{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, CPP #-}
Copyright (C) 2010 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Writers.EPUB
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2010 John MacFarlane
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above

   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
   Stability   : alpha
   Portability : portable

Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to EPUB.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.EPUB ( writeEPUB ) where
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isNothing )
import Data.List ( isInfixOf, intercalate )
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
import Text.Printf (printf)
import System.FilePath ( (</>), takeBaseName, takeExtension, takeFileName )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 ( fromStringLazy, toString )
import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained ( makeSelfContained )
import Codec.Archive.Zip
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time
import System.Locale
import Text.Pandoc.Shared hiding ( Element )
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (fromList, setMeta)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.XML.Light hiding (ppTopElement)
import Text.Pandoc.UUID
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown ( writePlain )
import Data.Char ( toLower )
import Network.URI ( unEscapeString )
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (getMimeType)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)

-- A Chapter includes a list of blocks and maybe a section
-- number offset.  Note, some chapters are unnumbered. The section
-- number is different from the index number, which will be used
-- in filenames, chapter0003.xhtml.
data Chapter = Chapter (Maybe [Int]) [Block]

-- | Produce an EPUB file from a Pandoc document.
writeEPUB :: WriterOptions  -- ^ Writer options
          -> Pandoc         -- ^ Document to convert
          -> IO B.ByteString
writeEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
  let version = maybe EPUB2 id (writerEpubVersion opts)
  let epub3 = version == EPUB3
  epochtime <- floor `fmap` getPOSIXTime
  let mkEntry path content = toEntry path epochtime content
  let vars = ("epub3", if epub3 then "true" else "false")
           : ("css", "stylesheet.css")
           : writerVariables opts
  let opts' = opts{ writerEmailObfuscation = NoObfuscation
                  , writerStandalone = True
                  , writerSectionDivs = True
                  , writerHtml5 = epub3
                  , writerTableOfContents = False -- we always have one in epub
                  , writerVariables = vars
                  , writerHTMLMathMethod =
                       if epub3
                          then MathML Nothing
                          else writerHTMLMathMethod opts
                  , writerWrapText = False }
  let mbCoverImage = lookup "epub-cover-image" vars

  -- cover page
  (cpgEntry, cpicEntry) <-
                case mbCoverImage of
                     Nothing   -> return ([],[])
                     Just img  -> do
                       let coverImage = "cover-image" ++ takeExtension img
                       let cpContent = renderHtml $ writeHtml opts'
                               (Pandoc meta [RawBlock (Format "html") $ "<div id=\"cover-image\">\n<img src=\"" ++ coverImage ++ "\" alt=\"cover image\" />\n</div>"])
                       imgContent <- B.readFile img
                       return ( [mkEntry "cover.xhtml" cpContent]
                              , [mkEntry coverImage imgContent] )

  -- title page
  let tpContent = renderHtml $ writeHtml opts'{
                      writerVariables = ("titlepage","true"):vars }
                      (Pandoc meta [])
  let tpEntry = mkEntry "title_page.xhtml" tpContent

  -- handle pictures
  picsRef <- newIORef []
  Pandoc _ blocks <- walkM
       (transformInline opts' picsRef) doc
  pics <- readIORef picsRef
  let readPicEntry entries (oldsrc, newsrc) = do
        res <- fetchItem (writerSourceURL opts') oldsrc
        case res of
             Left _        -> do
              warn $ "Could not find image `" ++ oldsrc ++ "', skipping..."
              return entries
             Right (img,_) -> return $
              (toEntry newsrc epochtime $ B.fromChunks . (:[]) $ img) : entries
  picEntries <- foldM readPicEntry [] pics

  -- handle fonts
  let mkFontEntry f = mkEntry (takeFileName f) `fmap` B.readFile f
  fontEntries <- mapM mkFontEntry $ writerEpubFonts opts'

