module Penny.Copper.Qty (
  -- * Setting the radix and separator characters
  RadGroup, periodComma, periodSpace, commaPeriod,
  -- * Rendering
  GroupingSpec(NoGrouping, GroupLarge, GroupAll),

  -- * Parsing quantities
  qty) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<$), (*>), optional)
import qualified Data.Decimal as D
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (splitEvery, splitOn)
import qualified Data.Text as X
import Data.Text (snoc, cons)
import Text.Parsec ( char, (<|>), many1, (<?>), 
                     sepBy1, digit, between)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Text.Parsec.Text ( Parser )

import Penny.Lincoln.Bits.Qty ( Qty, partialNewQty, unQty )

data Radix = RComma | RPeriod deriving (Eq, Show)
data Grouper = GComma | GPeriod | GSpace deriving (Eq, Show)

data RadGroup = RadGroup Radix Grouper deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Radix is period, grouping is comma
periodComma :: RadGroup
periodComma = RadGroup RPeriod GComma

-- | Radix is period, grouping is space
periodSpace :: RadGroup
periodSpace = RadGroup RPeriod GSpace

-- | Radix is comma, grouping is period
commaPeriod :: RadGroup
commaPeriod = RadGroup RComma GPeriod

-- | Radix is comma, grouping is space
commaSpace :: RadGroup
commaSpace = RadGroup RComma GSpace

parseRadix :: Radix -> Parser ()
parseRadix r = () <$ char c <?> "radix point" where
  c = case r of RComma -> ','; RPeriod -> '.'

parseGrouper :: Grouper -> Parser ()
parseGrouper g = () <$ char c <?> "grouping character" where
  c = case g of
    GComma -> ','
    GPeriod -> '.'
    GSpace -> ' '

{- a BNF style specification for numbers.

<radix> ::= (as specified)
<grouper> ::= (as specified)
<digit> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "0"
<digits> ::= <digit> | <digit> <digits>
<firstGroups> ::= <digits> <grouper> <digits>
<nextGroup> ::= <grouper> <digits>
<nextGroups> ::= <nextGroup> | <nextGroup> <nextGroups>
<allGroups> ::= <firstGroups> | <firstGroups> <nextGroups>
<whole> ::= <allGroups> | <digits>
<fractional> ::= <digits>
<number> ::= <whole>
             | <whole> <radix>
             | <whole> <radix> <fractional>
             | <radix> <fractional>

wholeGrouped :: Grouper -> Parser String
wholeGrouped g = p <$> group1 <*> optional groupRest <?> e where 
  e = "whole number"
  group1 = many1 digit
  groupRest = parseGrouper g *> sepBy1 (many1 digit) (parseGrouper g)
  p g1 gr = case gr of
    Nothing -> g1
    Just groups -> g1 ++ concat groups

fractionalGrouped :: Grouper -> Parser String
fractionalGrouped g =
  p <$> group1 <*> optional groupRest <?> e where
    e = "fractional number"
    group1 = many1 digit
    groupRest = parseGrouper g *> sepBy1 (many1 digit) (parseGrouper g)
    p g1 gr = case gr of
      Nothing -> g1
      Just groups -> g1 ++ concat groups

wholeNonGrouped :: Parser String
wholeNonGrouped = many1 digit

fractionalOnly :: Radix -> Parser String
fractionalOnly r = parseRadix r *> many1 P.digit

numberStrGrouped :: Radix -> Grouper -> Parser NumberStr
numberStrGrouped r g = startsWhole <|> fracOnly <?> e where
  e = "quantity, with optional grouping"
  startsWhole = p <?> "whole number" where
    p = do
      wholeStr <- wholeGrouped g
      mayRad <- optional (parseRadix r)
      case mayRad of
        Nothing -> return $ Whole wholeStr
        Just _ -> do
          mayFrac <- optional $ fractionalGrouped g
          case mayFrac of
            Nothing -> return $ WholeRad wholeStr
            Just frac -> return $ WholeRadFrac wholeStr frac
  fracOnly = RadFrac <$> fractionalOnly r

numberStrNonGrouped :: Radix -> Parser NumberStr
numberStrNonGrouped r = startsWhole <|> fracOnly <?> e where
  e = "quantity, no grouping"
  startsWhole = p <?> "whole number" where
    p = do
      wholeStr <- wholeNonGrouped
      mayRad <- optional (parseRadix r)
      case mayRad of
        Nothing -> return $ Whole wholeStr
        Just _ -> do
          mayFrac <- optional $ many1 P.digit
          case mayFrac of
            Nothing -> return $ WholeRad wholeStr
            Just frac -> return $ WholeRadFrac wholeStr frac
  fracOnly = RadFrac <$> fractionalOnly r

-- | A number string after radix and grouping characters have been
-- stripped out.
data NumberStr =
  Whole String
  -- ^ A whole number only. No radix point.
  | WholeRad String
    -- ^ A whole number and a radix point, but nothing after the radix
    -- point.
  | WholeRadFrac String String
    -- ^ A whole number and something after the radix point.
  | RadFrac String
    -- ^ A radix point and a fractional value after it, but nothing
    -- before the radix point.
  deriving Show

