parsec-3.1.3: Monadic parser combinators

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered



Parsec compatibility module



(<?>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> String -> ParsecT s u m aSource

The parser p ? msg behaves as parser p, but whenever the parser p fails without consuming any input, it replaces expect error messages with the expect error message msg.

This is normally used at the end of a set alternatives where we want to return an error message in terms of a higher level construct rather than returning all possible characters. For example, if the expr parser from the try example would fail, the error message is: '...: expecting expression'. Without the (<?>) combinator, the message would be like '...: expecting "let" or letter', which is less friendly.

(<|>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m aSource

This combinator implements choice. The parser p <|> q first applies p. If it succeeds, the value of p is returned. If p fails without consuming any input, parser q is tried. This combinator is defined equal to the mplus member of the MonadPlus class and the (<|>) member of Alternative.

The parser is called predictive since q is only tried when parser p didn't consume any input (i.e.. the look ahead is 1). This non-backtracking behaviour allows for both an efficient implementation of the parser combinators and the generation of good error messages.

type GenParser tok st = Parsec [tok] stSource

runParser :: GenParser tok st a -> st -> SourceName -> [tok] -> Either ParseError aSource

parse :: Stream s Identity t => Parsec s () a -> SourceName -> s -> Either ParseError aSource

parse p filePath input runs a parser p over Identity without user state. The filePath is only used in error messages and may be the empty string. Returns either a ParseError (Left) or a value of type a (Right).

  main    = case (parse numbers "" "11, 2, 43") of
             Left err  -> print err
             Right xs  -> print (sum xs)

  numbers = commaSep integer

parseFromFile :: Parser a -> String -> IO (Either ParseError a)Source

parseFromFile p filePath runs a string parser p on the input read from filePath using readFile. Returns either a ParseError (Left) or a value of type a (Right).

  main    = do{ result <- parseFromFile numbers "digits.txt"
              ; case result of
                  Left err  -> print err
                  Right xs  -> print (sum xs)

parseTest :: (Stream s Identity t, Show a) => Parsec s () a -> s -> IO ()Source

The expression parseTest p input applies a parser p against input input and prints the result to stdout. Used for testing parsers.



:: Stream s Identity t 
=> (t -> String)

Token pretty-printing function.

-> (t -> SourcePos)

Computes the position of a token.

-> (t -> Maybe a)

Matching function for the token to parse.

-> Parsec s u a 

The parser token showTok posFromTok testTok accepts a token t with result x when the function testTok t returns Just x. The source position of the t should be returned by posFromTok t and the token can be shown using showTok t.

This combinator is expressed in terms of tokenPrim. It is used to accept user defined token streams. For example, suppose that we have a stream of basic tokens tupled with source positions. We can than define a parser that accepts single tokens as:

  mytoken x
    = token showTok posFromTok testTok
      showTok (pos,t)     = show t
      posFromTok (pos,t)  = pos
      testTok (pos,t)     = if x == t then Just t else Nothing

tokens :: (Stream s m t, Eq t) => ([t] -> String) -> (SourcePos -> [t] -> SourcePos) -> [t] -> ParsecT s u m [t]Source



:: Stream s m t 
=> (t -> String)

Token pretty-printing function.

-> (SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos)

Next position calculating function.

-> (t -> Maybe a)

Matching function for the token to parse.

-> ParsecT s u m a 

The parser tokenPrim showTok nextPos testTok accepts a token t with result x when the function testTok t returns Just x. The token can be shown using showTok t. The position of the next token should be returned when nextPos is called with the current source position pos, the current token t and the rest of the tokens toks, nextPos pos t toks.

This is the most primitive combinator for accepting tokens. For example, the char parser could be implemented as:

  char c
    = tokenPrim showChar nextPos testChar
      showChar x        = "'" ++ x ++ "'"
      testChar x        = if x == c then Just x else Nothing
      nextPos pos x xs  = updatePosChar pos x

tokenPrimEx :: Stream s m t => (t -> String) -> (SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos) -> Maybe (SourcePos -> t -> s -> u -> u) -> (t -> Maybe a) -> ParsecT s u m aSource

try :: GenParser tok st a -> GenParser tok st aSource

label :: ParsecT s u m a -> String -> ParsecT s u m aSource

labels :: ParsecT s u m a -> [String] -> ParsecT s u m aSource

unexpected :: Stream s m t => String -> ParsecT s u m aSource

The parser unexpected msg always fails with an unexpected error message msg without consuming any input.

The parsers fail, (<?>) and unexpected are the three parsers used to generate error messages. Of these, only (<?>) is commonly used. For an example of the use of unexpected, see the definition of notFollowedBy.

many :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m [a]Source

many p applies the parser p zero or more times. Returns a list of the returned values of p.

  identifier  = do{ c  <- letter
                  ; cs <- many (alphaNum <|> char '_')
                  ; return (c:cs)

skipMany :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()Source

skipMany p applies the parser p zero or more times, skipping its result.

  spaces  = skipMany space

getState :: Monad m => ParsecT s u m uSource

Returns the current user state.

setState :: Monad m => u -> ParsecT s u m ()Source

An alias for putState for backwards compatibility.

updateState :: Monad m => (u -> u) -> ParsecT s u m ()Source

An alias for modifyState for backwards compatibility.

getPosition :: Monad m => ParsecT s u m SourcePosSource

Returns the current source position. See also SourcePos.

setPosition :: Monad m => SourcePos -> ParsecT s u m ()Source

setPosition pos sets the current source position to pos.

getInput :: Monad m => ParsecT s u m sSource

Returns the current input

setInput :: Monad m => s -> ParsecT s u m ()Source

setInput input continues parsing with input. The getInput and setInput functions can for example be used to deal with #include files.

data State s u Source




stateInput :: s
statePos :: !SourcePos
stateUser :: !u

getParserState :: Monad m => ParsecT s u m (State s u)Source

Returns the full parser state as a State record.

setParserState :: Monad m => State s u -> ParsecT s u m (State s u)Source

setParserState st set the full parser state to st.