  -- body pages

  -- add level 1 header to beginning if none there
  let blocks' = addIdentifiers
                $ case blocks of
                      (Header 1 _ _ : _) -> blocks
                      _                  -> Header 1 ("",["unnumbered"],[])
                                                 (docTitle meta) : blocks

  let chapterHeaderLevel = writerEpubChapterLevel opts
  -- internal reference IDs change when we chunk the file,
  -- so that '#my-header-1' might turn into 'chap004.xhtml#my-header'.
  -- the next two lines fix that:
  let reftable = correlateRefs chapterHeaderLevel blocks'
  let blocks'' = replaceRefs reftable blocks'

  let isChapterHeader (Header n _ _) = n <= chapterHeaderLevel
      isChapterHeader _ = False

  let toChapters :: [Block] -> State [Int] [Chapter]
      toChapters []     = return []
      toChapters (Header n attr@(_,classes,_) ils : bs) = do
        nums <- get
        mbnum <- if "unnumbered" `elem` classes
                    then return Nothing
                    else case splitAt (n - 1) nums of
                              (ks, (m:_)) -> do
                                let nums' = ks ++ [m+1]
                                put nums'
                                return $ Just (ks ++ [m])
                                -- note, this is the offset not the sec number
                              (ks, []) -> do
                                let nums' = ks ++ [1]
                                put nums'
                                return $ Just ks
        let (xs,ys) = break isChapterHeader bs
        (Chapter mbnum (Header n attr ils : xs) :) `fmap` toChapters ys
      toChapters (b:bs) = do
        let (xs,ys) = break isChapterHeader bs
        (Chapter Nothing (b:xs) :) `fmap` toChapters ys

  let chapters = evalState (toChapters blocks'') []

  let chapToEntry :: Int -> Chapter -> Entry
      chapToEntry num (Chapter mbnum bs) = mkEntry (showChapter num)
        $ renderHtml
        $ writeHtml opts'{ writerNumberOffset =
            maybe [] id mbnum }
        $ case bs of
              (Header _ _ xs : _) ->
                 Pandoc (setMeta "title" (fromList xs) nullMeta) bs
              _                   ->
                 Pandoc nullMeta bs

  let chapterEntries = zipWith chapToEntry [1..] chapters

  -- incredibly inefficient (TODO):
  let containsMathML ent = "<math" `isInfixOf` (B8.unpack $ fromEntry ent)

  -- contents.opf
  localeLang <- catch (liftM (map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) .
                       takeWhile (/='.')) $ getEnv "LANG")
                    (\e -> let _ = (e :: SomeException) in return "en-US")
  let lang = case lookup "lang" (writerVariables opts') of
                     Just x  -> x
                     Nothing -> localeLang
  uuid <- getRandomUUID
  let chapterNode ent = unode "item" !
                           ([("id", takeBaseName $ eRelativePath ent),
                             ("href", eRelativePath ent),
                             ("media-type", "application/xhtml+xml")]
                            ++ [("properties","mathml") | epub3 &&
                                   containsMathML ent]) $ ()
  let chapterRefNode ent = unode "itemref" !
                             [("idref", takeBaseName $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
  let pictureNode ent = unode "item" !
                           [("id", takeBaseName $ eRelativePath ent),
                            ("href", eRelativePath ent),
                            ("media-type", fromMaybe "application/octet-stream"
                               $ imageTypeOf $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
  let fontNode ent = unode "item" !
                           [("id", takeBaseName $ eRelativePath ent),
                            ("href", eRelativePath ent),
                            ("media-type", maybe "" id $ getMimeType $ eRelativePath ent)] $ ()
  let plainify t = trimr $
                    writePlain opts'{ writerStandalone = False } $
                    Pandoc meta [Plain t]
  let plainTitle = plainify $ docTitle meta
  let plainAuthors = map plainify $ docAuthors meta
  currentTime <- getCurrentTime
  let plainDate = maybe (showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime) id
                   $ normalizeDate $ stringify $ docDate meta
  let contentsData = fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
        unode "package" ! [("version", case version of
                                             EPUB2 -> "2.0"
                                             EPUB3 -> "3.0")
                          ,("unique-identifier","BookId")] $
          [ metadataElement version (writerEpubMetadata opts')
              uuid lang plainTitle plainAuthors plainDate currentTime mbCoverImage
          , unode "manifest" $
             [ unode "item" ! [("id","ncx"), ("href","toc.ncx")
                              ,("media-type","application/x-dtbncx+xml")] $ ()
             , unode "item" ! [("id","style"), ("href","stylesheet.css")
                              ,("media-type","text/css")] $ ()
             , unode "item" ! ([("id","nav")
                               ,("media-type","application/xhtml+xml")] ++
                               [("properties","nav") | epub3 ]) $ ()
             ] ++
             map chapterNode (cpgEntry ++ (tpEntry : chapterEntries)) ++
             map pictureNode (cpicEntry ++ picEntries) ++
             map fontNode fontEntries
          , unode "spine" ! [("toc","ncx")] $
              case mbCoverImage of
                    Nothing -> []
                    Just _ -> [ unode "itemref" !
                                [("idref", "cover"),("linear","no")] $ () ]
              ++ ((unode "itemref" ! [("idref", "title_page")
                                     ,("linear", if null (docTitle meta)
                                                    then "no"
                                                    else "yes")] $ ()) :
                  (unode "itemref" ! [("idref", "nav")
                                     ,("linear", if writerTableOfContents opts
                                                    then "yes"
                                                    else "no")] $ ()) :
                  map chapterRefNode chapterEntries)
          , unode "guide" $
              unode "reference" !
                [("type","toc"),("title",plainTitle),("href","nav.xhtml")] $ ()
  let contentsEntry = mkEntry "content.opf" contentsData

