``` % pandoc --citeproc -t markdown-citations --- csl: command/issue58.csl references: - id: stanze issued: date-parts: - - 1547 language: 'it-IT' publisher-place: Florence title: Stanze in lode della donna brutta type: book --- In this item, the title replaces the (unknown) author (see 14.79) [@stanze, p. 12]. References ========== ^D In this item, the title replaces the (unknown) author (see 14.79) (*Stanze in lode della donna brutta* 1547, 12). # References {#references .unnumbered} ::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body .hanging-indent entry-spacing="0"} ::: {#ref-stanze .csl-entry} *Stanze in lode della donna brutta*. 1547. Florence. ::: ::: ```