{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Pantry.CabalSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec import Pantry import qualified Pantry.SHA256 as SHA256 import RIO import Distribution.Types.PackageName (mkPackageName) import Distribution.Types.Version (mkVersion) spec :: Spec spec = describe "wrong cabal file" $ do let test name action = it name (runPantryApp action :: IO ()) shouldThrow' x y = withRunInIO $ \run -> run x `shouldThrow` y test "Hackage" $ do sha <- either throwIO pure $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "71c2c685a932cd3a70ec52d7bd0ec96ecbfa5e31e22130099cd50fa073ad1a69" let rpli = RPLIHackage (PackageIdentifierRevision name version3 (CFIHash sha (Just size))) Nothing go = loadCabalFileRawImmutable rpli name = mkPackageName "acme-missiles" version2 = mkVersion [0, 2] version3 = mkVersion [0, 3] size = FileSize 597 go `shouldThrow'` \e -> case e of MismatchedPackageMetadata rpli' rpm _tree cabal ident -> rpli == rpli' && rpm == RawPackageMetadata { rpmName = Just name , rpmVersion = Just version3 , rpmTreeKey = Nothing , rpmCabal = Just $ BlobKey sha size } && cabal == BlobKey sha size && ident == PackageIdentifier name version2 _ -> False test "tarball with wrong ident" $ do archiveHash' <- either throwIO pure $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "b5a582209c50e4a61e4b6c0fb91a6a7d65177a881225438b0144719bc3682c3a" sha <- either throwIO pure $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "71c2c685a932cd3a70ec52d7bd0ec96ecbfa5e31e22130099cd50fa073ad1a69" let rpli = RPLIArchive archive rpm archive = RawArchive { raLocation = ALUrl "https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/archive/yesod-auth-" , raHash = Just archiveHash' , raSize = Just $ FileSize 309199 , raSubdir = "yesod-auth" } rpm = RawPackageMetadata { rpmName = Just acmeMissiles , rpmVersion = Just version2 , rpmCabal = Just $ BlobKey sha (FileSize 597) , rpmTreeKey = Nothing } go = loadCabalFileRawImmutable rpli acmeMissiles = mkPackageName "acme-missiles" version2 = mkVersion [0, 2] go `shouldThrow'` \e -> case e of MismatchedPackageMetadata rpli' rpm' _treeKey cabal ident -> rpli == rpli' && rpm == rpm' && cabal == BlobKey (either impureThrow id $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "940d82426ad1db0fcc978c0f386ac5d06df019546071993cb7c6633f1ad17d50") (FileSize 3038) && ident == PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "yesod-auth") (mkVersion [1, 6, 4, 1]) _ -> False test "tarball with wrong cabal file" $ do sha <- either throwIO pure $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "71c2c685a932cd3a70ec52d7bd0ec96ecbfa5e31e22130099cd50fa073ad1a69" let rpli = RPLIArchive archive rpm archive = RawArchive { raLocation = ALUrl "https://github.com/yesodweb/yesod/archive/yesod-auth-" , raHash = either impureThrow Just $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "b5a582209c50e4a61e4b6c0fb91a6a7d65177a881225438b0144719bc3682c3a" , raSize = Just $ FileSize 309199 , raSubdir = "yesod-auth" } rpm = RawPackageMetadata { rpmName = Just yesodAuth , rpmVersion = Just version , rpmCabal = Just $ BlobKey sha (FileSize 597) , rpmTreeKey = Nothing } go = loadCabalFileRawImmutable rpli yesodAuth = mkPackageName "yesod-auth" version = mkVersion [1, 6, 4, 1] go `shouldThrow'` \e -> case e of MismatchedPackageMetadata rpli' rpm' _treeKey cabal ident -> rpli == rpli' && rpm == rpm' && cabal == BlobKey (either impureThrow id $ SHA256.fromHexBytes "940d82426ad1db0fcc978c0f386ac5d06df019546071993cb7c6633f1ad17d50") (FileSize 3038) && ident == PackageIdentifier yesodAuth version _ -> False