module Panda.Config.Global where

import Panda.Helper.Helper
import MPS
import Prelude hiding ((.), (/), (^), id, readFile)

import System.FilePath hiding ((<.>))
import Control.Arrow ((>>>), (&&&), (***))
import Data.Maybe
import System.Directory
import Data.Default

import Panda.Type.Reader
import Panda.Type.StaticWidget
import Panda.Type.Theme ( to_theme )
import Panda.Type.Extension

db_id          = "db"
flat_id        = "."
post_id        = "blog"
config_id      = "config"
tag_id         = "tag"
comment_id     = "comment"
sidebar_id     = "sidebar"
theme_id       = "theme"
config_file_id = "site.txt"

db_uri         = db_id
flat_uri       = db_uri / flat_id

config_uri     = flat_uri / config_id / config_file_id
sidebar_uri    = flat_uri / config_id / sidebar_id
footer_uri     = flat_uri / config_id
post_uri       = flat_uri / post_id
tag_uri        = flat_uri / tag_id
comment_uri    = flat_uri / comment_id
theme_uri      = flat_uri / config_id / theme_id

data ConfigData = 
  | BlogSubtitle
  | HostName
  | AuthorEmail
  | PerPage
  | Navigation
  | Root
  | Sidebar
  | Footer
  | Favicon
  | AnalyticsAccountId
  | Extensions
  | Theme
  | PostDateFormat
  | CommentDateFormat
  | UrlDateFormat
  | UrlDateMatcher
  | UrlTitleSubs
  | UrlDateTitleSeperator
  | Cut
  | SummaryForRoot
  | SummaryForTag
  | SummaryForRss
  deriving (Show)
-- unsafe, must restart server after changing config file, sorry about that ...
-- but these configs are read only, and keep the view pure, so no monad headaches involved.

user_config   = parse_config config_uri
for' x d      = user_config.lookup (x.show_data) .fromMaybe d
for_int' x d  = for' x d .read :: Int
for_list' x d = for' x d .parse_list
for x         = for' x (x.show_data)

blog_title    = for BlogTitle
blog_subtitle = for BlogSubtitle
host_name     = for HostName
author_email  = for AuthorEmail

per_page      = for_int' PerPage "7"
navigation    = for_list' Navigation "About" .("Home" :)

panda_url     = ""

  | user_root.belongs_to ["/", ""]  = "/"
  | otherwise                       =  user_root.("/" /).remove_trailing_slash
  where user_root = for' Root "/"

default_reader  = def

load_widget = read_static_widget default_reader >>> purify
sidebar = for_list' Sidebar "" .map (sidebar_uri /).select (to_utf8 >>> doesFileExist >>> purify )
  .map load_widget

footer  = for Footer 
  .(footer_uri / ) 
  .(\x -> if x.to_utf8.doesFileExist.purify then Just $ load_widget x else Nothing)
favicon = for' Favicon "/favicon.ico"

-- extensions
analytics_account_id = for AnalyticsAccountId
extensions           = for_list' Extensions "search, comment, analytics" .read_data_list :: [Extension]

-- theme
default_theme   = def
user_theme_name = for Theme
user_theme_uri  = (theme_uri / user_theme_name) ++ ".txt"

theme = if user_theme_uri.doesFileExist.purify
  then parse_config user_theme_uri .(("name", user_theme_name) : ) .to_theme
  else default_theme
-- custom
as_l s                   = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
post_date_format         = for' PostDateFormat "%y-%m-%d"
comment_date_format      = for' CommentDateFormat "%y-%m-%d %T"
url_date_format          = for' UrlDateFormat "%y-%m-%d"
url_date_matcher         = for' UrlDateMatcher "\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}"
url_title_subs           = for' UrlTitleSubs "" .as_l .read :: [(String, String)]
url_date_title_seperator = for' UrlDateTitleSeperator " "

-- summary
cut              = for' Cut "✂-----" .to_utf8
parse_boolean    = belongs_to ["true", "1", "y", "yes", "yeah"]
summary_for_root = for SummaryForRoot .parse_boolean
summary_for_tag  = for SummaryForTag  .parse_boolean
summary_for_rss  = for SummaryForRss  .parse_boolean