{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, RankNTypes, UnicodeSyntax, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- for autodiff, requires passing in a polymorphic fn module Runtime where import Shapes import Functions import Utils import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game import Data.Function import System.Random -- import Debug.Trace import Numeric.AD import GHC.Float -- float <-> double conversions import System.IO import System.Environment import System.Exit import Data.Set (fromList) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Compiler as C import qualified StyAst as SA -- (subPrettyPrint, styPrettyPrint, subParse, styParse) -- TODO limit export/import -- For running the new style parser import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP (runParser, parseErrorPretty) -- For porting to the web import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Aeson divLine = putStr "\n--------\n\n" picWidth, picHeight :: Int picWidth = 800 picHeight = 700 stepsPerSecond :: Int stepsPerSecond = 100000 calcTimestep :: Float -- for use in forcing stepping in handler calcTimestep = 1 / int2Float stepsPerSecond data LastEPstate = EPstate [Obj] deriving (Eq, Show) data OptStatus = NewIter -- TODO should this be init with a state? | UnconstrainedRunning LastEPstate -- [Obj] stores last EP state | UnconstrainedConverged LastEPstate -- [Obj] stores last EP state | EPConverged deriving (Eq, Show) data Params = Params { weight :: Double, optStatus :: OptStatus, objFn :: forall a. ObjFnPenaltyState a, annotations :: [[Annotation]] } -- deriving (Eq, Show) -- TODO derive Show instance -- State of the world data State = State { objs :: [Obj] -- , stys :: [C.StyLine] , constrs :: [C.SubConstr] , down :: Bool -- left mouse button is down (dragging) , rng :: StdGen -- random number generator , autostep :: Bool -- automatically step optimization or not , params :: Params } -- deriving (Show) ------ initRng :: StdGen initRng = mkStdGen seed where seed = 11 -- deterministic RNG with seed objFnNone :: ObjFnPenaltyState a objFnNone objs w f v = 0 initParams = Params { weight = initWeight, optStatus = NewIter, objFn = objFnNone, annotations = [] } ----------------------- Unpacking data Annotation = Fix | Vary deriving (Eq, Show) type Fixed a = [a] type Varying a = [a] -- make sure this matches circPack and labelPack -- annotations are specified inline here. this is per type, not per value (i.e. all circles have the same fixed parameters). but you could generalize it to per-value by adding or overriding annotations globally after the unpacking -- does not unpack names unpackObj :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => Obj' a -> [(a, Annotation)] -- the location of a circle can vary, but not its radius -- unpackObj (C' c) = [(xc' c, Vary), (yc' c, Vary), (r' c, Fix)] unpackObj (C' c) = [(xc' c, Vary), (yc' c, Vary), (r' c, Vary)] -- unpackObj (S' s) = [(xs' s, Vary), (ys' s, Vary), (side' s, Fix)] unpackObj (S' s) = [(xs' s, Vary), (ys' s, Vary), (side' s, Vary)] -- the location of a label can vary, but not its width or height (or other attributes) unpackObj (L' l) = [(xl' l, Vary), (yl' l, Vary), (wl' l, Fix), (hl' l, Fix)] -- the location of a point varies unpackObj (P' p) = [(xp' p, Vary), (yp' p, Vary)] unpackObj (A' a) = [(startx' a, Vary), (starty' a, Vary), (endx' a, Vary), (endy' a, Vary), (thickness' a, Fix)] -- split out because pack needs this annotated list of lists unpackAnnotate :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => [Obj' a] -> [[(a, Annotation)]] unpackAnnotate objs = map unpackObj objs -- TODO check it preserves order splitFV :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => [(a, Annotation)] -> (Fixed a, Varying a) splitFV annotated = foldr chooseList ([], []) annotated where chooseList :: (a, Annotation) -> (Fixed a, Varying a) -> (Fixed a, Varying a) chooseList (x, Fix) (f, v) = (x : f, v) chooseList (x, Vary) (f, v) = (f, x : v) -- optimizer should use this unpack function -- preserves the order of the objects’ parameters -- e.g. unpackSplit [Circ {xc varying, r fixed}, Label {xl varying, h fixed} ] = ( [r, h], [xc, xl] ) -- crucially, this does NOT depend on the annotations, it can be used on