module Language.Java.Paragon.Pretty (prettyPrint, Pretty(..)) where import Text.PrettyPrint import Data.Char (toLower) import Language.Java.Paragon.Syntax prettyPrint :: Pretty a => a -> String prettyPrint = show . pretty class Pretty a where pretty :: a -> Doc pretty = prettyPrec 0 prettyPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc prettyPrec _ = pretty ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Packages instance Pretty (CompilationUnit a) where pretty (CompilationUnit _ mpd ids tds) = vcat $ maybePP mpd: map pretty ids ++ map pretty tds instance Pretty (PackageDecl a) where pretty (PackageDecl _ name) = text "package" <+> pretty name <> semi instance Pretty (ImportDecl a) where pretty (ImportDecl _ st name wc) = text "import" <+> opt st (text "static") <+> pretty name <> opt wc (text ".*") <> semi ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Declarations instance Pretty (TypeDecl a) where pretty (ClassTypeDecl _ cd) = pretty cd pretty (InterfaceTypeDecl _ id) = pretty id instance Pretty (ClassDecl a) where pretty (EnumDecl _ mods ident impls body) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "enum" , pretty ident , ppImplements impls ] $$ pretty body pretty (ClassDecl _ mods ident tParams mSuper impls body) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "class" , pretty ident , ppTypeParams tParams , ppExtends (maybe [] return mSuper) , ppImplements impls ] $$ pretty body instance Pretty (ClassBody a) where pretty (ClassBody _ ds) = braceBlock (map pretty ds) instance Pretty (EnumBody a) where pretty (EnumBody _ cs ds) = braceBlock $ punctuate comma (map pretty cs) ++ opt (not $ null ds) semi : map pretty ds instance Pretty (EnumConstant a) where pretty (EnumConstant _ ident args mBody) = pretty ident -- needs special treatment since even the parens are optional <> opt (not $ null args) (ppArgs args) $$ maybePP mBody instance Pretty (InterfaceDecl a) where pretty (InterfaceDecl _ mods ident tParams impls body) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "interface" , pretty ident , ppTypeParams tParams , ppImplements impls ] $$ pretty body instance Pretty (InterfaceBody a) where pretty (InterfaceBody _ mds) = braceBlock (map pretty mds) instance Pretty (Decl a) where pretty (MemberDecl _ md) = pretty md pretty (InitDecl _ b bl) = opt b (text "static") <+> pretty bl instance Pretty (MemberDecl a) where pretty (FieldDecl _ mods t vds) = hsep (map pretty mods ++ pretty t:map pretty vds) <> semi pretty (MethodDecl _ mods tParams mt ident fParams throws body) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , ppTypeParams tParams , ppResultType mt , pretty ident <> ppArgs fParams , ppThrows throws ] $$ pretty body pretty (ConstructorDecl _ mods tParams ident fParams throws body) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , ppTypeParams tParams , pretty ident , ppArgs fParams , ppThrows throws ] $$ pretty body pretty (MemberClassDecl _ cd) = pretty cd pretty (MemberInterfaceDecl _ id) = pretty id -- Paragon pretty (LockDecl _ mods ident arity lockProps) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "lock" , pretty ident <> ppArity arity ] <> maybe empty (\lp -> char ' ' <> pretty lp) lockProps <> semi {- pretty (PolicyDecl mods ident pol) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "policy" , pretty ident , char '=' , pretty pol ] <> semi pretty (ActorDecl mods ident mInit) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "actor" , pretty ident , maybe empty (\init -> char '=' <+> pretty init) mInit ] <> semi -} ppArity :: [Maybe (Ident x)] -> Doc ppArity [] = empty ppArity mis = parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (\i -> {- char '?' <> -} maybePP i) mis instance Pretty (VarDecl a) where pretty (VarDecl _ vdId mInit) = pretty vdId <+> maybe empty (\init -> char '=' <+> pretty init) mInit instance Pretty (VarDeclId a) where pretty (VarId _ ident) = pretty ident pretty (VarDeclArray _ vId) = pretty vId instance Pretty (VarInit a) where pretty (InitExp _ e) = pretty e pretty (InitArray _ arrInit) = pretty arrInit instance Pretty (FormalParam a) where pretty (FormalParam _ mods t b vId) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , pretty t <> opt b (text "...") , pretty vId ] instance Pretty (MethodBody a) where pretty (MethodBody _ mBlock) = maybe semi pretty mBlock instance Pretty (ConstructorBody a) where pretty (ConstructorBody _ mECI stmts) = braceBlock $ maybePP mECI : map pretty stmts instance Pretty (ExplConstrInv a) where pretty (ThisInvoke _ rts args) = ppTypeParams rts <+> text "this" <> ppArgs args <> semi pretty (SuperInvoke _ rts args) = ppTypeParams rts <+> text "super" <> ppArgs args <> semi pretty (PrimarySuperInvoke _ e rts args) = pretty e <> char '.' <> ppTypeParams rts <+> text "super" <> ppArgs args <> semi instance Pretty (Modifier a) where pretty mod = case mod of Reads _ pol -> char '?' <> pretty pol Writes _ pol -> char '!' <> pretty pol Expects _ locks -> char '~' <> prettyLocks locks Opens _ locks -> char '+' <> prettyLocks locks Closes _ locks -> char '-' <> prettyLocks locks Typemethod _ -> text "typemethod" Reflexive _ -> text "reflexive" Transitive _ -> text "transitive" Symmetric _ -> text "symmetric" Public _ -> text "public" Private _ -> text "private" Protected _ -> text "protected" Abstract _ -> text "abstract" Final _ -> text "final" Static _ -> text "static" StrictFP _ -> text "strictfp" Transient _ -> text "transient" Volatile _ -> text "volatile" Native _ -> text "native" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Statements instance Pretty (Block a) where pretty (Block _ stmts) = braceBlock $ map pretty stmts instance Pretty (BlockStmt a) where pretty (BlockStmt _ stmt) = pretty stmt pretty (LocalClass _ cd) = pretty cd pretty (LocalVars _ mods t vds) = hsep (map pretty mods) <+> pretty t <+> hsep (punctuate comma $ map pretty vds) <> semi -- Paragon pretty (LocalLock _ mods ident arity lockProps) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "lock" , pretty ident <> ppArity arity ] <> maybe empty (\lp -> char ' ' <> pretty lp) lockProps <> semi {- pretty (LocalPolicy mods ident pol) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "policy" , pretty ident , char '=' , pretty pol ] <> semi pretty (LocalActor mods ident mInit) = hsep [hsep (map pretty mods) , text "actor" , pretty ident , maybe empty (\init -> char '=' <+> pretty init) mInit ] <> semi -} instance Pretty (Stmt a) where pretty (StmtBlock _ block) = pretty block pretty (IfThen _ c th) = hsep [text "if", parens (pretty c) , pretty th ] pretty (IfThenElse _ c th el) = hsep [text "if", parens (pretty c) , pretty th , text "else", pretty el ] pretty (While _ c stmt) = hsep [text "while", parens (pretty c), pretty stmt] pretty (BasicFor _ mInit mE mUp stmt) = hsep [text "for" , parens $ hsep [maybePP mInit, semi , maybePP mE, semi , maybe empty (hsep . punctuate comma . map pretty) mUp ] , pretty stmt ] pretty (EnhancedFor _ mods t ident e stmt) = hsep [text "for" , parens $ hsep [ hsep (map pretty mods) , pretty t , pretty ident , colon , pretty e ] , pretty stmt ] pretty (Empty _) = semi pretty (ExpStmt _ e) = pretty e <> semi pretty (Assert _ ass mE) = text "assert" <+> pretty ass <+> maybe