pandoc (2.7.2) * Add XWiki writer (#1800, Derek Chen-Becker). Add `Text.Pandoc.Writers.XWiki`, exporting `writeXWiki` [API change]. * Dokuwiki Reader: parse single curly brace (#5416, Mauro Bieg). * Vimwiki reader: improve handling of internal links (#5414). We no longer append `.html` to link targets, and we add a title `wikilink`. This mirrors behavior of other wiki readers. Generally the `.html` extension is not wanted. It may be important for output to HTML in certain circumstances, but it can always be added using a filter that matches on links with title `wikilink`. If your workflow requires the current behavior, here is a lua filter that will add the `.html` extension: ```lua function Link(el) if el.title == 'wikilink' then = .. ".html" end return el end ``` * ipynb reader: + Use format `ipynb` for raw cell where no format given. + Avoid introducing spurious `.0` on integers in metadata. * Markdown reader: fenced div takes priority over setext header. * HTML reader: read `data-foo` attribute into `foo` (#5392). The HTML writer adds the `data-` prefix for HTML5 for nonstandard attributes. But the attributes are represented in the AST without the `data-` prefix, so we should strip this when reading HTML. * LaTeX reader: Improve autolink detection (#5340). * PowerPoint writer (Jesse Rosenthal): + Expand builtin reference doc to model all layouts. The previous built-in reference doc had only title and content layouts. Add in a section-header slide and a two-content slide, so users can more easily modify it to build their own templates. + Always open up in slide view. When editing a template/reference-doc, the user might be in Master view, but when producing a slide show, it is assumed that slide view will be desired. + Remove `handoutsMasterList` from template presentation.xml + Fix numerous errors in templating (#5402). Previously, some templates produced by Office 365 (MacOS) would not render with `--reference-doc` correctly. We now apply correct shapes for content, and build shape trees correctly. + Make default placeholder type for template lookup. + Apply speaker notes to metadata slide if applicable. + Test for speaker notes after breaking header. + Correctly handle notes after section-title header. Previously, if notes came after a section-title header (ie, a level-1 header in a slide-level=2 presentation), they would go on the next slide. This keeps them on the slide with the header. + Internal improvements. * ipynb writer: + Use format `ipynb` for raw cell where no format given. According to nbformat docs, this is supposed to render in every format. We don't do that, but we at least preserve it as a raw block in markdown, so you can round-trip. + Consolidate adjacent raw blocks. Sometimes pandoc creates two HTML blocks, e.g. one for the open tag and one for a close tag. If these aren't consolidated, only one will show up in output cell. + Fixed carry-over of nbformat from metadata. + Preserve `nbformat_minor` if it's given. This helps with round-tripping. * LaTeX writer: + Avoid inadvertently creating ?` or !` ligatures (#5407). These are upside down ? and !, resp. + Fix footnotes in table caption and cells (#5367). This fixes a bug wherein footnotes appeared in the wrong order, and with duplicate numbers, when in table captions and cells. We now use regular `\footnote` commands, even in the table caption and the minipages containing cells. Apparently longtable knows how to handle this. * HTML writer: Don't add data- prefix to RDFa attributes (#5403). * JATS writer: Ensure that plain strings go inside `` tag (#5397). * Markdown writer: + Better rendering of numbers (#5398). If the number is integral, we render it as an integral not a float. + Proper rendering of empty map in YAML metadata (#5398). Should be `{}`, not empty string. + Properly escape attributes in Markdown writer (#5369). + Be sure implicit figures work in list contexts (#5368). Previously they would sometimes not work: e.g., when they occured in final paragraphs in lists that were originally parsed as Plain and converted later using PlainToPara. * Docx writer: Use `w:br` without attributes for line breaks (#5377). We previously added the attribute `type="textWrapping"`, but this causes