{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
-- | This module provides type-safe access to filepath manipulations.
--   Normally you would import 'System.Path' (which will use the
--   default implementation for the host platform) instead of this.
--   However, importing this explicitly allows for manipulation of
--   non-native paths.
module System.Path.Windows (
    AbsFile, RelFile, AbsDir, RelDir,
    Abs, Rel, File, Dir,
    AbsRelFile, AbsRelDir, AbsFileDir, RelFileDir,
    AbsRel, FileDir, AbsRelFileDir,
    AbsPath, RelPath, FilePath, DirPath,
    AbsRelPath, FileDirPath,
    asRelFile, asRelDir, asAbsFile, asAbsDir,
    asRelPath, asAbsPath, asFilePath, asDirPath,
    path, maybe, maybePath, parse, parsePath,
    relFile, relDir, absFile, absDir,
    abs, rel, absRel, file, dir, fileDir,
    relPath, absPath, filePath, dirPath,
    rootDir, currentDir, emptyFile,
    isAbsoluteString, isRelativeString, equalFilePath,
    pathSeparator, pathSeparators, isPathSeparator,
    Core.extSeparator, Core.isExtSeparator,
    Core.searchPathSeparator, Core.isSearchPathSeparator,
    addTrailingPathSeparator, dropTrailingPathSeparator,
    ) where

import qualified System.Path.RegularExpression as RegEx
import qualified System.Path.Internal.PartClass as Class
import qualified System.Path.Internal as Core
import System.Path.RegularExpression ((-|-))

import Data.Tagged (Tagged(Tagged), untag)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, toLower)
import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>))

import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC

import Prelude hiding (FilePath, maybe, abs)

data Windows = Windows

_osDummy :: Windows
_osDummy = Windows

type System = Windows

type Path = Core.Path System

type AbsFile = Core.AbsFile System
type RelFile = Core.RelFile System
type AbsDir  = Core.AbsDir  System
type RelDir  = Core.RelDir  System
type AbsRelFile = Core.AbsRelFile System
type AbsRelDir  = Core.AbsRelDir  System
type AbsFileDir = Core.AbsFileDir System
type RelFileDir = Core.RelFileDir System
type AbsRelFileDir = Core.AbsRelFileDir System

type Abs  fd = Core.Abs  System fd
type Rel  fd = Core.Rel  System fd
type File ar = Core.File System ar
type Dir  ar = Core.Dir  System ar
type AbsRel  fd = Core.AbsRel  System fd
type FileDir ar = Core.FileDir System ar

type AbsPath  fd = Core.AbsPath  System fd
type RelPath  fd = Core.RelPath  System fd
type FilePath ar = Core.FilePath System ar
type DirPath  ar = Core.DirPath  System ar
type AbsRelPath  fd = Core.AbsRelPath  System fd
type FileDirPath ar = Core.FileDirPath System ar

{-# DEPRECATED asPath "Use 'maybePath', 'parsePath' or 'path' instead." #-}
asPath :: (Class.AbsOrRel ar, Class.FileOrDir fd) => String -> Path ar fd
asPath = Core.asPath

{-# DEPRECATED asRelFile "Use 'relFile' instead." #-}
asRelFile :: String -> RelFile
asRelFile = Core.asRelFile

{-# DEPRECATED asRelDir "Use 'relDir' instead." #-}
asRelDir :: String -> RelDir
asRelDir = Core.asRelDir

{-# DEPRECATED asAbsFile "Use 'absFile' instead." #-}
asAbsFile :: String -> AbsFile
asAbsFile = Core.asAbsFile

{-# DEPRECATED asAbsDir "Use 'absDir' instead." #-}
asAbsDir :: String -> AbsDir
asAbsDir = Core.asAbsDir

{-# DEPRECATED asRelPath "Use 'relPath' instead." #-}
asRelPath :: (Class.FileOrDir fd) => String -> RelPath fd
asRelPath = Core.asRelPath

{-# DEPRECATED asAbsPath "Use 'absPath' instead." #-}
asAbsPath :: (Class.FileOrDir fd) => String -> AbsPath fd
asAbsPath = Core.asAbsPath

{-# DEPRECATED asFilePath "Use 'filePath' instead." #-}
asFilePath :: (Class.AbsOrRel ar) => String -> FilePath ar
asFilePath = Core.asFilePath