any list of objects unpackSplit :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => [Obj' a] -> (Fixed a, Varying a) unpackSplit objs = let annotatedList = concat $ unpackAnnotate objs in splitFV annotatedList ---------------------- Packing -- We put `Floating a` into polymorphic objects for the autodiff. -- (Maybe port all objects to polymorphic at some point, but would need to zero the gradient information.) -- Can't use realToFrac here because it will zero the gradient information. -- TODO use DuplicateRecordFields (also use `stack` and fix GLUT error)--need to upgrade GHC and gloss -- TODO comment packing these functions defining conventions solidArrowPack :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => SolidArrow -> [a] -> SolidArrow' a solidArrowPack arr params = SolidArrow' { startx' = sx, starty' = sy, endx' = ex, endy' = ey, thickness' = t, namesa' = namesa arr, selsa' = selsa arr, colorsa' = colorsa arr } where (sx, sy, ex, ey, t) = if not $ length params == 5 then error "wrong # params to pack solid arrow" else (params !! 0, params !! 1, params !! 2, params !! 3, params !! 4) circPack :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => Circ -> [a] -> Circ' a circPack cir params = Circ' { xc' = xc1, yc' = yc1, r' = r1, namec' = namec cir, selc' = selc cir, colorc' = colorc cir } where (xc1, yc1, r1) = if not $ length params == 3 then error "wrong # params to pack circle" else (params !! 0, params !! 1, params !! 2) sqPack :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => Square -> [a] -> Square' a sqPack sq params = Square' { xs' = xs1, ys' = ys1, side' = side1, names' = names sq, sels' = sels sq, colors' = colors sq, ang' = ang sq} where (xs1, ys1, side1) = if not $ length params == 3 then error "wrong # params to pack square" else (params !! 0, params !! 1, params !! 2) ptPack :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => Pt -> [a] -> Pt' a ptPack pt params = Pt' { xp' = xp1, yp' = yp1, namep' = namep pt, selp' = selp pt } where (xp1, yp1) = if not $ length params == 2 then error "Wrong # of params to pack point" else (params !! 0, params !! 1) labelPack :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => Label -> [a] -> Label' a labelPack lab params = Label' { xl' = xl1, yl' = yl1, wl' = wl1, hl' = hl1, textl' = textl lab, sell' = sell lab, namel' = namel lab } where (xl1, yl1, wl1, hl1) = if not $ length params == 4 then error "wrong # params to pack label" else (params !! 0, params !! 1, params !! 2, params !! 3) -- does a right fold on `annotations` to preserve order of output list -- returns remaining (fixed, varying) that were not part of the object -- e.g. yoink [Fixed, Varying, Fixed] [1, 2, 3] [4, 5] = ([1, 4, 2], [3], [5]) yoink :: (Show a) => [Annotation] -> Fixed a -> Varying a -> ([a], Fixed a, Varying a) yoink annotations fixed varying = --trace ("yoink " ++ (show annotations) ++ (show fixed) ++ (show varying)) $ case annotations of [] -> ([], fixed, varying) (Fix : annotations') -> let (params, fixed', varying') = yoink annotations' (tail fixed) varying in (head fixed : params, fixed', varying') (Vary : annotations') -> let (params, fixed', varying') = yoink annotations' fixed (tail varying) in (head varying : params, fixed', varying') -- used inside overall objective fn to turn (fixed, varying) back into a list of objects -- for inner objective fns to operate on -- pack is partially applied with the annotations, which never change -- (the annotations assume the state never changes size or order) pack :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => [[Annotation]] -> [Obj] -> Fixed a -> Varying a -> [Obj' a] pack annotations objs = pack' (zip objs annotations) pack' :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => [(Obj, [Annotation])] -> Fixed a -> Varying a -> [Obj' a] pack' zipped fixed varying = case zipped of [] -> [] ((obj, annotations) : zips) -> res : pack' zips fixed' varying' -- preserve order -- use obj, annotations, fixed, and varying to create the object -- by yoinking the right params out of f/v in the right order where (flatParams, fixed', varying') = yoink annotations fixed varying -- is flatParams in the right order? res = case obj of -- pack objects using the names, text params carried