# Verison 0.4.8 * Builds with GHC 8.6.x and 8.8.x * Requires cabal-install 2.2 or later * Bugfix to the chat example, prevent two users simultaneously kicking each other # Version 0.4.7 * Builds with GHC 8.2.x and 8.4.x # Version 0.4.6 * Builds with GHC 7.10 and GHC 8.0.2 * Test with cabal new-build, and addit to the instructions # Version 0.4.5 * Fix build with GHC 7.8 # Version 0.4.4 * Use http-conduit instead of HTTP (fixes problems with wikipedia URL examples) # Version 0.4.3 * Fix build with GHC 7.8 # Version 0.4.2 * Minor fixes to the .cabal file # Version 0.4.1 * Make findpar5.hs compile, and add it to the .cabal file # Version 0.4 * Add `stack.yaml`, builds using LTS 4.2 (GHC 7.10.3) * Various upper bound updates,including `network-2.6` * Add `README.md`, with build instructions for Stack and Cabal * Fix `.cabal` problems found by stack * Build `tmvar.hs`, `windowman.hs` by importing them into a dummy `Main` module in `miscmodules.hs`. * Removed generated `Parse.hs` and `Lex.hs`