  -- toc.ncx
  let secs = hierarchicalize blocks''

  let tocLevel = writerTOCDepth opts

  let navPointNode :: (Int -> String -> String -> [Element] -> Element)
                   -> Shared.Element -> State Int Element
      navPointNode formatter (Sec _ nums (ident,_,_) ils children) = do
        n <- get
        modify (+1)
        let showNums :: [Int] -> String
            showNums = intercalate "." . map show
        let tit' = plainify ils
        let tit = if writerNumberSections opts && not (null nums)
                     then showNums nums ++ " " ++ tit'
                     else tit'
        let src = case lookup ident reftable of
                       Just x  -> x
                       Nothing -> error (ident ++ " not found in reftable")
        let isSec (Sec lev _ _ _ _) = lev <= tocLevel
            isSec _                 = False
        let subsecs = filter isSec children
        subs <- mapM (navPointNode formatter) subsecs
        return $ formatter n tit src subs
      navPointNode _ (Blk _) = error "navPointNode encountered Blk"

  let navMapFormatter :: Int -> String -> String -> [Element] -> Element
      navMapFormatter n tit src subs = unode "navPoint" !
               [("id", "navPoint-" ++ show n)
               ,("playOrder", show n)] $
                  [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" tit
                  , unode "content" ! [("src", src)] $ ()
                  ] ++ subs

  let tpNode = unode "navPoint" !  [("id", "navPoint-0")] $
                  [ unode "navLabel" $ unode "text" (plainify $ docTitle meta)
                  , unode "content" ! [("src","title_page.xhtml")] $ () ]

  let tocData = fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
        unode "ncx" ! [("version","2005-1")
                       ,("xmlns","http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/")] $
          [ unode "head" $
             [ unode "meta" ! [("name","dtb:uid")
                              ,("content", show uuid)] $ ()
             , unode "meta" ! [("name","dtb:depth")
                              ,("content", "1")] $ ()
             , unode "meta" ! [("name","dtb:totalPageCount")
                              ,("content", "0")] $ ()
             , unode "meta" ! [("name","dtb:maxPageNumber")
                              ,("content", "0")] $ ()
             ] ++ case mbCoverImage of
                        Nothing  -> []
                        Just _   -> [unode "meta" ! [("name","cover"),
                                            ("content","cover-image")] $ ()]
          , unode "docTitle" $ unode "text" $ plainTitle
          , unode "navMap" $
              tpNode : evalState (mapM (navPointNode navMapFormatter) secs) 1
  let tocEntry = mkEntry "toc.ncx" tocData

  let navXhtmlFormatter :: Int -> String -> String -> [Element] -> Element
      navXhtmlFormatter n tit src subs = unode "li" !
                                       [("id", "toc-li-" ++ show n)] $
                                            (unode "a" ! [("href",src)]
                                             $ (unode "span" tit))
                                            : case subs of
                                                 []    -> []
                                                 (_:_) -> [unode "ol" ! [("class","toc")] $ subs]

