``` % pandoc -f latex -t native Figure \ref{fig:1} ^D [ Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:1" ) ] ) [ Str "[fig:1]" ] ( "#fig:1" , "" ) ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native Figure \cref{fig:1} ^D [ Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref+label" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:1" ) ] ) [ Str "[fig:1]" ] ( "#fig:1" , "" ) ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native Figure \vref{fig:1} ^D [ Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:1" ) ] ) [ Str "[fig:1]" ] ( "#fig:1" , "" ) ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native \autoref{fig:flowchart} ^D [ Para [ Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref+label" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:flowchart" ) ] ) [ Str "[fig:flowchart]" ] ( "#fig:flowchart" , "" ) ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native Accuracy~\eqref{eq:Accuracy} is the proportion, measuring true results among all results. \begin{equation} \label{eq:Accuracy} Accuracy = \frac{t_p + t_n}{t_p + f_p + f_n + t_n} \end{equation} ^D [ Para [ Str "Accuracy\160" , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "eqref" ) , ( "reference" , "eq:Accuracy" ) ] ) [ Str "[eq:Accuracy]" ] ( "#eq:Accuracy" , "" ) , Space , Str "is" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "proportion," , Space , Str "measuring" , Space , Str "true" , Space , Str "results" , Space , Str "among" , Space , Str "all" , Space , Str "results." ] , Para [ Math DisplayMath "\\label{eq:Accuracy}\n Accuracy = \\frac{t_p + t_n}{t_p + f_p + f_n + t_n}" ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native \begin{figure} \includegraphics{command/SVG_logo.svg} \caption{Logo} \label{fig:Logo} \end{figure} Figure \ref{fig:Logo} illustrated the SVG logo ^D [ Figure ( "fig:Logo" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Logo" ] ]) [ Plain [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [] ( "command/SVG_logo.svg" , "" ) ] ] , Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:Logo" ) ] ) [ Str "1" ] ( "#fig:Logo" , "" ) , Space , Str "illustrated" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "SVG" , Space , Str "logo" ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native \chapter{One} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{command/SVG_logo.svg} \caption{Logo} \label{fig:Logo} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{command/SVG_logo2.svg} \caption{Logo2} \label{fig:Logo2} \end{figure} \chapter{Two} \section{Subone} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{command/SVG_logo3.svg} \caption{Logo3} \label{fig:Logo3} \end{figure} Figure \ref{fig:Logo} illustrated the SVG logo Figure \ref{fig:Logo2} illustrated the SVG logo Figure \ref{fig:Logo3} illustrated the SVG logo ^D [ Header 1 ( "one" , [] , [] ) [ Str "One" ] , Figure ( "fig:Logo" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Logo" ] ]) [ Plain [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [] ( "command/SVG_logo.svg" , "" ) ] ] , Figure ( "fig:Logo2" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Logo2" ] ]) [ Plain [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [] ( "command/SVG_logo2.svg" , "" ) ] ] , Header 1 ( "two" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Two" ] , Header 2 ( "subone" , [] , [] ) [ Str "Subone" ] , Figure ( "fig:Logo3" , [] , [] ) (Caption Nothing [ Plain [ Str "Logo3" ] ]) [ Plain [ Image ( "" , [] , [] ) [] ( "command/SVG_logo3.svg" , "" ) ] ] , Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:Logo" ) ] ) [ Str "1.1" ] ( "#fig:Logo" , "" ) , Space , Str "illustrated" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "SVG" , Space , Str "logo" ] , Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:Logo2" ) ] ) [ Str "1.2" ] ( "#fig:Logo2" , "" ) , Space , Str "illustrated" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "SVG" , Space , Str "logo" ] , Para [ Str "Figure" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "fig:Logo3" ) ] ) [ Str "2.1" ] ( "#fig:Logo3" , "" ) , Space , Str "illustrated" , Space , Str "the" , Space , Str "SVG" , Space , Str "logo" ] ] ``` ``` % pandoc -f latex -t native \label{section} Section \ref{section} ^D [ Para [ Span ( "section" , [] , [ ( "label" , "section" ) ] ) [] , Space , Str "Section" , Space , Link ( "" , [] , [ ( "reference-type" , "ref" ) , ( "reference" , "section" ) ] ) [ Str "[section]" ] ( "#section" , "" ) ] ] ```