problems on Word Online. * LaTeX template (Andrew Dunning): + Ensure correct heading/table order (#5365). Improve workaround (#1658) for tables following headings. The new solution works whether or not the `indent` variable is enabled. + Remove `subparagraph` variable. The default is now to use run-in style for level 4 and 5 headings (`\paragraph` and `\subparagraph`). To get the previous default behavior (where these were formatted as blocks, like `\subsubsection`), set the `block-headings` variable. + Add pandoc to PDF metadata (#5388). + Group graphics-related code (#5389). + Move `\setstretch` after front matter (#5179). Ensures that `\maketitle`, `\tableofcontents`, and so forth are not affected by changes to line spacing. * Update data/jats.csl to avoid commas between name-part elements (#5397). * Add support for golang (`go`) with `--listings` (#5427). * Text.Pandoc.Shared - improve `metaToJSON` behavior with numbers. We now do a better job marshalling numbers from MetaString or MetaInlines into JSON Number. * Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared: `metaValueToJSON`: use Number Values for integers. Pandoc's MetaValue doesn't have a distinguished number type, so numbers are put in MetaStrings. If the MetaString consists entirely of digits, we convert it to a Number. We should probably consider adding a MetaNumber constructor to MetaValue, for better round-tripping with JSON etc. This change aids round-tripping in ipynb metadata fields, like `toc_depth`. * Text.Pandoc.Class: `fetchItem`: don't treat UNC paths as protocol-relative URLs (#5127). These are paths beginning `//?/UNC/...`. * Text.Pandoc.ImageSize: Improve `pdfSize` so it handles a wider range of PDFs (#4322, with help from Richard Davis). * Text.Pandoc.Pretty: avoid stack overflow by using strict sum (#5401). * Fix harmless error in file-scope code (#5422). * MANUAL.txt: + Improve 'header' and 'heading' usage (#5423, Andrew Dunning). The term 'header' was being used where 'heading' is more appropriate. + Add paragraph on options affecting markdown in ipynb. * stack.yaml - remove -Wmissing-home-modules This seems to cause problems with stack ghci. Remove RTS options. * Add ghc-options to cabal.project. * appveyor.yml - use ghc 8.6.4. Fixes segfault issues on Windows (#5037). * linux build process: Remove clone of pandoc-citeproc (#5366). It wasn't being used; cabal.project specifies the version to use. pandoc (2.7.1) * Add tectonic as an option for --pdf-engine (#5345, Cormac Relf). Runs tectonic on STDIN instead of a temporary .tex file, so that it looks in the working directory for `\include` and `\input` like the rest of the engines. Allows overriding the output directory args with `--pdf-engine-opt=--outdir --pdf-engine-opt="$DIR"`. * Allow `-o/--output` to be used with `--print-default-data-file`, `--print-highlighting-style`, `--print-default-template`. Note that `-o` must occur BEFORE the `--print*` command on the command line (this is documented, #5357). * LaTeX reader: + Support `\underline`, `\ul`, `\uline` (#5359, Paul Tilley). These are parsed as a Span with class `underline`, as with other readers. + Ensure that `\Footcite` and `\Footcites` get put in a note. * ipynb reader: + Remove sensitivity to `raw_html`, `raw_tex` extensions. We now include every output format. Pruning is handled by `--ipynb-output`. + Better handling of cell metadata. We now include even complex cell metadata in the Div's attributes (as JSON, in complex cases, or as plain strings in simple cases). * ipynb writer: + Recurse into native divs for output cell data (#5354). + Render cell metadata fields from div attributes. * Docx writer: avoid extra copy of abstractNum and num elements in numbering.xml. This caused pandoc-produced docx files to be uneditable using Word Online (#5358). * Markdown writer: improve handling of raw blocks/inline. We now emit raw content using `raw_attribute` when no more direct method is available. Use of `raw_attribute` can be forced by disabling `raw_html` and `raw_tex`. * LaTeX writer: Add classes for frontmatter support (#5353, Andrew Dunning) and remove frontmatter from `scrreprt`. * LaTeX template: + Improve readability (#5363, Andrew Dunning). + Robust section numbering