Name: penny-bin Version: Cabal-version: >=1.8 Build-Type: Simple License: BSD3 Copyright: 2012-2013 Omari Norman author: Omari Norman maintainer: stability: Experimental homepage: bug-reports: Category: Console, Finance License-File: LICENSE synopsis: Deprecated - use penny package instead description: This package is now deprecated. Use the penny package instead. extra-source-files: install-docs , README , doc/*.org , doc/*.dot , doc/*.hs , examples/*.pny , man/*.1 , man/*.7 source-repository head type: git location: git:// Executable penny Build-depends: base ==4.*, penny-lib ==0.22.* Main-is: penny-main.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny_bin GHC-Options: -Wall if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all if ! flag(build-penny) buildable: False Executable penny-selloff Build-depends: base == 4.*, penny-lib ==0.22.*, explicit-exception ==0.1.*, containers ==0.5.*, semigroups ==0.9.*, text ==0.11.*, parsec ==3.1.*, multiarg ==0.18.*, transformers ==0.3.* Main-is: penny-selloff.hs GHC-Options: -Wall if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all if ! flag(build-selloff) buildable: False Executable penny-diff Build-depends: base ==4.*, penny-lib ==0.22.*, text ==0.11.*, multiarg ==0.18.*, explicit-exception == 0.1.* Main-is: penny-diff.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny_bin GHC-Options: -Wall if flag(debug) GHC-Options: -rtsopts -auto-all -caf-all if ! flag(build-diff) buildable: False Executable penny-reprint Build-depends: base ==4.* , multiarg ==0.18.* , penny-lib ==0.22.* , pretty-show ==1.5.* , text ==0.11.* main-is: penny-reprint.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny_bin ghc-options: -Wall if ! flag(build-reprint) buildable: False Executable penny-reconcile Build-depends: base ==4.* , penny-lib ==0.22.* , text ==0.11.* , multiarg ==0.18.* , explicit-exception ==0.1.* main-is: penny-reconcile.hs Other-modules: Paths_penny_bin ghc-options: -Wall if ! flag(build-reconcile) buildable: False Flag debug Description: Turns on debugging options Default: False Flag build-penny Description: Build the penny executable Default: True Flag build-selloff Description: Build the penny-selloff executable Default: True Flag build-diff Description: Build the penny-diff executable Default: True Flag build-reprint Description: Build the penny-reprint executable Default: True Flag build-reconcile Description: Build the penny-reconcile executable Default: True