-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Patat.Presentation.Display ( Display (..) , displayPresentation , displayPresentationError , dumpPresentation ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad (guard) import qualified Data.Aeson.Extended as A import Data.Char.WCWidth.Extended (wcstrwidth) import Data.Data.Extended (grecQ) import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList) import qualified Data.Sequence.Extended as Seq import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Patat.Presentation.Comments as Comments import Patat.Presentation.Display.CodeBlock import Patat.Presentation.Display.Internal import Patat.Presentation.Display.Table import Patat.Presentation.Internal import Patat.Presentation.Settings import Patat.PrettyPrint ((<$$>), (<+>)) import qualified Patat.PrettyPrint as PP import Patat.Size import Patat.Theme (Theme (..)) import qualified Patat.Theme as Theme import Prelude import qualified Text.Pandoc.Extended as Pandoc import qualified Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared as Pandoc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Display = DisplayDoc PP.Doc | DisplayImage FilePath deriving (Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Display something within the presentation borders that draw the title and -- the active slide number and so on. displayWithBorders :: Size -> Presentation -> (DisplaySettings -> PP.Doc) -> PP.Doc displayWithBorders (Size rows columns) pres@Presentation {..} f = (if null title then mempty else let titleRemainder = columns - titleWidth - titleOffset wrappedTitle = PP.spaces titleOffset <> PP.string title <> PP.spaces titleRemainder in borders wrappedTitle <> PP.hardline) <> f ds <> PP.hardline <> PP.goToLine (rows - 2) <> borders (PP.space <> PP.string author <> middleSpaces <> PP.string active <> PP.space) <> PP.hardline where -- Get terminal width/title (sidx, _) = pActiveFragment settings = activeSettings pres ds = DisplaySettings { dsSize = canvasSize , dsWrap = fromMaybe NoWrap $ psWrap settings , dsMargins = margins settings , dsTheme = fromMaybe Theme.defaultTheme (psTheme settings) , dsSyntaxMap = pSyntaxMap } -- Compute title. breadcrumbs = fromMaybe [] $ Seq.safeIndex pBreadcrumbs sidx plainTitle = PP.toString $ prettyInlines ds pTitle breadTitle = mappend plainTitle $ mconcat [ s | b <- map (prettyInlines ds . snd) breadcrumbs , s <- [" > ", PP.toString b] ] title | not . fromMaybe True $ psBreadcrumbs settings = plainTitle | wcstrwidth breadTitle > columns = plainTitle | otherwise = breadTitle -- Dimensions of title. titleWidth = wcstrwidth title titleOffset = (columns - titleWidth) `div` 2 borders = themed ds themeBorders -- Room left for content canvasSize = Size (rows - 3) columns -- Compute footer. active | fromMaybe True $ psSlideNumber settings = show (sidx + 1) ++ " / " ++ show (length pSlides) | otherwise = "" activeWidth = wcstrwidth active author = PP.toString (prettyInlines ds pAuthor) authorWidth = wcstrwidth author middleSpaces = PP.spaces $ columns - activeWidth - authorWidth - 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- displayPresentation :: Size -> Presentation -> Display displayPresentation size pres@Presentation {..} = case activeFragment pres of Nothing -> DisplayDoc $ displayWithBorders size pres mempty Just (ActiveContent fragment) | Just _ <- psImages pSettings , Just image <- onlyImage fragment -> DisplayImage $ T.unpack image Just (ActiveContent fragment) -> DisplayDoc $ displayWithBorders size pres $ \theme -> prettyFragment theme fragment Just (ActiveTitle block) -> DisplayDoc $ displayWithBorders size pres $ \ds -> let auto = Margins {mTop = Auto, mRight = Auto, mLeft = Auto} in prettyFragment ds {dsMargins = auto} $ Fragment [block] where -- Check if the fragment consists of "just a single image". Discard -- headers. onlyImage (Fragment (Pandoc.Header{} : bs)) = onlyImage (Fragment bs) onlyImage (Fragment bs) = case bs of [Pandoc.Figure _ _ bs'] -> onlyImage (Fragment bs') [Pandoc.Para [Pandoc.Image _ _ (target, _)]] -> Just target _ -> Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Displays an error in the place of the presentation. This is useful if we -- want to display an error but keep the presentation running. displayPresentationError :: Size -> Presentation -> String -> PP.Doc displayPresentationError size pres err = displayWithBorders size pres $ \ds -> themed ds themeStrong "Error occurred in the presentation:" <$$> "" <$$> (PP.string err) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dumpPresentation :: Presentation -> IO () dumpPresentation pres@Presentation {..