Name: patterns Version: 0.0.2 Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Copyright: Copyright (c) Tobias Schoofs, 2011 - 2012 License: LGPL license-file: license/lgpl-3.0.txt Author: Tobias Schoofs Maintainer: tobias dot schoofs at gmx dot net Category: Network, Message-oriented Middleware, zeromq Homepage: Build-Type: Simple Synopsis: Common patterns in message-oriented applications Description: There are common patterns often reused - or, in fact, reimplemented, in many distributed, message-oriented applications, such as Server\/Client (a.k.a Request\/Response), Publish\/Subscribe, Pipline (a.k.a. Push\/Pull) and Exclusive Pair (a.k.a. Peer-to-Peer). The Patterns package implements those patterns based on zeromq. More information on zeromq can be found at . More examples and a test suite are available on . Library Build-Depends: base >= 4.0 && <= 5.0, bytestring >=, utf8-string >= 0.3.6, containers >=, zeromq-haskell >= 0.8.3, enumerator >= 0.4.11, mtl >=, time >= 1.1.4 hs-source-dirs: src/Network/Mom, src Exposed-Modules: Network.Mom.Patterns, Network.Mom.Patterns.Basic, Network.Mom.Patterns.Device, Network.Mom.Patterns.Enumerator other-modules: Factory, Types, Service ghc-options: -Wall