module Penny.Brenner.Database (mode) where

import qualified Penny.Brenner.Types as Y
import qualified Penny.Brenner.Util as U
import qualified System.Console.MultiArg as MA

help :: String -> String
help pn = unlines
  [ "usage: " ++ pn ++ " [global-options] database [local-options]"
  , "Shows the database of financial institution transactions."
  , "Does not accept any non-option arguments."
  , ""
  , "Local options:"
  , "  --help, -h Show this help and exit."

data Arg = ArgPos String

mode :: MA.Mode (Maybe Y.FitAcct -> IO ())
mode = MA.Mode
  { MA.mName = "database"
  , MA.mIntersperse = MA.Intersperse
  , MA.mOpts = []
  , MA.mPosArgs = return . ArgPos
  , MA.mProcess = processor
  , MA.mHelp = help

  :: [Arg]
  -> Maybe Y.FitAcct
  -> IO ()
processor ls mayFa
  | not . null $ ls = fail $
        "penny-fit database: error: this command does"
        ++ " not accept non-option arguments."
  | otherwise = do
        fa <- U.getFitAcct mayFa
        let dbLoc = Y.dbLocation fa
        db <- U.loadDb (Y.AllowNew False) dbLoc
        mapM_ putStr . map U.showDbPair $ db