} = PP.putDoc $ PP.removeControls $ PP.vcat $ L.intercalate ["{slide}"] $ map dumpSlide [0 .. length pSlides - 1] where dumpSlide :: Int -> [PP.Doc] dumpSlide i = do slide <- maybeToList $ getSlide i pres dumpComment slide <> L.intercalate ["{fragment}"] [ dumpFragment (i, j) | j <- [0 .. numFragments slide - 1] ] dumpComment :: Slide -> [PP.Doc] dumpComment slide = do guard (Comments.cSpeakerNotes comment /= mempty) pure $ PP.text $ "{speakerNotes: " <> Comments.speakerNotesToText (Comments.cSpeakerNotes comment) <> "}" where comment = slideComment slide dumpFragment :: Index -> [PP.Doc] dumpFragment idx = case displayPresentation (getSize idx) pres {pActiveFragment = idx} of DisplayDoc doc -> [doc] DisplayImage filepath -> [PP.string $ "{image: " ++ filepath ++ "}"] getSize :: Index -> Size getSize idx = let settings = activeSettings pres {pActiveFragment = idx} sRows = fromMaybe 24 $ A.unFlexibleNum <$> psRows settings sCols = fromMaybe 72 $ A.unFlexibleNum <$> psColumns settings in Size {..} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettyFragment :: DisplaySettings -> Fragment -> PP.Doc prettyFragment ds (Fragment blocks) = vertical $ PP.vcat (map (horizontal . prettyBlock ds) blocks) <> case prettyReferences ds blocks of [] -> mempty refs -> PP.hardline <> PP.vcat (map horizontal refs) where Size rows columns = dsSize ds Margins {..} = dsMargins ds vertical doc0 = mconcat (replicate top PP.hardline) <> doc0 where top = case mTop of Auto -> let (r, _) = PP.dimensions doc0 in (rows - r) `div` 2 NotAuto x -> x horizontal = horizontalIndent . horizontalWrap horizontalIndent doc0 = PP.indent indentation indentation doc1 where doc1 = case (mLeft, mRight) of (Auto, Auto) -> PP.deindent doc0 _ -> doc0 (_, dcols) = PP.dimensions doc1 left = case mLeft of NotAuto x -> x Auto -> case mRight of NotAuto _ -> 0 Auto -> (columns - dcols) `div` 2 indentation = PP.Indentation left mempty horizontalWrap doc0 = case dsWrap ds of NoWrap -> doc0 AutoWrap -> PP.wrapAt (Just $ columns - right - left) doc0 WrapAt col -> PP.wrapAt (Just col) doc0 where right = case mRight of Auto -> 0 NotAuto x -> x left = case mLeft of Auto -> 0 NotAuto x -> x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettyBlock :: DisplaySettings -> Pandoc.Block -> PP.Doc prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.Plain inlines) = prettyInlines ds inlines prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.Para inlines) = prettyInlines ds inlines <> PP.hardline prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.Header i _ inlines) = themed ds themeHeader (PP.string (replicate i '#') <+> prettyInlines ds inlines) <> PP.hardline prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.CodeBlock (_, classes, _) txt) = prettyCodeBlock ds classes txt prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.BulletList bss) = PP.vcat [ PP.indent (PP.Indentation 2 $ themed ds themeBulletList prefix) (PP.Indentation 4 mempty) (prettyBlocks ds' bs) | bs <- bss ] <> PP.hardline where prefix = PP.string [marker] <> " " marker = case T.unpack <$> themeBulletListMarkers theme of Just (x : _) -> x _ -> '-' -- Cycle the markers. theme = dsTheme ds theme' = theme { themeBulletListMarkers = (\ls -> T.drop 1 ls <> T.take 1 ls) <$> themeBulletListMarkers theme } ds' = ds {dsTheme = theme'} prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.OrderedList _ bss) = PP.vcat [ PP.indent (PP.Indentation 0 $ themed ds themeOrderedList $ PP.string prefix) (PP.Indentation 4 mempty) (prettyBlocks ds bs) | (prefix, bs) <- zip padded bss ] <> PP.hardline where padded = [n ++ replicate (4 - length n) ' ' | n <- numbers] numbers = [ show i ++ "." | i <- [1 .. length bss] ] prettyBlock _ds (Pandoc.RawBlock _ t) = PP.text t <> PP.hardline prettyBlock _ds Pandoc.HorizontalRule = "---" prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.BlockQuote bs) = let quote = PP.Indentation 0 (themed ds themeBlockQuote "> ") in PP.indent quote quote (themed ds themeBlockQuote $ prettyBlocks ds bs) prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.DefinitionList terms) = PP.vcat $ map prettyDefinition terms where prettyDefinition (term, definitions) = themed ds themeDefinitionTerm (prettyInlines ds term) <$$> PP.hardline <> PP.vcat [ PP.indent (PP.Indentation 0 (themed ds themeDefinitionList ": ")) (PP.Indentation 4 mempty) $ prettyBlocks ds (Pandoc.plainToPara