module ParkBench ( Benchmark, benchmark, function, action, ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text (encodeUtf8) import qualified ParkBench.Benchmark as Benchmark import qualified ParkBench.Builder as Builder import qualified ParkBench.Driver as Driver import ParkBench.Named (Named (Named)) import qualified ParkBench.Named as Named import ParkBench.Prelude import ParkBench.Pretty (renderTable) import ParkBench.Render (estimatesToTable) import ParkBench.RtsStats (RtsStats) import qualified ParkBench.Statistics as Statistics import ParkBench.Terminal (clearFromCursor, cursorUp, withTerminal) -- | A single benchmark. newtype Benchmark = Benchmark (Named (Word64 -> IO ())) -- | Run a collection of benchmarks. benchmark :: -- | [Benchmark] -> IO void benchmark xs = case NonEmpty.nonEmpty xs of Nothing -> forever (threadDelay maxBound) Just ys -> benchmark' (coerce ys) benchmark' :: NonEmpty (Named (Word64 -> IO ())) -> IO void benchmark' = \case Named name f :| [] -> withTerminal do let loop :: Driver.Pull1 RtsStats -> Int -> IO void loop (Driver.Pull1 pull0) newlines0 = do (estimate, pull1) <- pull0 newlines1 <- renderSummaries (Named name estimate :| []) newlines0 loop pull1 newlines1 ByteString.putStr (ByteString.singleton newline) loop (Driver.benchmark1 (Benchmark.measure . f)) 0 fs -> withTerminal do summaries0 <- (traverse . traverse) (\f -> Driver.benchmark (Benchmark.measure . f)) fs let loop :: Driver.Pulls RtsStats -> Int -> IO void loop pulls0 newlines0 = do summaries <- traverse (traverse fst) summaries0 newlines1 <- renderSummaries summaries newlines0 pulls1 <- Driver.pull pulls0 loop pulls1 newlines1 ByteString.putStr (ByteString.singleton newline) loop (Driver.pulls (snd . Named.thing <$> summaries0)) 0 renderSummaries :: NonEmpty (Named (Statistics.Estimate RtsStats)) -> Int -> IO Int renderSummaries summaries newlines0 = do ByteString.putStr bytes pure (ByteString.count newline bytes) where bytes = Text.encodeUtf8 ( builder) builder = cursorUp newlines0 <> clearFromCursor <> renderTable (estimatesToTable summaries) newline :: Word8 newline = 10 -- | Benchmark a function. The result is evaluated to weak head normal form. function :: -- | String -> -- | (a -> b) -> -- | a -> Benchmark function name f x = Benchmark (Named (Text.pack name) (Benchmark.whnf f x)) -- | Benchmark an IO action. The result is evaluated to weak head normal form. action :: -- | String -> -- | IO a -> Benchmark action name x = Benchmark (Named (Text.pack name) (Benchmark.whnfIO x))