removal (#5351, Andrew Dunning). Ensures that section numbering does not reappear with custom section levels. See . + Better handling of front/main/backmatter (#5348). In pandoc 2.7 we assumed that every class with chapters would accept `\frontmatter`, `\mainmatter`, and `\backmatter`. This is not so (e.g. report does not). So pandoc 2.7 breaks on report class by including an unsupported command. Instead of the `book-class` variable, we use two variables, `has-chapters` and `has-frontmatter`, and set these intelligently in the writer. * Text.Pandoc.Shared: Improve `filterIpynbOutput`. Ensure that images are prioritized over text. `best` should include everything for ipynb. * Tests.Old: specify `--data-dir=../data` to ensure tests can find data files even if they haven't been installed. Remove old `pandoc_datadir` environment variable, which hasn't done anything for a long time. * MANUAL.txt: Add recommendation to use `raw_attribute` with ipynb (#5354). * Use cmark-gfm-hs 0.1.8 (note that 0.1.7 is buggy). * Use latest pandoc-citeproc, texmath. pandoc (2.7) * Use XDG data directory for user data directory (#3582). Instead of `$HOME/.pandoc`, the default user data directory is now `$XDG_DATA_HOME/pandoc`, where `XDG_DATA_HOME` defaults to `$HOME/.local/share` but can be overridden by setting the environment variable. If this directory is missing, then `$HOME/.pandoc` is searched instead, for backwards compatibility. However, we recommend moving local pandoc data files from `$HOME/.pandoc` to `$HOME/.local/share/pandoc`. On Windows the default user data directory remains the same. * Slide show formats behavior change: content under headers less than slide level is no longer ignored, but included in the title slide (for HTML slide shows) or in a slide after the title slide (for beamer). This change makes possible 2D reveal.js slideshows with content in the top slide on each stack (#4317, #5237). * Add command line option `--ipynb-output=all|none|best` (#5339). Output cells in ipynb notebooks often contain several different versions of an output, with different MIME types, e.g. an HTML table and a plain-text fallback. Specifying `--ipynb-output=best` (the default) ensures that the best version for the output format is used. `all` includes all versions, and `none` suppresses them all, leaving output cells empty. * `asciidoctor` is now an output format separate from `asciidoc`, to accommodate some minor implementation-specific differences (currently just in the treatment of display math). * Add `latexmk` as an option for `--pdf-engine` (#3195). Note that you can use `--pdf-engine-opt=-outdir=bar` to specify a persistent temp directory. * Markdown reader: + Improve tight/loose list handling (#5285). Previously the algorithm allowed list items with a mix of Para and Plain, which is never wanted. + Add newline when parsing blocks in YAML (#5271). Otherwise last block gets parsed as a Plain rather than a Para. This is a regression in pandoc 2.x. This patch restores pandoc 1.19 behavior. + Make `yamlToMeta` respect extensions (#5272, Mauro Bieg). This adds a `ReaderOptions` parameter to `yamlToMeta` [API change]. + Fix bug parsing fenced code blocks (#5304). Previously parsing would break if the code block contained a string of backticks of sufficient length followed by something other than end of line. * LaTeX reader: don't let `\egroup` match `{`. `braced` now actually requires nested braces. Otherwise some legitimate command and environment definitions can break. * Docx reader (Jesse Rosenthal): + Rename `getDocumentPath` as `getDocumentXmlPath`. + Use field notation for setting `ReaderEnv`. + Figure out `document.xml` path once at the beginning of parsing, and add it to the environment, so we can avoid repeated lookups. + Dynamically determine main document xml path (#5277). The desktop Word program places the main document file in `word/document.xml`, but the online word places it in `word/document2.xml`. This file path is actually stated in the root `_rels/.rels` file, in the `Relationship` element with an `http://../officedocument` type. + Fix paths in archive to prevent Windows failure (#5277). Some paths in archives are absolute (have an opening slash) which, for