``` % pandoc --citeproc -t markdown-citations Blah blah [@item1; @item2; @item3]. # References {-} --- title: The Title references: - id: item1 type: article-newspaper author: - family: Doe given: J. issued: - year: 2010 month: 12 day: 13 title: The title - id: item2 type: article-newspaper author: - family: Doe given: J. issued: - year: 2007 month: 12 day: 12 - year: 2007 month: 12 day: 13 title: The title - id: item3 type: article-newspaper author: - family: Doe given: J. issued: - year: 2008 title: The title ... ^D Blah blah (Doe 2010, 2007, 2008). # References {#references .unnumbered} ::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body .hanging-indent entry-spacing="0"} ::: {#ref-item2 .csl-entry} Doe, J. 2007. "The Title," December 12--13, 2007. ::: ::: {#ref-item3 .csl-entry} ---------. 2008. "The Title," 2008. ::: ::: {#ref-item1 .csl-entry} ---------. 2010. "The Title," December 13, 2010. ::: ::: ```