{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Write PDF files
-- It could be used to generate new PDF file
-- or to incrementally update the existent one
-- To generate new file, first call 'writePdfHeader',
-- then a number of 'writeObject' and finally 'writeXRefTable'
-- To incrementally update PDF file just ommit the
-- `writePdfHeader` and append the result to the existent file

module Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Writer

import Data.Int
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder

#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0, 10, 4)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.ASCII

import Data.Function
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.IO.Streams (OutputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams

import Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Object.Types
import Pdf.Toolbox.Core.Object.Builder

-- | The monad
newtype PdfWriter m a = PdfWriter (StateT PdfState m a)
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans)

-- | Execute writer action
runPdfWriter :: MonadIO m
             => OutputStream ByteString    -- ^ streams to write to
             -> PdfWriter m a              -- ^ action to run
             -> m a
runPdfWriter output (PdfWriter action) = do
  (out, count) <- liftIO $ Streams.countOutput output
  let emptyState = PdfState {
        stOutput = out,
        stObjects = Set.empty,
        stCount = count,
        stOffset = 0
  evalStateT action emptyState

data Elem = Elem {
  elemIndex :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
  elemGen :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
  elemOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64,
  elemFree :: !Bool

instance Eq Elem where
  (==) = (==) `on` elemIndex

instance Ord Elem where
  compare = compare `on` elemIndex

data PdfState = PdfState {
  stOutput :: OutputStream ByteString,
  stObjects :: !(Set Elem),
  stCount :: IO Int64,
  stOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64

-- | Write PDF header. Used for generating new PDF files.
-- Should be the first call. Not used fo incremental updates
writePdfHeader :: MonadIO m => PdfWriter m ()
writePdfHeader = do
  output <- PdfWriter $ gets stOutput
  liftIO $ Streams.write (Just "%PDF-1.7\n") output

-- | Write object
writeObject :: MonadIO m => Ref -> Object BSL.ByteString -> PdfWriter m ()
writeObject ref@(Ref index gen) obj = do
  st <- PdfWriter get
  pos <- countWritten
  addElem $ Elem index gen pos False
  dumpObject (stOutput st) ref obj
  return ()

-- | Delete object
deleteObject :: MonadIO m => Ref -> Int64 -> PdfWriter m ()
deleteObject (Ref index gen) nextFree =
  addElem $ Elem index gen nextFree True

-- | Write xref table. Should be the last call.
-- Used for generating and incremental updates.
writeXRefTable :: MonadIO m
               => Int64           -- ^ size of the original PDF file. Should be 0 for new file
               -> Dict            -- ^ trailer
               -> PdfWriter m ()
writeXRefTable offset tr = do
  st <- PdfWriter get
  off <- (+ offset) `liftM` countWritten
  let elems = Set.mapMonotonic (\e -> e {elemOffset = elemOffset e + offset})  $ stObjects st
      content = byteString "xref\n" `mappend`
                buildXRefTable (Set.toAscList elems) `mappend`
                byteString "trailer\n" `mappend`
                buildDict tr `mappend`
                byteString "\nstartxref\n" `mappend`
                int64Dec off `mappend`
                byteString "\n%%EOF\n"
  liftIO $ Streams.writeLazyByteString (toLazyByteString content) (stOutput st)

countWritten :: MonadIO m => PdfWriter m Int64
countWritten = do
  st <- PdfWriter get
  c <- (stOffset st +) `liftM` liftIO (stCount st)
  PdfWriter $ put $ st {stOffset = c}
  return $! c

addElem :: Monad m => Elem -> PdfWriter m ()
addElem e = do
  st <- PdfWriter get
  when (Set.member e $ stObjects st) $ error $ "PdfWriter: attempt to write object with the same index: " ++ show (elemIndex e)
  PdfWriter $ put st {stObjects = Set.insert e $ stObjects st}

dumpObject :: MonadIO m => OutputStream ByteString -> Ref -> Object BSL.ByteString -> m ()
dumpObject out ref o = liftIO $ Streams.writeLazyByteString (toLazyByteString $ buildIndirectObject ref o) out

buildXRefTable :: [Elem] -> Builder
buildXRefTable entries =
  mconcat (map buildXRefSection $ sections entries)
  sections :: [Elem] -> [[Elem]]
  sections [] = []
  sections xs = let (s, rest) = section xs in s : sections rest
  section [] = error "impossible"
  section (x:xs) = go (elemIndex x + 1) [x] xs
    go _ res [] = (reverse res, [])
    go i res (y:ys) =
      if i == elemIndex y
        then go (i + 1) (y : res) ys
        else (reverse res, y:ys)

buildXRefSection :: [Elem] -> Builder
buildXRefSection [] = error "impossible"
buildXRefSection s@(e:_) =
  intDec (elemIndex e) `mappend`
  char7 ' ' `mappend`
  intDec (length s) `mappend`
  char7 '\n' `mappend`
  loop s
  loop (x:xs) =
    buildFixed 10 '0' (elemOffset x) `mappend`
    char7 ' ' `mappend`
    buildFixed 5 '0' (elemGen x) `mappend`
    char7 ' ' `mappend`
    char7 (if elemFree x then 'f' else 'n') `mappend`
    string7 "\r\n" `mappend`
    loop xs
  loop [] = mempty

buildFixed :: Show a => Int -> Char -> a -> Builder
buildFixed len c i =
  let v = take len $ show i
      l = length v
  in string7 $ replicate (len - l) c ++ v

-- At attempt to do it directly with Set.
-- Actually uses 2x memory...
buildXRefTable :: Set Elem -> Builder
buildXRefTable elems
  | Set.null elems = mempty
  | otherwise = buildXRefSection elems

buildXRefSection :: Set Elem -> Builder
buildXRefSection elems =
  intDec (elemIndex start) `mappend`
  char7 ' ' `mappend`
  intDec len `mappend`
  char7 '\n' `mappend`
  section `mappend`
  buildXRefTable rest
  (start, len, rest) = sectionLength elems
  section = buildSection len elems

buildSection :: Int -> Set Elem -> Builder
buildSection 0 _ = mempty
buildSection l els =
  let (x, xs) = Set.deleteFindMin els
  in buildFixed 10 '0' (elemOffset x) `mappend`
     char7 ' ' `mappend`
     buildFixed 5 '0' (elemGen x) `mappend`
     char7 ' ' `mappend`
     char7 (if elemFree x then 'f' else 'n') `mappend`
     string7 "\r\n" `mappend`
     buildSection (l - 1) xs

sectionLength :: Set Elem -> (Elem, Int, Set Elem)
sectionLength els =
  let (x, xs) = Set.deleteFindMin els
      (count, rest) = go 1 (elemIndex x) xs
  in (x, count, rest)
  go n val xs
    | Set.null xs = (n, xs)
    | otherwise = let (next, rest) = Set.deleteFindMin xs
                  in if elemIndex next == val + 1
                       then go (n + 1) (val + 1) rest
                       else (n, xs)