-- The penny.cabal file is generated using m4, the penny.cabal.m4 -- file, and the versions.m4 file. The Makefile will generate -- penny.cabal for you. Name: penny Version: pv_penny Cabal-version: >=1.14 Build-Type: Simple License: BSD3 Copyright: 2012-2014 Omari Norman. author: Omari Norman maintainer: omari@smileystation.com stability: Experimental homepage: http://www.github.com/massysett/penny bug-reports: omari@smileystation.com Category: Console, Finance License-File: LICENSE tested-with: GHC ==7.4.1, GHC ==7.6.3 synopsis: Extensible double-entry accounting system description: Penny is a double-entry accounting system. You keep your records in a plain-text file, and Penny gives you useful reports in your UNIX shell. . For more information, please see . extra-source-files: install-docs , README.md , doc/*.dot , doc/*.hs , doc/examples/*.pny , doc/man/*.1 , doc/man/*.7 , versions.m4 , Makefile , current-versions.txt , minimum-versions.txt , penny.cabal.m4 , changelog source-repository head type: git location: git://github.com/massysett/penny.git Library Build-depends: base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max -- Do not try to put comments on same line as data; Cabal does -- not allow this. -- Package Version , bytestring >= pv_bytestring && < pv_bytestring_max , containers >= pv_containers && < pv_containers_max , old-locale >= pv_old_locale && < pv_old_locale_max , parsec >= pv_parsec && < pv_parsec_max , split >= pv_split && < pv_split_max , text >= pv_text && < pv_text_max , time >= pv_time && < pv_time_max , transformers >= pv_transformers -- Omari packages -- Package Version , anonymous-sums >= pv_anonymous_sums , matchers >= pv_matchers && < pv_matchers_max , multiarg >= pv_multiarg && < pv_multiarg_max , ofx >= pv_ofx && < pv_ofx_max , prednote >= pv_prednote && < pv_prednote_max , rainbow >= pv_rainbow && < pv_rainbow_max , rainbox >= pv_rainbox && < pv_rainbox_max -- Other packages -- Package Version , action-permutations >= pv_action_permutations && < pv_action_permutations_max , cereal >= pv_cereal && < pv_cereal_max , contravariant >= pv_contravariant && < pv_contravariant_max , either >= pv_either && < pv_either_max , semigroups >= pv_semigroups && < pv_semigroups_max Exposed-modules: Penny , Penny.Brenner , Penny.Brenner.Clear , Penny.Brenner.Database , Penny.Brenner.Import , Penny.Brenner.Info , Penny.Brenner.Merge , Penny.Brenner.OFX , Penny.Brenner.Print , Penny.Brenner.Types , Penny.Brenner.Util , Penny.Cabin , Penny.Cabin.Balance , Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert , Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Chunker , Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.ChunkerPct , Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Options , Penny.Cabin.Balance.Convert.Parser , Penny.Cabin.Balance.MultiCommodity , Penny.Cabin.Balance.MultiCommodity.Chunker , Penny.Cabin.Balance.MultiCommodity.Parser , Penny.Cabin.Balance.Util , Penny.Cabin.Interface , Penny.Cabin.Meta , Penny.Cabin.Options , Penny.Cabin.Parsers , Penny.Cabin.Posts , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Allocated , Penny.Cabin.Posts.BottomRows , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Fields , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Growers , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Chunk , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Meta , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Parser , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Spacers , Penny.Cabin.Posts.Types , Penny.Cabin.Row , Penny.Cabin.Scheme , Penny.Cabin.Scheme.Schemes , Penny.Cabin.TextFormat , Penny.Copper , Penny.Copper.Interface , Penny.Copper.Parsec , Penny.Copper.Render , Penny.Copper.Terminals , Penny.Denver , Penny.Denver.Diff , Penny.Denver.Reprint , Penny.Denver.Selloff , Penny.Denver.Reconcile , Penny.Liberty , Penny.Lincoln , Penny.Lincoln.Balance , Penny.Lincoln.Bits , Penny.Lincoln.Bits.DateTime , Penny.Lincoln.Bits.Open , Penny.Lincoln.Bits.Price , Penny.Lincoln.Bits.Qty , Penny.Lincoln.Builders , Penny.Lincoln.Ents , Penny.Lincoln.Equivalent , Penny.Lincoln.HasText , Penny.Lincoln.Matchers , Penny.Lincoln.Natural , Penny.Lincoln.Predicates , Penny.Lincoln.Predicates.Siblings , Penny.Lincoln.PriceDb , Penny.Lincoln.Queries , Penny.Lincoln.Queries.Siblings , Penny.Lincoln.Serial , Penny.Shield , Penny.Steel , Penny.Wheat , Penny.Zinc Other-modules: Paths_penny hs-source-dirs: lib if flag(incabal) cpp-options: -Dincabal ghc-options: -Wall if flag(debug) ghc-options: -auto-all -caf-all default-language: Haskell2010 Test-Suite penny-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Main-is: penny-test.hs other-modules: Copper , Copper.Gen.Parsers , Copper.Gen.Terminals , Copper.Parser , Copper.Render , Lincoln hs-source-dirs: tests default-language: Haskell2010 -- For details on why penny is a dependency here, see -- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6711151 build-depends: penny == pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max -- Packages I maintain , anonymous-sums >= pv_anonymous_sums && < pv_anonymous_sums_max -- Other packages , QuickCheck >= pv_QuickCheck && < pv_QuickCheck_max , tasty >= pv_tasty && < pv_tasty_max , tasty-quickcheck >= pv_tasty_quickcheck && < pv_tasty_quickcheck_max , random-shuffle == pv_random_shuffle , parsec >= pv_parsec && < pv_parsec_max , semigroups >= pv_semigroups && < pv_semigroups_max , text >= pv_text && < pv_text_max , time >= pv_time && < pv_time_max , transformers >= pv_transformers && < pv_transformers_max ghc-options: -Wall Executable penny-gibberish Main-is: penny-gibberish.hs other-modules: Copper.Gen.Parsers , Copper.Gen.Terminals hs-source-dirs: tests default-language: Haskell2010 if flag(build-gibberish) build-depends: penny == pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max -- Packages I maintain , multiarg >= pv_multiarg && < pv_multiarg_max -- Other packages , QuickCheck >= pv_QuickCheck && < pv_QuickCheck_max , random-shuffle == pv_random_shuffle , random >= pv_random && < pv_random_max , semigroups >= pv_semigroups && < pv_semigroups_max , text >= pv_text && < pv_text_max , time >= pv_time && < pv_time_max , transformers >= pv_transformers && < pv_transformers_max else buildable: False ghc-options: -Wall Flag build-gibberish Description: Build the penny-gibberish executable Default: False Executable penny Build-depends: penny ==pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max hs-source-dirs: bin Main-is: penny-main.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny GHC-Options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all if ! flag(build-penny) buildable: False Flag build-penny Description: Build the penny executable Default: True Executable penny-selloff Build-depends: penny == pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max other-modules: Paths_penny hs-source-dirs: bin Main-is: penny-selloff.hs default-language: Haskell2010 GHC-Options: -Wall if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all if ! flag(build-selloff) buildable: False Flag build-selloff Description: Build the penny-selloff executable Default: True Executable penny-diff Build-depends: penny == pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max hs-source-dirs: bin Main-is: penny-diff.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny GHC-Options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all if ! flag(build-diff) buildable: False Flag build-diff Description: Build the penny-diff executable Default: True Executable penny-reprint Build-depends: penny == pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max hs-source-dirs: bin main-is: penny-reprint.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 if ! flag(build-reprint) buildable: False Flag build-reprint Description: Build the penny-reprint executable Default: True Executable penny-reconcile Build-depends: penny == pv_penny , base >= pv_base && < pv_base_max hs-source-dirs: bin main-is: penny-reconcile.hs default-language: Haskell2010 Other-modules: Paths_penny ghc-options: -Wall if ! flag(build-reconcile) buildable: False Flag build-reconcile Description: Build the penny-reconcile executable Default: True Flag debug Description: turns on some debugging options Default: False Flag test Description: enables QuickCheck tests Default: False Flag incabal Description: enables imports that only Cabal makes available Default: True