empty ((colon <>) . pretty) mE <> semi pretty (Switch _ e sBlocks) = text "switch" <+> parens (pretty e) $$ braceBlock (map pretty sBlocks) pretty (Do _ stmt e) = hsep [text "do", pretty stmt, text "while" , parens (pretty e)] <> semi pretty (Break _ mIdent) = text "break" <+> maybePP mIdent <> semi pretty (Continue _ mIdent) = text "continue" <+> maybePP mIdent <> semi pretty (Return _ mE) = text "return" <+> maybePP mE <> semi pretty (Synchronized _ e block) = text "synchronized" <+> parens (pretty e) $$ pretty block pretty (Throw _ e) = text "throw" <+> pretty e <> semi pretty (Try _ block catches mFinally) = text "try" $$ pretty block $$ vcat (map pretty catches ++ [ppFinally mFinally]) where ppFinally Nothing = empty ppFinally (Just bl) = text "finally" <+> pretty bl pretty (Labeled _ ident stmt) = pretty ident <> colon <+> pretty stmt -- Paragon pretty (Open _ lock) = text "open" <+> pretty lock <> semi pretty (Close _ lock) = text "close" <+> pretty lock <> semi pretty (OpenBlock _ lock block) = text "open" <+> pretty lock <+> pretty block pretty (CloseBlock _ lock block) = text "close" <+> pretty lock <+> pretty block {- pretty (WhenThen lock th) = hsep [text "when", parens (pretty lock) ,text "then", pretty th ] pretty (WhenThenElse lock th el) = hsep [text "when", parens (pretty lock) , text "then", pretty th , text "else", pretty el ] -} instance Pretty (Catch a) where pretty (Catch _ fParam block) = hsep [text "catch", parens (pretty fParam)] $$ pretty block instance Pretty (SwitchBlock a) where pretty (SwitchBlock _ lbl stmts) = vcat (pretty lbl : map (nest 2 . pretty) stmts) instance Pretty (SwitchLabel a) where pretty (SwitchCase _ e) = text "case" <+> pretty e <> colon pretty (Default _) = text "default:" instance Pretty (ForInit a) where pretty (ForLocalVars _ mods t vds) = hsep $ map pretty mods ++ pretty t: punctuate comma (map pretty vds) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expressions instance Pretty (Exp a) where pretty (Lit _ l) = pretty l pretty (ClassLit _ mT) = ppResultType mT <> text ".class" pretty (This _) = text "this" pretty (ThisClass _ name) = pretty name <> text ".this" pretty (Paren _ e) = parens (pretty e) pretty (InstanceCreation _ tArgs ct args mBody) = hsep [text "new" , ppTypeParams tArgs , pretty ct <> ppArgs args ] $$ maybePP mBody pretty (QualInstanceCreation _ e tArgs ident args mBody) = hsep [pretty e <> char '.' <> text "new" , ppTypeParams tArgs , pretty ident <> ppArgs args ] $$ maybePP mBody pretty (ArrayCreate _ t es k) = text "new" <+> hcat (pretty t : map (brackets . pretty) es ++ replicate k (text "[]")) pretty (ArrayCreateInit _ t k init) = text "new" <+> hcat (pretty t : replicate k (text "[]")) <+> pretty init pretty (FieldAccess _ fa) = pretty fa pretty (MethodInv _ mi) = pretty mi pretty (ArrayAccess _ ain) = pretty ain pretty (ExpName _ name) = pretty name pretty (PostIncrement _ e) = pretty e <> text "++" pretty (PostDecrement _ e) = pretty e <> text "--" pretty (PreIncrement _ e) = text "++" <> pretty e pretty (PreDecrement _ e) = text "--" <> pretty e pretty (PrePlus _ e) = char '+' <> pretty e pretty (PreMinus _ e) = char '-' <> pretty e pretty (PreBitCompl _ e) = char '~' <> pretty e pretty (PreNot _ e) = char '!' <> pretty e pretty (Cast _ t e) = parens (pretty t) <+> pretty e pretty (BinOp _ e1 op e2) = hsep [pretty e1, pretty op, pretty e2] pretty (InstanceOf _ e rt) = hsep [pretty e, text "instanceof", pretty rt] pretty (Cond _ c th el) = hsep [pretty c, char '?', pretty th, colon, pretty el] pretty (Assign _ lhs aop e) = hsep [pretty lhs, pretty aop, pretty e] -- Paragon