## - Fix eqLabels in documentation and default meta - Readme updates ## - Fix custom labels defined via list (and clarify docs) - Encoding-aware console output - Changes to CI - Cosmetic fixes - Documentation updates ## - Updates for pandoc 2.4 and GHC 8.6 - Fixed link in documentation (Salim B) - Fixed demo.md link in README - Corrected minor mistakes in the readme. (Wandmalfarbe) ## - Hide flaky tests behind a flag - Update for Pandoc-2.3 - Add git commit info to version output - Handle SoftBreak consistenlty (especailly after math) ## - Make compatible with pandoc-types 1.17.5 - bump stack resolver ## - Pandoc 2.2; GHC 8.4 ## - Update documentation - Tweak default secHeaderDelim - Test for secHeaderTemplate and indexed template variables - New template syntax: indexed variables - secHeaderTemplate - Escape underscores in codeblock captions when necessary - Travis set sudo: true - Allow newer in stack.yaml - Set license to GPL-2 (because hackage refuses to accept GPL now) ## - Fix for Pandoc's Monoid\/Semigroup change - Add some information on distribution support - Add changelog to distribution ## - Constrain pandoc to 2.1.\*, bump version - Set stack reslover to new lts - Remove ghc8.0 stack - Update tests for Pandoc 2.1 ## - Add `-threaded` option to executable - Show more version information on `pandoc-crossref --version` - Add `pandoc-crossref --numeric-version` - GPL license text: v2 or later - Update tests for Pandoc 2.0.6 - Note on Pandoc 2.0.6 wrt raw LaTeX list-of commands - Treat beamer as LaTeX format (which it is) ## - Remove man page from git - Generate manual on CI, add it to archive - Stack update - Fix contact information in Settings.hs (Masamichi Hosoda) - Fix link to LICENSE in README - Add contact info to GPL header; Add (c)s according to commit history - Use license specifier recognized as or-later; rename license file - Add GPL header comment to every source file - Remove BSD3.md (obsolete) - Update contributors - Use YAML meta block in man - Add datafile, custom embedding, fix html man - Get rid of (most) generated doc files - Update generated man - Fix templates in man - Fix demo.md link - Hack to stop github from rendering demo.md - Remove extraneous `-i` argument from pandoc invocation ## - Disable travis cache - Fix type for optparse-applicative 0.14 ## - Raise travis build time limit - Meta: error on unexpected field values - Fix demo.md test ## - Read settings file with pandocExtensions - Read MetaStrings as Markdown (no formatting) - Fixed demos - Moved demo from gh-pages - Fix option parsing wrt format - Added `nameInLink` docs - Flags to open manual; embed manual - Textual manual - Add command line options - Moved documentation to docs/ ## - Pandoc-2.0 support ## - Revamp ModifyMeta, add subfloat caption margin - Update README due to \#132 - fix typo in README: "defualt" -\> "defualt" (Raphael Das Gupta) - fix typo in README: "cleferef" -\> "cleveref" (Raphael Das Gupta) - Integrative tests for code blocks - Allow codeBlock label specification in caption - Moved getRefLabel to Util.Util ## - pairDelim, lastDelim, refDelim - Drop support for old pandoc/ghc versions - Report undefined references on stderr - Set UTF-8 encoding for reading `pandoc-crossref.yaml` (\#123) (Masamichi Hosoda) - Fix a typo in README (Felix Yan) - Option for including prefix in reference link ## - Global settings file support - pandoc 1.19 support and binaries - Better naming for `stack.yaml`s ## - Trim down dependencies - Center subfigures in LaTeX output ## - Force caption style in docx output (\#87) ## - Index templates - Link cross-references - Enable https flag on main stack.yaml - Fix stack.yaml configs - Add pandoc-1.18 to tests; allow pandoc-1.18 in dep - Eschew geq - Update ghc8 resolver - Number sections - Fix base dependency to \>= 4.8 - Support for `supressAuthor` in cleveref tex output - Treat cit. SuppressAuthor as 'suppress prefix' - Update stack resolver - Support citation prefixes (override default prefix) - Use lambda instead of `ap` - Simplify makeIndices, better missed index reports ## - More tests - Major code cleanup, simplification - Make tableEqns work for inline display math - Documentation update - Fix custom numbering of auto eqns/auto subfigs - Filter out empties from collected subfigure captions - Properly