{-# DEPRECATED asDirPath "Use 'dirPath' instead." #-}
asDirPath :: (Class.AbsOrRel ar) => String -> DirPath ar
asDirPath = Core.asDirPath

{-# DEPRECATED maybePath "Use Path.maybe instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED parsePath "Use Path.parse instead." #-}

maybe, maybePath ::
    (Class.AbsRel ar, Class.FileDir fd) => String -> Maybe (Path ar fd)
maybe = Core.maybe
maybePath = Core.maybe

parse, parsePath ::
    (Class.AbsRel ar, Class.FileDir fd) => String -> Either String (Path ar fd)
parse = Core.parse
parsePath = Core.parse

path :: (Class.AbsRel ar, Class.FileDir fd) => String -> Path ar fd
path = Core.path

relFile :: String -> RelFile
relFile = Core.relFile

relDir :: String -> RelDir
relDir = Core.relDir

absFile :: String -> AbsFile
absFile = Core.absFile

absDir :: String -> AbsDir
absDir = Core.absDir

rel :: (Class.FileDir fd) => String -> Rel fd
rel = Core.rel

abs :: (Class.FileDir fd) => String -> Abs fd
abs = Core.abs

absRel :: (Class.FileDir fd) => String -> AbsRel fd
absRel = Core.absRel

file :: (Class.AbsRel ar) => String -> File ar
file = Core.file

dir :: (Class.AbsRel ar) => String -> Dir ar
dir = Core.dir

fileDir :: (Class.AbsRel ar) => String -> FileDir ar
fileDir = Core.fileDir

relPath :: (Class.FileDir fd) => String -> RelPath fd
relPath = Core.relPath

absPath :: (Class.FileDir fd) => String -> AbsPath fd
absPath = Core.absPath

filePath :: (Class.AbsRel ar) => String -> FilePath ar
filePath = Core.filePath

dirPath :: (Class.AbsRel ar) => String -> DirPath ar
dirPath = Core.dirPath

rootDir :: AbsDir
rootDir = Core.rootDir

currentDir :: RelDir
currentDir = Core.currentDir

emptyFile :: RelFile
emptyFile = Core.emptyFile

toString :: (Class.AbsRel ar, Class.FileDir fd) => Path ar fd -> String
toString = Core.toString

instance Core.System Windows where
   pathSeparator = Tagged pathSeparator
   splitAbsolute = Tagged $ RegEx.run $
       RegEx.single isPathSeparator
       driveRegEx <> (RegEx.single isPathSeparator -|- mempty)
   canonicalize = Tagged $ map toLower
   splitDrive = Tagged $ RegEx.run driveRegEx
   genDrive = Tagged $ fmap (:":") $ QC.choose ('a', 'z')

driveRegEx :: RegEx.Parser Char
driveRegEx = RegEx.single isAlpha <> RegEx.single (':'==)

withOS :: Tagged System a -> a
withOS = untag

{-# DEPRECATED equalFilePath "Use System.FilePath.equalFilePath instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED isAbsoluteString "Use System.FilePath.isAbsolute instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED isRelativeString "Use System.FilePath.isRelative instead." #-}

equalFilePath :: String -> String -> Bool
equalFilePath = withOS Core.equalFilePath

isAbsoluteString :: String -> Bool
isAbsoluteString = withOS Core.isAbsoluteString

isRelativeString :: String -> Bool
isRelativeString = withOS Core.isRelativeString

pathSeparator :: Char
pathSeparator = '\\'

pathSeparators :: [Char]
pathSeparators = withOS Core.pathSeparators

isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
isPathSeparator = withOS Core.isPathSeparator

{-# DEPRECATED addTrailingPathSeparator "Use System.FilePath.addTrailingPathSeparator instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED dropTrailingPathSeparator "Use System.FilePath.dropTrailingPathSeparator instead." #-}
{-# DEPRECATED hasTrailingPathSeparator "Use System.FilePath.hasTrailingPathSeparator instead." #-}

-- | This is largely for 'System.FilePath' compatibility
addTrailingPathSeparator :: String -> String
addTrailingPathSeparator = (++[pathSeparator])

-- | This is largely for 'System.FilePath' compatibility
dropTrailingPathSeparator :: String -> String
dropTrailingPathSeparator = init

-- | This is largely for 'System.FilePath' compatibility
hasTrailingPathSeparator :: String -> Bool
hasTrailingPathSeparator = isPathSeparator . last

testAll :: [(String, IO ())]
testAll = Core.testAll Windows