pretty (PolicyExp _ pl) = pretty pl -- pretty (PolicyOf i) = text "policyof" <> parens (pretty i) pretty (LockExp _ l) = char '?' <> pretty l pretty (AntiQExp _ s) = text "#E#" <> text s instance Pretty (Literal a) where pretty (Int _ i) = text (show i) pretty (Word _ i) = text (show i) <> char 'L' pretty (Float _ f) = text (show f) <> char 'F' pretty (Double _ d) = text (show d) pretty (Boolean _ b) = text . map toLower $ show b pretty (Char _ c) = text (show c) pretty (String _ s) = text (show s) pretty (Null _ ) = text "null" instance Pretty (Op a) where pretty op = text $ case op of Mult _ -> "*" Div _ -> "/" Rem _ -> "%" Add _ -> "+" Sub _ -> "-" LShift _ -> "<<" RShift _ -> ">>" RRShift _ -> ">>>" LThan _ -> "<" GThan _ -> ">" LThanE _ -> "<=" GThanE _ -> ">=" Equal _ -> "==" NotEq _ -> "!=" And _ -> "&" Xor _ -> "^" Or _ -> "|" CAnd _ -> "&&" COr _ -> "||" instance Pretty (AssignOp a) where pretty aop = text $ case aop of EqualA _ -> "=" MultA _ -> "*=" DivA _ -> "/=" RemA _ -> "%=" AddA _ -> "+=" SubA _ -> "-=" LShiftA _ -> "<<=" RShiftA _ -> ">>=" RRShiftA _ -> ">>>=" AndA _ -> "&=" XorA _ -> "^=" OrA _ -> "|=" instance Pretty (Lhs a) where pretty (NameLhs _ name) = pretty name pretty (FieldLhs _ fa) = pretty fa pretty (ArrayLhs _ ain) = pretty ain instance Pretty (ArrayIndex a) where pretty (ArrayIndex _ ref e) = pretty ref <> brackets (pretty e) instance Pretty (FieldAccess a) where pretty (PrimaryFieldAccess _ e ident) = pretty e <> char '.' <> pretty ident pretty (SuperFieldAccess _ ident) = text "super." <> pretty ident pretty (ClassFieldAccess _ name ident) = pretty name <> text ".super." <> pretty ident instance Pretty (MethodInvocation a) where pretty (MethodCall _ name args) = pretty name <> ppArgs args pretty (PrimaryMethodCall _ e tArgs ident args) = hcat [pretty e, char '.', ppTypeParams tArgs, pretty ident, ppArgs args] pretty (SuperMethodCall _ tArgs ident args) = hcat [text "super.", ppTypeParams tArgs, pretty ident, ppArgs args] pretty (ClassMethodCall _ name tArgs ident args) = hcat [pretty name, text ".super.", ppTypeParams tArgs, pretty ident, ppArgs args] pretty (TypeMethodCall _ name tArgs ident args) = hcat [pretty name, char '.', ppTypeParams tArgs, pretty ident, ppArgs args] instance Pretty (ArrayInit a) where pretty (ArrayInit _ vInits) = braces $ hsep (punctuate comma (map pretty vInits)) ppArgs :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc ppArgs = parens . hsep . punctuate comma . map pretty ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types instance Pretty (Type a) where pretty (PrimType _ pt) = pretty pt pretty (RefType _ rt) = pretty rt pretty (AntiQType _ s) = text "#T#" <> text s instance Pretty (RefType a) where pretty (ClassRefType _ ct) = pretty ct pretty (TypeVariable _ i) = pretty i pretty (ArrayType _ t mp) = pretty t <> text "[]" <> maybe empty (ppTypeParams . return) mp instance Pretty (ClassType a) where pretty (ClassType _ itas) = hcat . punctuate (char '.') $ map (\(i,tas) -> pretty i <> ppTypeParams tas) itas instance Pretty (TypeArgument a) where pretty (ActualArg _ aa) = pretty aa pretty (Wildcard _ mBound) = char '?' <+> maybePP mBound instance Pretty (NonWildTypeArgument a) where pretty (ActualType _ t) = pretty t pretty (ActualPolicy _ p) = text "policy" <+> pretty p pretty (ActualActor _ n) = text "actor" <+> pretty n pretty (ActualLockState _ ls) = text "lock[]" <+> ppArgs ls -- HACK ALERT instance Pretty (WildcardBound a) where pretty (ExtendsBound _ rt) = text "extends" <+> pretty rt pretty (SuperBound _ rt) = text "super" <+> pretty rt instance Pretty (PrimType a) where