reasons unknown, produces a failure in the test suite on MS Windows. This fixes that by removing the leading slash if it exists. + Add comments to aid code readability. + Trim space inside the last inline (#5273). + Unwrap sdt elements in footnotes and comments (#5302). * Muse reader (Alexander Krotov): + Test that block level markup does not break ``. + Add secondary note support. * ipynb reader: handle images referring to attachments. Previously we didn't strip off the attachment: prefix, so even though the attachment was available in the mediabag, pandoc couldn't find it. * JATS reader: + Fix parsing of figures (#5321). This ensures that a figure containing a single image is parsed as a pandoc "implicit figure" (i.e., a Para with a single Image whose title attribute begins with `fig:`). More complex figures will still be parsed as divs. + Support `fig-group` block element (#5317). + Handle citations with multiple references (#5310). The `rid` attribute can have a space-separated list of ids. * AsciiDoc Writer: Add `writeAsciiDoctor` [API change, Tarik Graba]. Handle display math appropriately for Asciidoctor. * JATS writer: wrap figure caption in `

` to fix validation (#5290, Mauro Bieg). * HTML writer: + Implement WAI-ARIA roles for (end)notes, citations, and bibliography (#4213). Note that doc-biblioref is only used when link-citations produces links, since it belongs on links. + Include content (including speaker notes) in title slides (#4317, #5237). * ipynb writer: + Ensure final newline. + Only include metadata under `jupyter` field. + Don't create attachments for images with absolute URIs, including data: URIs (#5303). + Keep plain text fallbacks in output even if a richer format is included (#5293). We don't know what output format will be needed. See the `--ipynb-output` command line option for a way to control what formats are included in the output. * Markdown writer: use `markdown="1"` when appropriate for Divs: when `native_divs` and `markdown_in_html_blocks` are disabled but `raw_html` and `markdown_attribute` are enabled. * LaTeX writer: + Use right fold for `escapeString`. This is more elegant than the explicit recursive code we were using. + Avoid `{}` after control sequences when escaping. `\ldots{}.` doesn't behave as well as `\ldots.` with the latex ellipsis package. This patch causes pandoc to avoid emitting the `{}` when it is not necessary. Now `\ldots` and other control sequences used in escaping will be followed by either a `{}`, a space, or nothing, depending on context. + For beamer, include contents under headers superordinate to slidelevel (#4317). Currently we keep the fancy title slide, and add a new slide with the same title and whatever content was under the header. * Powerpoint writer (Jesse Rosenthal): support underlines. Use span with single class "underline" as in docx writer. * Muse writer: escape secondary notes (Alexander Krotov). * FB2 writer: add section identifiers support (#5229, John KetzerX). * Make `--fail-if-warnings` work for PDF output (#5343). * Lua filters (Albert Krewinkel): + Load module `pandoc` before calling `init.lua` (#5287). The file `init.lua` in pandoc's data directory is run as part of pandoc's Lua initialization process. Previously, the `pandoc` module was loaded in `init.lua`, and the structure for marshaling was set up after. This allowed simple patching of element marshaling, but made using `init.lua` more difficult. Now, all required modules are now loaded before calling `init.lua`. The file can be used entirely for user customization. Patching marshaling functions, while discouraged, is still possible via the `debug` module. + All Lua modules bundled with pandoc, i.e., `pandoc.List`, `pandoc.mediabag`, `pandoc.utils`, and `text` are re-exported from the `pandoc` module. They are assigned to the fields `List`, `mediabag`, `utils`, and `text`, respectively. * Text.Pandoc.Lua (Albert Krewinkel): + Split `StackInstances` into smaller Marshaling modules. + Get `CommonState` from Lua global. This allows more control over the common state from within Lua scripts. * LaTeX template: + Support the `subject` metadata variable (#5289, Pascal Wagler). + Add `\frontmatter`, `\mainmatter`, `\backmatter` for book