Changelog for path-0.9.1

0.9.1 * Support for genvalidity >= * `mapSomeBase` and `prjSomeBase` for modifying or projecting SomeBase. 0.9.0 * Fix inconsistencies on different platforms: [#166]( * `replaceProperPrefix` * Make it possible to use windows paths on posix and vice versa 0.8.0 * Rerelease of 0.7.1 with better version number 0.7.1: * Test with GHC 8.8.2, 8.8.3, 8.10.1. * Export SomeBase constructor. * Fix Lift severe Lift instance bug 0.7.0: * BREAKING CHANGE: "fileExtension" now throws an exception if the file has no extension. You can use the result as a "Maybe" in pure code or handle the exception appropriately in any other monad. * Old extension operations "addFileExtension" and "setFileExtension" have been deprecated and replaced by "addExtension" and "replaceExtension" respectively with new behavior. ADAPTING YOUR CODE TO THIS CHANGE: * Code that sets an extension not starting with a "." e.g. "foo", must be changed such that it starts with a "." i.e. ".foo". * Code that sets multiple extensions in one go e.g. ".tar.gz" must be changed to set them one at a time instead i.e. add ".tar" first and then add ".gz". * Code that sets an extension starting with multiple dots e.g. "" must be changed such as to make the extra dots part of the file name instead. Details: The new operations "addExtension" and "replaceExtension" accept only "valid" extension forms which is exactly the same as what "fileExtension" returns. A valid extension starts with a @.@ followed by one or more characters not including @.@ followed by zero or more @.@s in trailing position. This change allows extension operations to be principled following these laws: * flip addExtension file >=> fileExtension == return * (fileExtension >=> flip replaceExtension file) file == return file * Add splitExtension operation such that: * uncurry addExtension . swap >=> splitExtension == return * splitExtension >=> uncurry addExtension . swap == return * fileExtension == (fmap snd) . splitExtension@ * Add 'Path.Posix' and 'Path.Windows' modules for manipulating Windows or Posix style paths independently of the current platform. * Add 'Lift' instance for 'Path'. * `Path.Windows` normalizes path separators throughout path, including immediately following drive letter. * `Path.Windows` handles UNC (`\\host\share\`) and Unicode (`\\?\C:\`) path without breaking the double-separator prefix. * Remove support for old GHC version. The oldest supported version is 8.2. 0.6.1: * Add 'addFileExtension' function and its operator form: (<.>). * Derive 'Eq' instance for 'PathException'. 0.6.0: * Deprecate PathParseException and rename it to PathException * Allow 'parent' to work on relative paths as well * Deprecate isParentOf and stripDir and rename them to isProperPrefixOf and stripProperPrefix respectively. * Allow "." as a valid relative dir path with the following rules: * "./" </> "./" = "./" * "./" </> "x/" = "x/" * "x/" </> "./" = "x/" * dirname "x" = "./" * dirname "/" = "./" * dirname "./" = "./" * Make dirname return "." instead of "/" (fixes #18). * Remove the 'validity' flag. * Add synonym for setFileExtension in the form of an operator: (-<.>). 0.5.13: * Add QuasiQuoters absdir, reldir, absfile, relfile 0.5.11: * Add replaceExtension and fileExtension 0.5.10: * Disallow /. for absolute file * Disallow foo/. for relative file 0.5.9: * Lifted ~ restriction from parser 0.5.8 * Add Aeson instances. 0.5.7: * Fix haddock problem. 0.5.6: * Reject only .. and . 0.5.5: * Use filepath's isValid function for additional sanity checks 0.5.4: * Disable parsing of path consisting only of "." * Add NFData instance for Path * Some typo/docs improvements * Add standard headers to modules 0.5.3: * Added conversion functions. 0.2.0: * Rename parentAbs to simply parent. * Add dirname. 0.3.0: * Removed Generic instance. 0.4.0: * Implemented stricter parsing, disabling use of "..". * Made stripDir generic over MonadThrow 0.5.0: * Fix stripDir p p /= Nothing bug. 0.5.2: * Removed unused DeriveGeneric.