# pandoc-crossref filter ![](https://travis-ci.org/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref.svg?branch=master) pandoc-crossref is a pandoc filter for numbering figures, equations, tables and cross-references to them. Input file (like [demo.md][demo-md]) can be converted into [html][html], [latex][latex], [pdf][pdf], [md][md] or other formats. Optionally, you can use cleveref for latex/pdf output, e.g. [cleveref pdf][cpdf], [cleveref latex][clatex] You can also enable per-chapter numbering (as with `--chapters` for latex output). You need to specify `-M chapters` for non-latex/pdf output however. Examples: [html][chap-html], [markdown][chap-markdown], [latex][chap-latex], [pdf][chap-pdf]. [demo-md]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/demo.md [html]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output.html [latex]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output.latex [pdf]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output.pdf [md]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output.md [chap-html]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output-chapters.html [chap-latex]:http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output-chapters.latex [chap-markdown]:http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output-chapters.md [chap-pdf]:http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output-chapters.pdf [clatex]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output-cref.latex [cpdf]: http://lierdakil.github.io/pandoc-crossref/output-cref.pdf Tested with pandoc 1.13.2. This work is inspired by [pandoc-fignos][1] and [pandoc-eqnos][2] by @tomduck. [1]: https://github.com/tomduck/pandoc-fignos [2]: https://github.com/tomduck/pandoc-eqnos This package tries to use latex labels and references if output type is latex. ## Syntax Syntax is loosely based on discussion in ### Image labels ```markdown ![Caption](file.ext){#fig:label} ``` To label an (implicit) figure, append `{#fig:label}` (with `label` being something unique to reference this figure by) immediately after image definition. This only works on implicit figures, i.e. an image occurring by itself in a paragraph (which will be rendered as a figure with caption by pandoc) Image block and label *can* be separated by one or more spaces. ### Equation labels ```markdown $$ math $$ {#eq:label} ``` To label a display equation, append `{#eq:label}` (with `label` being something unique to reference this equation by) immediately after math block. This only works if display math and label specification are in a paragraph of its own. Math block and label *can* be separated by one or more spaces. ### Table labels ```markdown a b c --- --- --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 : Caption {#tbl:label} ``` To label a table, append `{#tbl:label}` at the end of table caption (with `label` being something unique to reference this table by). Caption and label *must* be separated by at least one space. ### References ```markdown [@fig:label1;@fig:label2;...] or [@eq:label1;@eq:label2;...] or [@tbl:label1;@tbl:label2;...] or @fig:label or @eq:label or @tbl:label ``` Reference syntax heavily relies on citation syntax. Basic reference is created by writing `@`, then basically desired label with prefix. It is also possible to reference a group of objects *of the same type*, by putting them into brackets with `;` as separator. Sequential reference numbers will be shortened, e.g. `1,2,3` will be shortened to `1-3`. ### Lists It's possible to use raw latex commands `\listoffigures` and `\listoftables`, which will produce ordered list of figure/table titles, in order of appearance in document. ## Installation Assuming you already installed [Haskell platform](http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/), you can install pandoc-crossref with cabal: ```bash cabal update cabal install pandoc-crossref ``` ## Usage Run pandoc with `--filter` option, passing path to pandoc-crossref executable, or simply `pandoc-crossref`, if it's in PATH: `pandoc --filter pandoc-crossref` If you installed with cabal, it's most likely located in `$HOME/.cabal/bin` on \*NIX systems, or in `%AppData%\cabal\bin` on Windows. ### Customization There are several parameters that can be set via YAML metadata (either by passing `-M` to `pandoc`, or by setting it in source markdown) Following variables are supported: * `cref`: if True, latex export will use `\cref` from cleveref package. It is user's responsibility to include relevant `\usepackage` directives in template * `chapter`: if True, number elements as `chapter.item`, and restart `item` on each first-level heading (as `--chapters` for latex/pdf output) * `figureTitle`, default `Figure`: Word(s) to prepend to figure titles, e.g. `Figure 1: Description` * `tableTitle`, default `Table`: Word(s) to prepend to table titles, e.g. `Table 1: Description` * `titleDelimiter`, default `:`: What to put between object number and caption text. * `figPrefix`, default `fig.`: Prefix for references to figures, e.g. `fig. 1-3` * `eqnPrefix`, default `eq.`: Prefix for references to equations, e.g. `eq. 3,4` * `tblPrefix`, default `tbl.`: Prefix for references to tables, e.g. `tbl. 2` * `chapDelim`, default `.`: Delimiter between chapter number and item number. * `rangeDelim`, default `-`: Delimiter between reference ranges, e.g. `eq. 2-5` * `lofTitle`, default `# List of Figures`: Title for list of figures (lof) * `lotTitle`, default `# List of Tables`: Title for list of tables (lot) * `figureTemplate`, default `\\[figureTitle\\] \\[i\\]\\[titleDelim\\] \\[t\\]`: template for figure captions, see [Templates](#templates) * `tableTemplate`, default `\\[tableTitle\\] \\[i\\]\\[titleDelim\\] \\[t\\]`: template for table captions, see [Templates](#templates) ### Templates pandoc-crossref supports advanced caption customization via caption templates. Templates are specified as YAML metadata variables (see [Customization](#customization)), and are parsed as default Pandoc Markdown. Variables are specified with display math syntax, i.e. `$$var$$` in a template will be replaced with value of variable `var`. Variables can be specified in YAML metadata block, or from command line (with `-M` switch). There are two special variables, that are set internally: * `i` -- object number, possibly with chapter number (if `chapter=True`) * `t` -- object caption, as given in source Markdown ### Settings file It is also possible to set variables used by pandoc-crossref with a separate YAML file. If a given variable is not set in metadata, then pandoc-crossref will attempt to read it from file specified by `crossrefYaml` metadata variable, or, if not set, from `pandoc-crossref.yaml` from current working directory. This allows for reusable configurations. One possible application is ad-hoc internationalization. For example, consider `$HOME/misc/pandoc-crossref-es.yaml`: ```yaml figureTitle: "Figura" tableTitle: "Tabla" figPrefix: "fig." eqnPrefix: "ec." tblPrefix: "tbl." loftitle: "# Lista de figuras" lotTitle: "# Lista de tablas" ``` One could use this with pandoc-crossref as follows: `pandoc -F pandoc-crossref.hs -M "crossrefYaml=$HOME/misc/pandoc-crossref-es.yaml"`