  let navtag = if epub3 then "nav" else "div"
  let navData = fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
        unode "html" ! [("xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml")
                       ,("xmlns:epub","http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops")] $
          [ unode "head" $
            [ unode "title" plainTitle
            , unode "link" ! [("rel","stylesheet"),("type","text/css"),("href","stylesheet.css")] $ () ]
          , unode "body" $
              unode navtag ! [("epub:type","toc") | epub3] $
                [ unode "h1" ! [("id","toc-title")] $ plainTitle
                , unode "ol" ! [("class","toc")] $ evalState (mapM (navPointNode navXhtmlFormatter) secs) 1]
  let navEntry = mkEntry "nav.xhtml" navData

  -- mimetype
  let mimetypeEntry = mkEntry "mimetype" $ fromStringLazy "application/epub+zip"

  -- container.xml
  let containerData = fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
       unode "container" ! [("version","1.0")
              ,("xmlns","urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container")] $
         unode "rootfiles" $
           unode "rootfile" ! [("full-path","content.opf")
               ,("media-type","application/oebps-package+xml")] $ ()
  let containerEntry = mkEntry "META-INF/container.xml" containerData

  -- com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml
  let apple = fromStringLazy $ ppTopElement $
        unode "display_options" $
          unode "platform" ! [("name","*")] $
            unode "option" ! [("name","specified-fonts")] $ "true"
  let appleEntry = mkEntry "META-INF/com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml" apple

  -- stylesheet
  stylesheet <- case writerEpubStylesheet opts of
                   Just s  -> return s
                   Nothing -> toString `fmap`
                              readDataFile (writerUserDataDir opts) "epub.css"
  let stylesheetEntry = mkEntry "stylesheet.css" $ fromStringLazy stylesheet

  -- construct archive
  let archive = foldr addEntryToArchive emptyArchive
                 (mimetypeEntry : containerEntry : appleEntry : stylesheetEntry : tpEntry :
                  contentsEntry : tocEntry : navEntry :
                  (picEntries ++ cpicEntry ++ cpgEntry ++ chapterEntries ++ fontEntries))
  return $ fromArchive archive

metadataElement :: EPUBVersion -> String -> UUID -> String -> String -> [String]
                -> String -> UTCTime -> Maybe a -> Element
metadataElement version metadataXML uuid lang title authors date currentTime mbCoverImage =
  let userNodes = parseXML metadataXML
      elt = unode "metadata" ! [("xmlns:dc","http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
                               ,("xmlns:opf","http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf")] $
            filter isMetadataElement $ onlyElems userNodes
      dublinElements = ["contributor","coverage","creator","date",
      isMetadataElement e = (qPrefix (elName e) == Just "dc" &&
                             qName (elName e) `elem` dublinElements) ||
                            (qPrefix (elName e) == Nothing &&
                             qName (elName e) `elem` ["link","meta"])
      contains e n = not (null (findElements (QName n Nothing (Just "dc")) e))
      newNodes = [ unode "dc:title" title | not (elt `contains` "title") ] ++
           [ unode "dc:language" lang | not (elt `contains` "language") ] ++
           [ unode "dc:identifier" ! [("id","BookId")] $ show uuid |
               not (elt `contains` "identifier") ] ++
           [ unode "dc:creator" ! [("opf:role","aut") | version == EPUB2]
                     $ a | a <- authors, not (elt `contains` "creator") ] ++
           [ unode "dc:date" date | not (elt `contains` "date") ] ++
           [ unode "meta" ! [("property", "dcterms:modified")] $
               (showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime) | version == EPUB3] ++
           [ unode "meta" ! [("name","cover"), ("content","cover-image")] $ () |
               not (isNothing mbCoverImage) ]
  in  elt{ elContent = elContent elt ++ map Elem newNodes }

showDateTimeISO8601 :: UTCTime -> String
showDateTimeISO8601 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%TZ"

