``` % pandoc --citeproc -t markdown-citations --- csl: command/oscola.csl references: - DOI: 10.1086/504343 author: - family: Olson given: Hope A. container-title: Library Quarterly id: item1 issue: 1 issued: date-parts: - - 2006 page: '19-35' title: 'Codes, costs, and critiques: The organization of information in *Library Quarterly*, 1931--2004' title-short: 'Codes, costs, and critiques' type: 'article-magazine' volume: 76 - id: item2 title: Second title --- Foo [@item1]. Bar [@item2]. Baz [@item1]. ^D Foo.[^1] Bar.[^2] Baz.[^3] ::::: {#refs .references .csl-bib-body} ::: {#ref-item1 .csl-entry} Olson HA, '[Codes, Costs, and Critiques: The Organization of Information in *Library Quarterly*, 1931--2004](https://doi.org/10.1086/504343)' (2006) 76 *Library Quarterly* 19 ::: ::: {#ref-item2 .csl-entry} 'Second Title' ::: ::::: [^1]: Hope A Olson, 'Codes, Costs, and Critiques: The Organization of Information in *Library Quarterly*, 1931--2004' (2006) 76 *Library Quarterly* 19. [^2]: 'Second Title'. [^3]: Olson (n 1). ```