sort collected subfigure captions - Simplify default settings - subfigGrid -- allows to typeset subfigures in a table in non-LaTeX output (LaTeX can typeset subfigures by itself) - Fix codelisting caption in LaTeX output - tableEqns -- allows to typeset numbered display math with 100%-wide tables. Primarily useful in docx, epub. - Option to auto-label equations - Error on duplicate labels ## - Add ghc-8 to tests/builds - Ghc-8 support - Minor lint - Remove UnicodeSyntax - Update tests for pandoc 1.17.1 - Remove obsolete CPP - Remove old yamls/tests - Bump stack resolver and extra-deps - \[README\] Structure variables list - Add licensing information to readme - xPrefixTemplate docs - Custom numbering readme ## - Bump nightly resolver - Use Pandoc to generate LaTeX labels - Rudimentary LaTeX tests - Fixing broken references in README (pull request \#68 from @wladston) ## - Remove figure label hack for pandoc-1.17 ## - Only apply ux5f substitution to sections ## - Replace \_ in LaTeX references with ux5f - Allow data-default 0.6 (pull request \#67 from @felixonmars) - tableEqns option wraps numbered eqns into tables - Allow arbitrary formatting in subfigures - Update changelog ## - Add modules to test-suite in .cabal - Allow builds with pandoc 1.17 - Update stack resolver & deps - Remove obsolete CPP language extensions ## - **NOTE** Only pandoc-1.16 supported since this release - README updates - Subfigures! - Use SYB for walking AST - Custom subfigure labels - Custom numbering schemes - Allow arbitrary internal vars in template - Extensive TemplateHaskell derivations ## - Fix \#53 - Use data-accessor package - Update README.md ## - Source code organization - Removed redundant brackets - Fix listing captions for pandoc-1.16 and up - restrictions on yaml settings - closes \#45 (pull request \#46 from @scoavoux) ## - **NOTE**: GHC 7.4 is unsupported since this release. Should be still possible to build on it though with careful dependency management. - Merge pull request \#44 from lierdakil/pandoc-1.16 - Link travis badge to travis page - Make Travis happy - Update CHANGELOG - Version bump - README: Grammar ## - Adjust package constraints to match Pandoc's - Pandoc 1.16 update - Added CHANGELOG.md - Update README.md - Add stack config file (\#39 @hadim) - add info about where it might be installed on Macs (\#40 from @msalganik) ## - Version bump - Update demo.md - Work with inline equations (\#42) - Remove invalid tests ## - Version bump: relax API - add info about where it might be installed on Macs - Add stack config file - Add other-extensions - Remove check.sh from Travis - More robust tests ## - Version bump - Keep image title ## - Version bump - Add note on `--number-sections` and LaTeX - section cref prefix ## - Version bump - Don't use TemplateHaskell - Fix div-wrapped table captions - Simplify TH code - Fix native test - Section reference labels - \[Travis\] Try master branch cache on fail ## - Prepare v0.1.5.2 release - Documentation and public interface cleanup - Travis haskell template with homebrew cache ## - Prepare v0.1.5.1 release - Return Data.Monoid import to test-suite ## - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lierdakil/pandoc-crossref - Prepare release - Cleanup - SettingsGen accepts ToMetaValue arguments - TH Setting generators - Move most code to library - Merge pull request \#34 from infotroph/infotroph-patch-1 - Fix typo: fixPrefix-\>figPrefix - Merge pull request \#32 from bmesuere/master - move section labels outside of code block section ## - Version bump - Div-wrapping for better compatibility with other filters ## - Add chaptersDepth info to README - Version bump - Removed unused variable - autoSectionLabels impl., tests and more docs - Section references docs - Tests for section references - Merge branch 'master' into section-refs - Relax test pandoc constraints - Update demo\*.native - Update .gitignore - Update demo\*.native - Update .gitignore - Section references support - FIX: Split references to items from different chapters with comma - Configurable "chapters" option depth - Add chapters output test ## - Version bump - Fix LaTeX listing numbering with chapters - Fix lists for chapters-enabled cases ## - Version bump - Update demo.native - Fix demo.md - Don't output zeroeth chapter prefix - BIGFIX: start numeration over for each chapter - Don't increment chapter counter for unnumbered chapters - Disable Travis caching for now - Try caching Travis build - Try installing all cabal/ghc versions - Travis container-based infrastructure update ## - Bump version number - Relax constraints to include pandoc-1.15 - Update README with info on LaTeX customization - BUGFIX: Add metasettings not only to list - Relax test constraints - More travis tests ## - Version bump - Check.sh .native update - Regression test for \#22 - Citation groups should not be separated ## - Honor uppercase for cref output - Bump version - Update tests - Update README - Allow mixing different types of citations - Pull cref uppercase settings from metadata - Reference prefix capitalization initial - Require semicolon after lst ## - README typo - Add links to listings examples - Add pandoc 1.14 info to readme - Add listoflistings to README - Add listoflistings to demo.md - List of names in LaTeX, list of listings - Update README - Readme syntax update - Add new files to .cabal - Update README.md - Use command defs for LaTeX customization - Fix cabal warnings - Merge branch 'pandoc-1.14' - Demo.md update - Fix no LaTeX ref for some CodeBlocks - Don't fail on test - Use preprocessor to work with pandoc 1.13 and 1.14 - Merge branch 'master' into pandoc-1.14 - Update README - Demo.native update - Tests update - Exclude caption attribute from codeblock - CodeBlock reference title fixes - Merge branch 'listings' - Only change header-includes on latex export - Crefnames from meta, convert to LaTeX - isFormat accepts Maybe Format now - Support different prefix for multiple references - Set LaTeX float names from metadata - ModifyMeta initial - Cleveref should not have spaces after commas in list - Demo.md update - Main code for listings and code block captions - Fix demo.md link - Bump tag ## - Bump version - Fix spacing issue in LaTeX - Initial support for suffixes - Merge branch 'master' into pandoc-1.14 - Simplify tests - Update source-repo tag ## - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:lierdakil/pandoc-crossref - Use nbsp between ref. label and number - Use nbsp between ref. label and number - Update demo.native to match recent changes - Add other-modules in tests - Enable cabal tests in Travis - More tests - Some tests, general cleanup, normalization - Merge branch 'master' into pandoc-1.14 - Template code cleanup - Code cleanup - Enable GHC 7.10.1 test - Fix typo - Update travis badge - Travis badge update - Travis test update - Bump version - Update master code for pandoc-1.14 - Merge branch 'master' into pandoc-1.14 ##, origin/release-0.1 - Update README - Include other-modules into cabal file - Include limits on all depends - Fix check to work with binary - Merge branch 'master' into release-0.1 - Try finally fixing travis build - Use bash test - Fix test run - Remove GHC 7.10 from testsuite - Exec pandoc through caba; - Relax more - Relax requirements on base - Travis badge in README - Add rudimentary Travis tests - Merge branch 'master' into pandoc-1.14 - Attempt at fixing GHC 7.10 compatibility - Add meta guards to settings automatically - Use Meta instead of Yaml and mappend default - Split program to modules - Cabal settings - IOError handling - Add README description of settings file - Add support for pandoc-crossref.yaml - Updates for pandoc-1.14 - Fix latex table caption - Update demo.md with tableTemplate - Fix template default values - Caption templates - Update README.md - Update README.md - Update README on spacing rules - Keep reference tags with label - Accept latex with extensions as latex - Include chapter number in item numbers as well - Update README - Update test - Don't output reference prefix with cleveref - Initial support for --chapters - Handle empty lists - Better metadata customization - Update README - Lists headings - Update README.md - List of figures, list of tables - More code cleanup - More code cleanup; store titles - More code cleanup - Rudimentary test - Code cleanup, more lax spaces rules - Create BSD3.md - Update data-accessor copyrights etc - Add reference prefix in latex output - Update README - Fix README - README.md update - Title delimiter option - Support for tables - Create LICENSE.md - Initial commit