transformInline  :: WriterOptions
                 -> IORef [(FilePath, FilePath)] -- ^ (oldpath, newpath) images
                 -> Inline
                 -> IO Inline
transformInline opts picsRef (Image lab (src,tit)) = do
    let src' = unEscapeString src
    pics <- readIORef picsRef
    let oldsrc = maybe src' (</> src) $ writerSourceURL opts
    let ext = takeExtension src'
    newsrc <- case lookup oldsrc pics of
                    Just n  -> return n
                    Nothing -> do
                          let new = "images/img" ++ show (length pics) ++ ext
                          modifyIORef picsRef ( (oldsrc, new): )
                          return new
    return $ Image lab (newsrc, tit)
transformInline opts _ (x@(Math _ _))
  | WebTeX _ <- writerHTMLMathMethod opts = do
    raw <- makeSelfContained Nothing $ writeHtmlInline opts x
    return $ RawInline (Format "html") raw
transformInline _ _ x = return x

writeHtmlInline :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> String
writeHtmlInline opts z = trimr $
  writeHtmlString opts{ writerStandalone = False }
    $ Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [z]]

(!) :: Node t => (t -> Element) -> [(String, String)] -> t -> Element
(!) f attrs n = add_attrs (map (\(k,v) -> Attr (unqual k) v) attrs) (f n)

-- | Version of 'ppTopElement' that specifies UTF-8 encoding.
ppTopElement :: Element -> String
ppTopElement = ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" ++) . unEntity . ppElement
  -- unEntity removes numeric  entities introduced by ppElement
  -- (kindlegen seems to choke on these).
  where unEntity [] = ""
        unEntity ('&':'#':xs) =
                   let (ds,ys) = break (==';') xs
                       rest = drop 1 ys
                   in  case safeRead ('\'':'\\':ds ++ "'") of
                          Just x   -> x : unEntity rest
                          Nothing  -> '&':'#':unEntity xs
        unEntity (x:xs) = x : unEntity xs

imageTypeOf :: FilePath -> Maybe String
imageTypeOf x = case drop 1 (map toLower (takeExtension x)) of
                     "jpg"       -> Just "image/jpeg"
                     "jpeg"      -> Just "image/jpeg"
                     "jfif"      -> Just "image/jpeg"
                     "png"       -> Just "image/png"
                     "gif"       -> Just "image/gif"
                     "svg"       -> Just "image/svg+xml"
                     _           -> Nothing

data IdentState = IdentState{
       chapterNumber :: Int,
       identTable    :: [(String,String)]
       } deriving (Read, Show)

-- Returns filename for chapter number.
showChapter :: Int -> String
showChapter = printf "ch%03d.xhtml"

-- Add identifiers to any headers without them.
addIdentifiers :: [Block] -> [Block]
addIdentifiers bs = evalState (mapM go bs) []
 where go (Header n (ident,classes,kvs) ils) = do
         ids <- get
         let ident' = if null ident
                         then uniqueIdent ils ids
                         else ident
         put $ ident' : ids
         return $ Header n (ident',classes,kvs) ils
       go x = return x

-- Go through a block list and construct a table
-- correlating the automatically constructed references
-- that would be used in a normal pandoc document with
-- new URLs to be used in the EPUB.  For example, what
-- was "header-1" might turn into "ch006.xhtml#header".
correlateRefs :: Int -> [Block] -> [(String,String)]
correlateRefs chapterHeaderLevel bs =
  identTable $ execState (mapM_ go bs)
    IdentState{ chapterNumber = 0
              , identTable = [] }
 where go :: Block -> State IdentState ()
       go (Header n (ident,_,_) _) = do
          when (n <= chapterHeaderLevel) $
              modify $ \s -> s{ chapterNumber = chapterNumber s + 1 }
          st <- get
          let chapterid = showChapter (chapterNumber st) ++
                          if n <= chapterHeaderLevel
                             then ""
                             else '#' : ident
          modify $ \s -> s{ identTable = (ident, chapterid) : identTable st }
       go _ = return ()

-- Replace internal link references using the table produced
-- by correlateRefs.
replaceRefs :: [(String,String)] -> [Block] -> [Block]
replaceRefs refTable = walk replaceOneRef
  where replaceOneRef x@(Link lab ('#':xs,tit)) =
          case lookup xs refTable of
                Just url -> Link lab (url,tit)
                Nothing  -> x
        replaceOneRef x = x