pretty (BooleanT _) = text "boolean" pretty (ByteT _) = text "byte" pretty (ShortT _) = text "short" pretty (IntT _) = text "int" pretty (LongT _) = text "long" pretty (CharT _) = text "char" pretty (FloatT _) = text "float" pretty (DoubleT _) = text "double" -- Paragon pretty (ActorT _) = text "actor" pretty (PolicyT _) = text "policy" instance Pretty (TypeParam a) where pretty (TypeParam _ ident rts) = pretty ident <+> opt (not $ null rts) (hsep $ text "extends": punctuate (text " &") (map pretty rts)) pretty (ActorParam _ ident) = text "actor" <+> pretty ident pretty (PolicyParam _ ident) = text "policy" <+> pretty ident pretty (LockStateParam _ ident) = text "lock[]" <+> pretty ident ppTypeParams :: Pretty a => [a] -> Doc ppTypeParams [] = empty ppTypeParams tps = char '<' <> hsep (punctuate comma (map pretty tps)) <> char '>' ppImplements :: [RefType x] -> Doc ppImplements [] = empty ppImplements rts = text "implements" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map pretty rts)) ppExtends :: [RefType x] -> Doc ppExtends [] = empty ppExtends rts = text "extends" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map pretty rts)) ppThrows :: [ExceptionSpec x] -> Doc ppThrows [] = empty ppThrows ess = text "throws" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map pretty ess)) instance Pretty (ExceptionSpec a) where pretty (ExceptionSpec _ mods t) = hsep (map pretty mods) <+> pretty t ppResultType :: Maybe (Type x) -> Doc ppResultType Nothing = text "void" ppResultType (Just a) = pretty a ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Paragon Policies instance Pretty (PolicyExp a) where pretty (PolicyLit _ cs) = braces $ hcat (punctuate (char ';') $ map pretty cs) pretty (PolicyOf _ i) = text "policyof" <> parens (pretty i) pretty (PolicyTypeVar _ i) = pretty i instance Pretty (Clause a) where pretty (Clause _ h b) = pretty h <> char ':' <+> hcat (punctuate (char ',') $ map pretty b) instance Pretty (LClause a) where pretty (LClause _ h b) = pretty h <> char ':' <+> hcat (punctuate (char ',') $ map pretty b) instance Pretty (Actor a) where pretty (Actor _ str) = pretty str pretty (Var _ str) = char '\'' <> pretty str instance Pretty (ActorName a) where pretty (ActorName _ n) = pretty n pretty (ActorTypeVar _ i) = pretty i instance Pretty (Atom a) where pretty (Atom _ pr vs) = pretty pr <> opt (not $ null vs) (parens (hcat (punctuate (char ',') $ map pretty vs))) instance Pretty (Lock a) where pretty (Lock _ i as) = pretty i <> opt (not $ null as) (parens (hcat (punctuate (char ',') $ map pretty as))) pretty (LockVar _ i) = pretty i instance Pretty (LockProperties a) where pretty (LockProperties _ cs) = braces $ hcat (punctuate (char ';') $ map pretty cs) prettyLocks :: [Lock x] -> Doc --prettyLocks [l] = pretty l prettyLocks ls = parens . hsep . punctuate (char ',') $ map pretty ls --instance Pretty (LockExp a) where -- pretty (LockExp ls) = parens $ hcat (map pretty ls) -- pretty (LockVar v) = pretty v ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Names and identifiers instance Pretty (Name a) where pretty (Name _ is) = hcat (punctuate (char '.') $ map pretty is) pretty (AntiQName _ s) = text "#N#" <> text s instance Pretty (Ident a) where pretty (Ident _ s) = text s pretty (AntiQIdent _ s) = text "#" <> text s ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Help functionality maybePP :: Pretty a => Maybe a -> Doc maybePP = maybe empty pretty opt :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc opt x a = if x then a else empty braceBlock :: [Doc] -> Doc braceBlock xs = char '{' $+$ nest 2 (vcat xs) $+$ char '}'