``` % pandoc --citeproc -t markdown-citations --- references: - author: - family: Author given: Al id: item1 issued: date-parts: - - 1998 title: 'foo bar baz: bazbaz bar foo' type: 'article-journal' - author: - family: Author given: Al id: item2 issued: date-parts: - - 1998 title: 'foo bar baz: the bazbaz bar foo' type: 'article-journal' - author: - family: Author given: Al id: item3 issued: date-parts: - - 1998 title: 'foo bar baz: a bazbaz bar foo' type: 'article-journal' - author: - family: Author given: Al id: item4 issued: date-parts: - - 1998 title: 'foo bar baz: an abazbaz bar foo' type: 'article-journal' --- @item1, @item2, @item3, @item4 ^D Author (1998c), Author (1998d), Author (1998a), Author (1998b) ::::::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body .hanging-indent entry-spacing="0"} ::: {#ref-item3 .csl-entry} Author, Al. 1998a. "Foo Bar Baz: A Bazbaz Bar Foo." ::: ::: {#ref-item4 .csl-entry} ---------. 1998b. "Foo Bar Baz: An Abazbaz Bar Foo." ::: ::: {#ref-item1 .csl-entry} ---------. 1998c. "Foo Bar Baz: Bazbaz Bar Foo." ::: ::: {#ref-item2 .csl-entry} ---------. 1998d. "Foo Bar Baz: The Bazbaz Bar Foo." ::: ::::::: ```