# Changelog for pantry ## v0.9.0 * Remove module `Pantry.Internal.AesonExtended` and depend on `aeson-warning-parser` package. * Remove module `Pantry.Internal.Companion` and depend on `companion` package. * Remove module `Pantry.Internal.StaticBytes` and depend on `static-bytes` package. * Remove module `Pantry.Internal`, previously exposed only for testing. * Update Hackage bootstrap root key set. ## v0.8.3 * Expose `withPantryConfig'`, which allows for optional use of Casa. `NoCasaConfig` is now a data constructor of `PantryException`. * `withRepo`, in the case of Git, will now, if necessary, fetch the specific commit. (For example, GitHub repositories include the commits of unmerged pull requests but these are not fetched when the repository is cloned.) ## v0.8.2.2 * Add error S-395 (`NoLocalPackageDirFound`). ## v0.8.2.1 * On Windows, avoid fatal `tar: Cannot connect to C: resolve failed` bug when archiving repository submodules. ## v0.8.2 * `PantryException` is now an instance of the `Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Extended.Pretty` class (provided by the `rio-prettyprint` package). * Module `Pantry` now exports `FuzzyResults`, `Mismatch` and `SafeFilePath` (and `mkSafeFilePath`), used in data constructors of `PantryException`. ## v0.8.1 * Support `hpack-0.35.1`, and prettier `HpackLibraryException` error messages. ## v0.8.0 * `findOrGenerateCabalFile`, `loadCabalFilePath`, `loadCabalFile` and `loadCabalFileRaw` no longer assume that the program name used by Hpack (the library) is "stack", and take a new initial argument of type `Maybe Text` to specify the desired program name. The default is "hpack". ## v0.7.1 * To support the Haskell Foundation's [Haskell Error Index](https://errors.haskell.org/) initiative, all Pantry error messages generated by Pantry itself begin with an unique code in the form `[S-nnn]`, where `nnn` is a three-digit number. ## v0.7.0 * Change `defaultHackageSecurityConfig` such that field `hscIgnoreExpiry = True`, to be consistent with the defaults of the `WithJSONWarnings HackageSecurityConfig` instance of `FromJSON`. ## v0.6.0 * Rename `HackageSecurityConfig` as `PackageIndexConfig`, `defaultHackageSecurityConfig` as `defaultPackageIndexConfig`, and `pcHackageSecurity` field of `PantryConfig` as `pcPackageIndex`. * Expose new `HackageSecurityConfig` and `defaultHackageSecurityConfig`. The former represents Hackage Security configurations (only - no download prefix). * Change the data constructor of `PackageIndexConfig` to have fields for a download prefix (type `Text`) and of type `HackageSecurityConfig`. * The `WithJSONWarnings PackageIndexConfig` instance of `FromJSON` now assigns default value `defaultHackageSecurityConfig` if the `hackage-security` key is absent from the JSON object. * Expose `defaultDownloadPrefix`, for the official Hackage server. ## v0.5.7 * Expose `loadAndCompleteSnapshotRaw'` and `loadAndCompleteSnapshot'`, which allow the toggling of the debug output of the raw snapshot layer. See [#55](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/55). * Support GHC 9.4. ## v0.5.6 * Remove operational and mirror keys from bootstrap key set. See [#53](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/53). ## v0.5.5 * Support `Cabal-`. ## v0.5.4 * Support `aeson-`. ## v0.5.3 * improve and expose `fetchRepos`/`fetchReposRaw`. ## v0.5.2.3 * Support for GHC 9.0. See [#39](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/39). ## v0.5.2.2 * Support for `Cabal-`. See [#38](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/38). ## v0.5.2.1 * Support `persistent-`. See [#35](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/issues/35). ## v0.5.2 * Fall back to BSD tar when type cannot be detected. See [#33](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/issues/33). ## v0.5.1.5 * Switch back to `hackage.haskell.org`. See [#30](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/30). * Pass through basic auth credentials specified in URLs. See [#32](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/32). ## v0.5.1.4 * Allow building with `persistent-`. See [#28](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/pull/28). ## v0.5.1.3 * Handle case where tree exists in cache by blobs are missing. See [#27](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/issues/27). ## v0.5.1.2 * Skip a test for issue [#26](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/pantry/issues/26). ## v0.5.1.1 * Fix to allow multiple relative path of symlink. ## v0.5.1.0 * Catch all exceptions from Casa calls and recover. ## v0.5.0.0 * Make the location of LTS/Nightly snapshots configurable. ## v0.4.0.1 * Removed errant log message. ## v0.4.0.0 * Add a deprecation warning when using a repo/archive without a Cabal file, see Stack issue [#5210](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5210). * Do not include repo/archive dependencies which do not include Cabal files in lock files. * Remove some no longer used functions. ## v0.3.0.0 * Upgrade to `Cabal-`. ## v0.2.0.0 Bug fixes: * Don't compare the hashes of Cabal files. Addresses bugs such as Stack issue [#5045](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5045). Data type changes: removed the `pmCabal` and `rpmCabal` fields. ## v0.1.1.2 Bug fixes: * Module mapping insertions into the database are now atomic. Previously, if you SIGTERMed at the wrong time while running a script, you could end up with an inconsistent database state. ## v0.1.1.1 Other changes: * Support building with `persistent-template-2.7.0`. ## v0.1.1.0 **Changes since** Bug fixes: * Fix to allow dependencies on specific versions of local git repositories. See Stack pull request [#4862](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/4862). Behavior changes: * By default, do not perform expiry checks in Hackage Security. See Stack issue [#4928](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4928). Other changes: * Rename `pantry-tmp` package back to `pantry`, now that we have gained maintainership (which had been used by someone else for a candidate-only test that made it look like the name was free but prevented uploading a real package). ## * Initial release.