classes (#5306). * epub3 template: Add titlepage class to section (#5269). * HTML5 template: Add ARIA role `doc-toc` for table of contents (#4213). * Make `--metadata-file` use selected extensions (#5279, #5272, Mauro Bieg). * Text.Pandoc.Shared: + Remove `withTempDir` [API change]. + Add new exported function `defaultUserDataDirs` [API change]. + Add `filterIpynbOutput` [API change]. + `compactify`: Avoid lists with a mix of Plain and Para elements (#5285). * Text.Pandoc.Translations: reorder alphabetically and remove `Author` (#5334, Mauro Bieg). * Text.Pandoc.Extensions: + More carefully groom ipynb default extensions. + Add `all_symbols_escapable` to `githubMarkdownExtensions`. * Text.Pandoc.PDF: + Use system temp directory when possible (#1192). Previously we created temp dirs in the working directory, partly (a) because there were problems using the system temp directory on Windows, when their pathnames included tildes, and partly (b) because programs like `` would not be allowed to write to directories outside the working directory in restricted mode. We now (a) use the system temp dir except when the path includes tildes, and (b) set `TEXMFOUTPUT` when creating the PDF, so that subsidiary programs can use the system temp directory. This addresses problems that occurred when pandoc was used in a synced directory (such as Dropbox). + Change types of subsidiary functions to PandocIO, to allow warnings to be threaded through (#5343). * Text.Pandoc.MIME: add WebP (#5267, Mauro Bieg). * Tests: avoid calling `findPandoc` multiple times. * Old tests: remove need for temp files by using `pipeProcess`. * Added simple ipynb reader/writer tests (#5274). * Rearrange `--help` output in a more rational way, with common options at the beginning and options grouped by function (#5336). * trypandoc: Add JATS and other missing formats (Arfon Smith, #5291). * Add missing copyright notices and remove license boilerplate (#4592, Albert Krewinkel). * Use latest basement/foundation on 32bit windows. * Use latest skylighting (#5328). Custom syntax definitions no longer try to load `language.dtd`. * Require texmath * Use latest pandoc-citeproc ( * MANUAL.txt: + Clarify variable substitution indentation in templates (#5338, Agustín Martín Barbero). + Reorder custom-styles section (#5324, Mauro Bieg). pandoc (2.6) * Support ipynb (Jupyter notebook) as input and output format. + Add `ipynb` as input and output format (extension `.ipynb`). + Added Text.Pandoc.Readers.Ipynb [API change]. + Added Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ipynb [API change]. + Add `PandocIpynbDecodingError` constructor to Text.Pandoc.Error.Error [API change]. + Depend on ipynb library. + Note: there is no template for ipynb. * Add DokuWiki reader (#1792, Alexander Krotov). This adds Text.Pandoc.Readers.DokuWiki [API change], and adds `dokuwiki` as an input format. * Implement task lists (#3051, Mauro Bieg). Added `task_lists` extension. Task lists are supported from markdown and gfm input. They should work, to some degree, in all output formats, though in most formats you'll get a bullet list with a unicode character for the box. In HTML, you get checkboxes and in LaTeX/PDF output, a box is used as the list marker. API changes: + Added constructor `Ext_task_lists` to `Extension`. + Added `taskListItemFromAscii` and `taskListItemToAscii` to Text.Pandoc.Shared. * Allow some command line options to take URL in addition to FILE. `--include-in-header`, `--include-before-body`, `--include-after-body`. * HTML reader: + Handle empty `start` attribute (see #5162). + Treat `textarea` as a verbatim environment (#5241) and preserve spacing. * RST reader: + Change treatment of `number-lines` directive (Brian Leung, #5207). Directives of this type without numeric inputs should not have a `startFrom` attribute; with a blank value, the writers can produce extra whitespace. + Removed superfluous `sourceCode` class on code blocks (#5047). + Handle `sourcecode` directive as synonynm for `code` (#5204). * Markdown reader: + Remove `sourceCode` class for literate Haskell code blocks (#5047). Reverse order of `literate` and `haskell` classes on code blocks when parsing literate Haskell, so `haskell` is first. + Treat `