.TH penny-custom 7 .SH NAME penny-custom - creating a custom Penny program .SH DESCRIPTION .BR penny (1) does not have a configuration file. Instead, it is easy to compile your own .B penny binary that has the settings you want. The advantage of this configuration-file-free approach is that it is easier for me to write and means that I don't have to cook up some sort of configuration file format. The disadvantage is that you will need to have the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) installed. Compiling your own .B penny program can be useful if you find yourself always using some settings, and you wish you could set them by default. (Sometimes it may be easy to do this using shell aliases, functions, or scripts; other times, this might not be so easy.) Also, there are some settings that can only be changed by compiling your own .B penny binary. These instructions will assume you have the .B cabal program installed and that you compiled .B penny from source (currently nobody distributes precompiled .B penny binaries, so this is a fairly safe assumption.) All you need to do is download the .B penny-bin package, or find out where the .B penny-bin package archive is on your system. Unpack the .B penny-bin archive, and then edit the .I penny.hs file. This file is commented so editing it should be fairly simple even if you know little or no Haskell. Then, from the directory that has your .I penny.hs file, run .I cabal install and you should be all set, if you have already set up the .B cabal program to install programs to a location that is in your path. Alternatively, run .I ghc --make penny.hs and then you will have a .B penny binary in the current directory and you can do what you want with it. .SH BUGS Please report any bugs in the programs or documentation to omari@smileystation.com. .SH SEE ALSO .BR penny-suite (7)