{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | Alternative (to "NLP.Partage.Tree") representation of TAG
-- trees, in which information about the foot is present in the tree
-- itself.

module NLP.Partage.Tree.Other
-- * TAG Tree
, Node (..)
-- ** Base representation
, SomeTree

-- * Conversion
, encode
, decode

-- * Utils
, isTerm
, isFinal
, isInitial
, isAuxiliary
, hasRoot
, project
) where

-- import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Control.Monad (msum)
-- import           Data.Maybe (isJust)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F

import qualified Data.Tree as R

import qualified NLP.Partage.Tree as T

-- Types

-- | Node of a TAG tree.
data Node n t
    = NonTerm n     -- ^ Standard non-terminal
    | Foot n        -- ^ Foot non-terminal
    | Term t        -- ^ Terminal
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Is it a teminal?
isTerm :: Node n t -> Bool
isTerm (Term _) = True
isTerm _        = False

-- | An initial or auxiliary TAG tree.  Note that the type doesn't
-- ensure that the foot is placed in a leaf, nor that there is at
-- most one foot node.  On the other hand, and in contrast to
-- "NLP.Partage.Tree", information about the foot is available at
-- the level of the corresponding foot node.
type Tree n t = R.Tree (Node n t)

-- | An original tree representation (see "NLP.Partage.Tree").
type SomeTree n t = Either (T.Tree n t) (T.AuxTree n t)

-- Encoding

-- | Encode the tree using the alternative representation.
encode :: SomeTree n t -> Tree n t
encode (Left t) = unTree t
encode (Right T.AuxTree{..}) = markFoot auxFoot (unTree auxTree)

-- | Encode the initial tree using the alternative representation.
unTree :: T.Tree n t -> Tree n t
unTree (T.Branch x xs) = R.Node (NonTerm x) (map unTree xs)
unTree (T.Leaf x)    = R.Node (Term x) []

-- | Mark non-terminal under the path as a foot.
markFoot :: T.Path -> Tree n t -> Tree n t
markFoot [] (R.Node (NonTerm x) []) = R.Node (Foot x) []
markFoot (i:is) (R.Node y ys) =
    R.Node y $ doit i ys
    doit 0 (x:xs) = markFoot is x : xs
    doit k (x:xs) = x : doit (k-1) xs
    doit _      _      = error "markFoot.doit: unhandled case"
markFoot _ _ = error "markFoot: unhandled case"

-- Decoding

-- | Decode the tree represented with the alternative representation.
decode :: Tree n t -> SomeTree n t
decode t = case findFoot t of
    Just is -> Right $ T.AuxTree (mkTree t) is
    Nothing -> Left $ mkTree t

-- | Convert the parsed tree into an LTAG tree.
mkTree :: Tree n t -> T.Tree n t
mkTree (R.Node n xs) = case n of
    Term x  -> T.Leaf x
    Foot x  -> T.Branch
        { T.labelI = x
        , T.subTrees = [] }
    NonTerm x   -> T.Branch
        { T.labelI = x
        , T.subTrees = map mkTree xs }

-- | Find the path of the foot (if present) in the tree.
findFoot :: Tree n t -> Maybe T.Path
findFoot (R.Node n xs) = case n of
    Foot _  -> Just []
    _       -> msum
        $ zipWith addID [0..]
        $ map findFoot xs
    addID i (Just is) = Just (i:is)
    addID _ Nothing   = Nothing

-- Utils

-- | Is it an initial (i.e. non-auxiliary) tree?
isInitial :: Tree n t -> Bool
isInitial = not . isAuxiliary

-- | Is it an auxiliary (i.e. with a foot) tree?
isAuxiliary :: Tree n t -> Bool
isAuxiliary (R.Node (Foot _) _) = True
isAuxiliary (R.Node _ xs) = any isAuxiliary xs

-- | Is it a final tree (i.e. does it contain only terminals
-- in its leaves)?
isFinal :: Tree n t -> Bool
isFinal (R.Node n []) = isTerm n
isFinal (R.Node _ xs) = all isFinal xs

-- | Projection of a tree, i.e. a list of its terminals.
project :: Tree n t -> [t]
project =
    F.foldMap term
    term (Term x) = [x]
    term _        = []

-- | Is it a root label of the given tree?
hasRoot :: Eq n => n -> Tree n t -> Bool
hasRoot x (R.Node (NonTerm y) _) = x == y
hasRoot _ _ = False