module Text.Parsec.Utils (
    -- * Main parse functions
    parseString, parseFile,

    -- * Number parsers
    nat, int, float,

    -- * Parser operators
    -- |Mostly synonyms for the operators from "Control.Applicative",
    -- but left-associative and with different priorities for easier
    -- composition with fewer parentheses.
    (=:), (+:), (-:), (.:), ($:), (<:)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String

infixl 4 +:, -:
infixl 5 .:, <:, =:
infixl 3 $:

-- |Parse a string. Parse errors are reported through the 'error' function.
-- >>> parseString int "123" == 123
-- True
parseString :: Parser a -> String -> a
parseString p = either (error . show) id . parse p ""

-- |Parse the contents of a file. Parse errors are reported
-- through the 'error' function.
parseFile :: Parser a -> FilePath -> IO a
parseFile p f = parseString p .: readFile f

-- |Parse a natural (i.e. non-negative) number
-- >>> parseString nat "123" == 123
-- True
nat :: Integral a => Parser a
nat = fromInteger . read .: many1 digit

-- |Parse an integer (or any instance of Integral)
-- >>> parseString int "-123" == -123
-- True
int :: Integral a => Parser a
int = (*) .: option 1 (-1 =: char '-') +: nat

-- |Parse a floating point number
-- >>> parseString float "-12.34" == -12.34
-- True
float :: (Read a, RealFloat a) => Parser a
float = read $: (++) .: show .: int
                     +: option "" ((:) .: char '.' +: show .: nat)

-- |Synonym for '<$'
-- >>> parseString (2 =: char 'a') "a" == 2
-- True
(=:) :: Functor f => b -> f a -> f b
(=:) = (<$)

-- |Synonym for '<*>'
-- >>> parseString ((,) .: char 'a' +: int) "a1" == ('a', 1)
-- True
(+:) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(+:) = (<*>)

-- |Synonym for '<*'
-- Allows chaining parsers without the need for parentheses
-- >>> parseString ((+) .: int -: space +: int) "1 2" == 3
-- True
(-:) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f a
(-:) = (<*)

-- |Synonym for '<$>'
-- >>> parseString ((,) .: char 'a' +: int) "a1" == ('a', 1)
-- True
(.:) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(.:) = (<$>)

-- |Synonym for '<*'
-- Identical to '.:' but with lower precedence.
-- >>> parseString (show $: (+) .: int -: space +: int) "1 2" == "3"
-- True
($:) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
($:) = (<$>)

-- |Apply a parser that returns a 'String' and parse the result with
-- another parser.
-- >>> parseString (int <: manyTill anyChar (char '9')) "129" == 12
-- True
(<:) :: Parser t -> Parser String -> Parser t
a <: b = either (fail . show) return . parse a "" =<< b