peano-inf-0.4: Lazy Peano numbers including observable infinity value.




Lazy Peano numbers including observable infinity value.

Several lazyness properties:

  • n + undefined >= n, if n = 0, 1, 2, ...

but undefined + n >= n raises an error.

  • compare (n + undefined) (n-1) == GT, if n = 0, 1, 2, ...

but compare (n + undefined) n raises an error.

  • min n (n + undefined) results n, if n = 0, 1, 2, ...
  • min (n + undefined) (n - 1) results n - 1, if n = 0, 1, 2, ...

but min (n + undefined) n raises an error.

  • min n (m + undefined) >= m, if n, m = 0, 1, 2, ... For example, min 10 (5 + undefined) >= 5.
  • min (m + undefined) n >= m, if n, m = 0, 1, 2, ...
  • max n (m + undefined) >= m, if n, m = 0, 1, 2, ... For example, max 10 (5 + undefined) >= 5.
  • max (m + undefined) n >= m, if n, m = 0, 1, 2, ...

These properties makes the Num data type ideal for lazy list length computation. For example, (genericLength [1..] :: Nat) > 100 is True.

Note that the following equation does not hold for this number type:

  • 1 + a > a, because 1 + infinity == infinity.



data Nat Source

Natural numbers and infinity.

infinity :: NatSource

Observable infinity value.

The following values are True:

  • infinity == infinity
  • 0 < infinity, 1 < infinity, 2 < infinity, ...
  • n + infinity == infinity, if n is not the inductive infinity.
  • infinity + n == infinity
  • n * infinity == infinity, if n is not the inductive infinity.
  • infinity * n == infinity
  • n - infinity == 0, if n is not the inductive infinity.
  • infinity - n == infinity, if n is not the inductive infinity and if n /= infinity.

The following values rais error messages:

  • infinity - infinity
  • fromEnum infinity
  • toInteger infinity

inductive_infinity :: NatSource

Traditional infinity value: let n = Succ n in n.

For every function f :: Nat -> Bool, f infinity and f inductive_infinity gives the same result, provided that the results are not bottom.

Use infinity instead. Lots of the given properties of infinity is not true for inductive_infinity. For example,

  • inductive_infinity == inductive_infinity is an endless computation instead of True.

However, the following values are True:

  • 0 < inductive_infinity, 1 < inductive_infinity, 2 < inductive_infinity, ...

Note also:

  • inductive_infinity == infinity is an endless computation instead of True.



:: Nat


-> Nat


-> Either Nat Nat

n >= m: Left (n-m), n < m: Right (m-n)

Difference of two natural numbers: the result is either positive or negative.

implementation of (-) is based on diff.

The following value is undefined:

  • diff infinity infinity



:: Nat


-> Nat


-> Either Nat Nat

n >= m: Left (n-m), n < m: Right (m-n)

Variant of diff:

  • zeroDiff infinity infinity == Left 0.

Note that if the implementation of (-) would be based on zeroDiff, the following equations would not hold:

  • (a - b) - (a - c) == c - b, a >= c >= b, because (infininty - 5) - (infinity - 10) == 0 /= 10 - 5.
  • a - (a - b) == b, a >= b, because infininty - (infinity - 5) == 0 /= 5.



:: Nat


-> Nat


-> Either Nat Nat

n >= m: Left (n-m), n < m: Right (m-n)

Variant of diff:

  • infDiff infinity infinity == Left infinity.

Note that if the implementation of (-) would be based on infDiff, the following equations would not hold:

  • (a - b) - (a - c) == c - b, a >= c >= b, because (infininty - 5) - (infinity - 10) == infinity /= 10 - 5.
  • a - (a - b) == b, a >= b, because infininty - (infinity - 5) == infinity /= 5.

(-|) :: Nat -> Nat -> NatSource

Non-negative subtraction. For example, (5 -| 8 == 0).