definition) | definition <- definitions ] prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.Table _ caption specs thead tbodies tfoot) = PP.wrapAt Nothing $ prettyTable ds Table { tCaption = prettyInlines ds caption' , tAligns = map align aligns , tHeaders = map (prettyBlocks ds) headers , tRows = map (map (prettyBlocks ds)) rows } where (caption', aligns, _, headers, rows) = Pandoc.toLegacyTable caption specs thead tbodies tfoot align Pandoc.AlignLeft = PP.AlignLeft align Pandoc.AlignCenter = PP.AlignCenter align Pandoc.AlignDefault = PP.AlignLeft align Pandoc.AlignRight = PP.AlignRight prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.Div _attrs blocks) = prettyBlocks ds blocks prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.LineBlock inliness) = let ind = PP.Indentation 0 (themed ds themeLineBlock "| ") in PP.wrapAt Nothing $ PP.indent ind ind $ PP.vcat $ map (prettyInlines ds) inliness prettyBlock ds (Pandoc.Figure _attr _caption blocks) = prettyBlocks ds blocks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettyBlocks :: DisplaySettings -> [Pandoc.Block] -> PP.Doc prettyBlocks ds = PP.vcat . map (prettyBlock ds) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettyInline :: DisplaySettings -> Pandoc.Inline -> PP.Doc prettyInline _ds Pandoc.Space = PP.space prettyInline _ds (Pandoc.Str str) = PP.text str prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Emph inlines) = themed ds themeEmph $ prettyInlines ds inlines prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Strong inlines) = themed ds themeStrong $ prettyInlines ds inlines prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Underline inlines) = themed ds themeUnderline $ prettyInlines ds inlines prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Code _ txt) = themed ds themeCode $ PP.text (" " <> txt <> " ") prettyInline ds link@(Pandoc.Link _attrs text (target, _title)) | isReferenceLink link = "[" <> themed ds themeLinkText (prettyInlines ds text) <> "]" | otherwise = "<" <> themed ds themeLinkTarget (PP.text target) <> ">" prettyInline _ds Pandoc.SoftBreak = PP.softline prettyInline _ds Pandoc.LineBreak = PP.hardline prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Strikeout t) = "~~" <> themed ds themeStrikeout (prettyInlines ds t) <> "~~" prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Quoted Pandoc.SingleQuote t) = "'" <> themed ds themeQuoted (prettyInlines ds t) <> "'" prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Quoted Pandoc.DoubleQuote t) = "'" <> themed ds themeQuoted (prettyInlines ds t) <> "'" prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Math _ t) = themed ds themeMath (PP.text t) prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Image _attrs text (target, _title)) = "![" <> themed ds themeImageText (prettyInlines ds text) <> "](" <> themed ds themeImageTarget (PP.text target) <> ")" prettyInline _ (Pandoc.RawInline _ t) = PP.text t -- These elements aren't really supported. prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Cite _ t) = prettyInlines ds t prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Span _ t) = prettyInlines ds t prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Note t) = prettyBlocks ds t prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Superscript t) = prettyInlines ds t prettyInline ds (Pandoc.Subscript t) = prettyInlines ds t prettyInline ds (Pandoc.SmallCaps t) = prettyInlines ds t -- prettyInline unsupported = PP.ondullred $ PP.string $ show unsupported -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettyInlines :: DisplaySettings -> [Pandoc.Inline] -> PP.Doc prettyInlines ds = mconcat . map (prettyInline ds) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- prettyReferences :: DisplaySettings -> [Pandoc.Block] -> [PP.Doc] prettyReferences ds = map prettyReference . getReferences where getReferences :: [Pandoc.Block] -> [Pandoc.Inline] getReferences = filter isReferenceLink . grecQ prettyReference :: Pandoc.Inline -> PP.Doc prettyReference (Pandoc.Link _attrs text (target, title)) = "[" <> themed ds themeLinkText (prettyInlines ds $ Pandoc.newlineToSpace text) <> "](" <> themed ds themeLinkTarget (PP.text target) <> (if T.null title then mempty else PP.space <> "\"" <> PP.text title <> "\"") <> ")" prettyReference _ = mempty -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isReferenceLink :: Pandoc.Inline -> Bool isReferenceLink (Pandoc.Link _attrs text (target, _)) = [Pandoc.Str target] /= text isReferenceLink _ = False