-- | Input stream with random access

module Pdf.Toolbox.Core.IO.RIS

import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Functor
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.IORef
import System.IO
import System.IO.Streams (InputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams

-- | Sequential input stream
type IS = InputStream ByteString

-- | Internal state of 'RIS'
data RIS' = RIS' {
  risSeek :: Int64 -> IO (IO (Maybe ByteString)),
  risInputStream :: IS,
  risPos :: IO Int64,
  risSize :: Int64

-- | Random access Input Stream
newtype RIS = RIS (IORef RIS')

-- | Seek the stream
seek :: RIS -> Int64 -> IO ()
seek (RIS ref) pos = do
  ris <- readIORef ref
  source <- risSeek ris pos
  stream <- Streams.makeInputStream source
  (s, c) <- Streams.countInput stream
  writeIORef ref ris {
    risInputStream = s,
    risPos = (+ pos) <$> c

-- | Create RIS from 'Handle' with the specified chunk size
fromHandle' :: Handle -> Int -> IO RIS
fromHandle' h buf = do
  sz <- hFileSize h
  posRef <- newIORef 0
  stream <- Streams.makeInputStream (f posRef)
  (s, c) <- Streams.countInput stream
  RIS <$> newIORef RIS' {
    risSeek = \pos -> do
      hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral pos)
      ref <- newIORef $ fromIntegral pos
      return $ f ref,
    risInputStream = s,
    risPos = c,
    risSize = fromIntegral sz
  f ref = do
    prevPos <- readIORef ref
    curtPos <- hTell h
    hSeek h AbsoluteSeek prevPos
    chunk <- BS.hGetSome h buf
    hSeek h AbsoluteSeek curtPos
    writeIORef ref $! prevPos + fromIntegral (BS.length chunk)
    return $! if BS.null chunk then Nothing else Just chunk

-- | Create RIS from 'Handle' with default chunk size
fromHandle :: Handle -> IO RIS
fromHandle h = fromHandle' h 32752

-- | Number of bytes in the stream
size :: RIS -> IO Int64
size (RIS ref) = risSize <$> readIORef ref

-- | Current position in bytes
tell :: RIS -> IO Int64
tell (RIS ref) = readIORef ref >>= risPos

-- | Get sequential input stream, that is valid until the next 'seek'
inputStream :: RIS -> IO IS
inputStream (RIS ref) = risInputStream <$> readIORef ref