-- | Do not use or Prelude.reads on whole decimal strings
-- like @232.72@. Sometimes it will fail, though sometimes it will
-- succeed; why is not clear to me. Hopefully reading integers won't
-- fail! However, in case it does, use read', whose error message will
-- at least tell you what number was being read.
-- Data.Decimal cannot handle decimals whose exponent would exceed
-- 255, which is the maximum that a Word8 can hold. A Word8 is used to
-- hold the exponent. If the exponent would exceed 255, this function
-- fails.
toDecimal :: NumberStr -> Maybe D.Decimal
toDecimal ns = case ns of
  Whole s -> Just $ D.Decimal 0 (readWithErr s)
  WholeRad s -> Just $ D.Decimal 0 (readWithErr s)
  WholeRadFrac w f -> fromWholeRadFrac w f
  RadFrac f -> fromWholeRadFrac "0" f
    fromWholeRadFrac w f = let
      len = length f
      in if len > 255
         then Nothing
         else Just $ D.Decimal (fromIntegral len) (readWithErr (w ++ f))

readWithErr :: String -> Integer
readWithErr s = let
  readSresult = reads s
  in case readSresult of
    (i, ""):[] -> i
    _ -> error $ "readWithErr failed. String being read: " ++ s
         ++ " Result of reads: " ++ show readSresult
-- | Unquoted quantity. These include no spaces, regardless of what
-- the grouping character is.
qtyUnquoted :: RadGroup -> Parser Qty
qtyUnquoted (RadGroup r g) = do
  nStr <- case g of
    GSpace -> numberStrNonGrouped r
    _ -> numberStrGrouped r g
  d <- case toDecimal nStr of
    Nothing -> fail $ "fractional part too big: " ++ show nStr
    Just dec -> return dec
  return $ partialNewQty d
-- | Parse quoted quantity. It can include spaces, if the grouping
-- character is a space. However these must be quoted when in a Ledger
-- file (from the command line they need not be quoted). The quote
-- character is a caret, @^@.
qtyQuoted :: RadGroup -> Parser Qty
qtyQuoted (RadGroup r g) = between (char '^') (char '^') p where
  p = do
    nStr <- numberStrGrouped r g
    d <- case toDecimal nStr of
      Nothing -> fail $ "fractional part too big: " ++ show nStr
      Just dec -> return dec
    return $ partialNewQty d

-- | Parse a quoted quantity or, if that fails, an unquoted
-- quantity.
qty :: RadGroup -> Parser Qty
qty r = qtyQuoted r <|> qtyUnquoted r <?> "quantity"

-- | Specifies how to perform digit grouping when rendering a
-- quantity. All grouping groups into groups of 3 digits.
data GroupingSpec = 
  -- ^ Do not perform any digit grouping
  | GroupLarge
    -- ^ Group digits, but only if the number to be grouped is greater
    -- than 9,999 (if grouping the whole part) or if there are more
    -- than 4 decimal places (if grouping the fractional part).
  | GroupAll
    -- ^ Group digits whenever there are at least four decimal places.
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Quotes a rendered Qty, but only if necessary; otherwise, simply
-- leaves it unquoted.
quote :: X.Text -> X.Text
quote t = case X.find (== ' ') t of
  Nothing -> t
  Just _ -> '^' `cons` t `snoc` '^'

-- | Renders an unquoted Qty. Performs digit grouping as requested. 
renderUnquoted ::
  -> (GroupingSpec, GroupingSpec)
  -- ^ Group for the portion to the left and right of the radix point?

  -> Qty
  -> X.Text
renderUnquoted (RadGroup r g) (gl, gr) q = let
  qs = show . unQty $ q
  in X.pack $ case splitOn "." qs of
    w:[] -> groupWhole g gl w
    w:d:[] ->
      groupWhole g gl w ++ renderRadix r ++ groupDecimal g gr d
    _ -> error "Qty.hs: rendering error"

renderGrouper :: Grouper -> String
renderGrouper g = case g of
  GComma -> ","
  GPeriod -> "."
  GSpace -> " "

renderRadix :: Radix -> String
renderRadix r = case r of
  RComma -> ","
  RPeriod -> "."

-- | Performs grouping for amounts to the left of the radix point.
groupWhole :: Grouper -> GroupingSpec -> String -> String
groupWhole g gs o = let
  grouped = intercalate (renderGrouper g)
            . reverse
            . map reverse
            . splitEvery 3
            . reverse
            $ o
  in case gs of
  NoGrouping -> o
  GroupLarge -> if length o > 4 then grouped else o
  GroupAll -> grouped

-- | Performs grouping for amounts to the right of the radix point.
groupDecimal :: Grouper -> GroupingSpec -> String -> String
groupDecimal g gs o = let
  grouped = intercalate (renderGrouper g)
            . splitEvery 3
            $ o
  in case gs of
    NoGrouping -> o
    GroupLarge -> if length o > 4 then grouped else o
    GroupAll -> grouped