ] unless (null $ executableConfigs lbi) $ putStrLn $ " - executable(s): " ++ unwords [ n ++ [ '*' | CExeName n `notElem` cbo ] | (n,_) <- executableConfigs lbi ] unless (null $ testSuiteConfigs lbi) $ putStrLn $ " - testsuite(s): " ++ unwords [ n ++ [ '*' | CTestName n `notElem` cbo ] | (n,_) <- testSuiteConfigs lbi ] unless (null $ benchmarkConfigs lbi) $ putStrLn $ " - benchmark(s): " ++ unwords [ n ++ [ '*' | CBenchName n `notElem` cbo ] | (n,_) <- benchmarkConfigs lbi ] putStrLn "" putStrLn "(component names suffixed with '*' are not configured to be built)" putStrLn "" let ipkgs = installedPkgs lbi files <- filterM doesFileExist =<< liftM (sort . filter (isSuffixOf ".imports")) (getDirectoryContents ".") when (null files) $ fail "no .imports files found -- has 'cabal build' been performed yet? (see also --help)" -- .import files generated after lbi files' <- filterM (liftM (> lbiMTime) . getModificationTime) files unless (files' == files) $ do putStrLn "*WARNING* some possibly outdated .imports were found (please consider removing/rebuilding them):" forM_ (files \\ files') $ \fn -> putStrLn $ " - " ++ fn putStrLn "" -- when (null files') $ -- fail "no up-to-date .imports files found -- please perform 'cabal build'" -- import dependancy graph read in via '.imports' files mods <- mapM readImports files let multiMain = length cbo > libCount+1 libCount = if CLibName `elem` cbo then 1 else 0 -- handle stanzas withComponentsLBI (localPkgDescr lbi) lbi $ \c clbi -> do let (n,n2,cmods) = componentNameAndModules (not ignoreMainModule) c -- imported modules by component allmods | ignoreEmptyImports = nub [ m | (mn, imps) <- mods , mn `elem` cmods , (m,_:_) <- imps ] | otherwise = nub [ m | (mn, imps) <- mods , mn `elem` cmods , (m,_) <- imps ] pkgs = componentPackageDeps clbi mainObj | null n2 = "" | otherwise = buildDir lbi n2 n2++"-tmp" "Main.o" ipinfos = [ fromMaybe (error (show ipkgid)) $ lookupInstalledPackageId ipkgs ipkgid | (ipkgid@(InstalledPackageId i), _) <- pkgs , not ("-inplace" `isSuffixOf` i) ] unused = [ installedPackageId ipinfo | ipinfo <- ipinfos , let expmods = exposedModules ipinfo , not (any (`elem` allmods) expmods) ] missingMods = cmods \\ map fst mods -- print out redundant package ids (if any) putHeading n unless (null missingMods) $ do putStrLn "*WARNING* dependency information for the following component module(s) is missing: " forM_ missingMods $ \m -> putStrLn $ " - " ++ display m putStrLn "" when (not ignoreMainModule && multiMain && not (compIsLib c)) $ do putStrLn "*WARNING* multiple non-library components detected" putStrLn " result may be unreliable if there are multiple non-library components because the 'Main.imports' file gets overwritten. Try" putStrLn "" putStrLn $ " rm "++mainObj++"; cabal build --ghc-option=-ddump-minimal-imports; packunused" putStrLn "" putStrLn " to get a more accurate result for this component." putStrLn "" if null unused then do putStrLn "no redundant packages depencencies found" putStrLn "" else do putStrLn "The following package depencencies seem redundant:" putStrLn "" forM_ unused $ \pkg -> putStrLn $ " - " ++ display pkg putStrLn "" return () where distPref = "./dist" compIsLib CLib {} = True compIsLib _ = False componentNameAndModules :: Bool -> Component -> (String, String, [ModuleName]) componentNameAndModules addMainMod c = (n, n2, m) where m = nub $ sort $ m0 ++ PD.otherModules (componentBuildInfo c) (n, n2, m0) = case c of CLib ci -> ("library", "", PD.exposedModules ci) CExe ci -> ("executable("++PD.exeName ci++")", PD.exeName ci, [mainModName | addMainMod ]) CBench ci -> ("benchmark("++PD.benchmarkName ci++")", PD.benchmarkName ci, [mainModName | addMainMod ]) CTest ci -> ("testsuite("++PD.testName ci++")", PD.testName ci, [mainModName | addMainMod ]) mainModName = MN.fromString "Main" putHeading :: String -> IO () putHeading s = do putStrLn s putStrLn (replicate (length s) '~') putStrLn "" -- empty symbol list means '()' readImports :: FilePath -> IO (ModuleName, [(ModuleName, [String])]) readImports fn = do unless (".imports" `isSuffixOf` fn) $ fail ("argument "++show fn++" doesn't have .imports extension") let m = MN.fromString $ take (length fn - length ".imports") fn parseRes <- H.parseFileWithExts exts fn case parseRes of (H.ParseOk (H.Module _ _ _ _ _ imps _)) -> do let imps' = [ (MN.fromString mn, extractSpecs (H.importSpecs imp)) | imp <- imps, let H.ModuleName mn = H.importModule imp ] return (m, imps') H.ParseFailed {} -> do print parseRes exitFailure where extractSpecs (Just (False, impspecs)) = map H.prettyPrint impspecs extractSpecs _ = error "unexpected import specs" #if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,14,0) exts = map H.EnableExtension [ H.MagicHash, H.PackageImports, H.CPP, H.TypeOperators, H.TypeFamilies ] #else exts = [ H.MagicHash, H.PackageImports, H.CPP, H.TypeOperators, H.TypeFamilies {- , H.ExplicitNamespaces -} ] #endif