{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes #-}
module PanHandle where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk, query)

-- Generic (Inline and Block) functions

noUnwrap :: Attr -> Maybe Attr
noUnwrap (x, ys, zs) = if "unwrap" `elem` ys
                          then Just (x, filter (/= "unwrap") ys, zs)
                          else Nothing

-- Block-level functions

bAttrs :: Block -> Maybe Attr
bAttrs (CodeBlock as _) = Just as
bAttrs _                = Nothing

bNoUnwrap :: Block -> Maybe Attr
bNoUnwrap b = bAttrs b >>= noUnwrap

bCode :: Block -> Maybe String
bCode (CodeBlock _ c) = Just c
bCode _               = Nothing

blocks :: Pandoc -> [Block]
blocks (Pandoc _ bs) = bs

readJson :: ReaderOptions -> String -> Pandoc
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(1,14,0)
readJson ro s = case readJSON ro s of
                     Left  x -> error (show x)
                     Right x -> x
readJson = readJSON

bUnwrap' :: Block -> [Block]
bUnwrap' b = case b of
  CodeBlock (i, cs, as) x | "unwrap" `elem` cs ->
    let content = bUnwrap (blocks (readJson def x))
     in case (i, filter (/= "unwrap") cs, as) of
             ("", [],  []) -> content
             (_,  cs', _)  -> [Div (i, cs', as) content]
  _                                            -> gmapM (mkM bUnwrap') b

bUnwrap :: [Block] -> [Block]
bUnwrap = concatMap bUnwrap'

-- Inline-level functions

iAttrs :: Inline -> Maybe Attr
iAttrs (Code as _) = Just as
iAttrs _           = Nothing

iNoUnwrap :: Inline -> Maybe Attr
iNoUnwrap b = iAttrs b >>= noUnwrap

iCode :: Inline -> Maybe String
iCode (Code _ c) = Just c
iCode _          = Nothing

inlines :: Pandoc -> [Inline]
inlines (Pandoc _ bs) = let f (Plain x) = x
                            f (Para  x) = x
                            f _         = []
                         in concatMap f bs

iUnwrap :: Inline -> Inline
iUnwrap i = let is      = inlines <$> (readJson def <$> iCode i)
                is'     = map iUnwrap <$> is
                wrapped = Span    <$> iNoUnwrap i <*> is'
             in fromMaybe i wrapped

transform :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
transform = topDown iUnwrap . topDown bUnwrap

panhandleMain = toJSONFilter transform