from initial state -- assuming names do not change during opt C circ -> C' $ circPack circ flatParams L label -> L' $ labelPack label flatParams P pt -> P' $ ptPack pt flatParams S sq -> S' $ sqPack sq flatParams A ar -> A' $ solidArrowPack ar flatParams ------- Style related functions -- default shapes defaultSolidArrow, defaultPt, defaultSquare, defaultLabel, defaultCirc, defaultText:: String -> Obj defaultSolidArrow name = A SolidArrow { startx = 100, starty = 100, endx = 200, endy = 200, thickness = 10, selsa = False, namesa = name, colorsa = black } defaultPt name = P Pt { xp = 100, yp = 100, selp = False, namep = name } defaultSquare name = S Square { xs = 100, ys = 100, side = defaultRad, sels = False, names = name, colors = black, ang = 0.0} defaultLabel text = L Label { xl = -100, yl = -100, wl = textWidth * fromIntegral (length text), hl = textHeight, textl = text, sell = False, namel = labelName text } defaultText text = L Label { xl = -100, yl = -100, wl = textWidth * fromIntegral (length text), hl = textHeight, textl = text, sell = False, namel = text } defaultCirc name = C Circ { xc = 100, yc = 100, r = defaultRad, selc = False, namec = name, colorc = black } initSpec = SA.StySpec { SA.spType = SA.Pt, SA.spId = "", SA.spShape = (SA.NoShape, M.empty), SA.spArgs = [], SA.spShpMap = M.empty} -- ------- Parsing for Old Style Design -- -- dictOfStys :: [C.SubDecl] -> [C.StyLine] -> M.Map Name [C.StyLine] -- dictOfStys objs stys = foldr (processLine objs) dict stys -- where dict = foldr addObj M.empty objs -- addObj (C.Decl (C.OM (C.Map' name _ _))) = M.insert name [] -- addObj (C.Decl (C.OS (C.Set' name _))) = M.insert name [] -- addObj (C.Decl (C.OP (C.Pt' name))) = M.insert name [] -- -- -- If there is no spec associated with an obj, we should insert this obj in the dict -- insertSty :: Name -> C.StyLine -> M.Map Name [C.StyLine] -> M.Map Name [C.StyLine] -- insertSty name line dict = case (M.lookup name dict) of -- Nothing -> M.insert name [line] dict -- _ -> M.adjust ([line] ++) name dict -- -- processLine :: [C.SubDecl] -> C.StyLine -> M.Map Name [C.StyLine] -> M.Map Name [C.StyLine] -- processLine objs s dict = -- case s of -- (C.Shape (C.SubVal v) _) -> insertSty v s dict -- (C.Shape C.Global _) -> M.mapWithKey (\k stys -> s:stys) dict -- (C.Shape (C.SubType t) _) -> M.mapWithKey (\k stys -> s:stys) dict -- otherwise -> error "shape not known" -- -- -- Find all lines specifying shape -- shapeLines :: [C.StyLine] -> [C.StyLine] -- shapeLines stys = filter isShape $ stys -- where isShape (C.Shape _ _) = True -- isShape _ = False -- -- -- Given a list of sty settings, find the most specific one -- -- The order from most specific to general: individual -> type -> global -- prioritize :: [C.StyLine] -> C.StyLine -- prioritize stys = stys !! maxIdx -- where prios = map getPrio stys -- Just maxIdx = elemIndex (maximum prios) prios -- getPrio (C.Shape (C.SubVal _) _) = 3 -- getPrio (C.Shape C.Global _) = 2 -- getPrio (C.Shape (C.SubType _) _) = 1 -- Generates an object depending on the style specification ----- Parser for the new style design -- -- Given a list of IDs, translate a raw AST of a Style program -- -- to a object-wise record -- getStyDict :: [C.SubDecl] -> SA.StyProg -> M.Map Name SA.StySpec -- getStyDict decls prog = foldl loadObjConfig tConfig oBlk -- where -- ids = getSubTuples decls -- dict = foldl (\m (t, n) -> -- M.insert n (dummySpec { SA.spId = n, SA.spType = t }) m) M.empty ids -- [gBlk, tBlk, oBlk] = getBlocks prog -- gConfig = foldl loadGlobalConfig dict gBlk -- tConfig = foldl loadTypeConfig gConfig tBlk -- -- applyConfig f d = foldl f d prog -- -- getSubTuples :: [C.SubDecl] -> [(SA.SubType, String)] -- getSubTuples decls = map getType decls -- where -- getType (C.Decl d) = case d of -- C.OS (C.Set' n _) -> (SA.Set, n) -- C.OP (C.Pt' n) -> (SA.Pt, n) -- C.OM (C.Map' n _ _) -> (SA.Map, n) -- -- -- -- -- NOTE: assuming we process global settings FIRST. All other fields will get wiped out -- loadGlobalConfig :: M.Map Name SA.StySpec -> SA.Block -> M.Map Name SA.StySpec -- loadGlobalConfig dict (SA.GlobalBlock stmts) = M.mapWithKey (\_ oldSpec -> newSpec { SA.spType = SA.spType oldSpec, SA.spId = SA.spId oldSpec}) dict -- where -- newSpec = foldl procStmt dummySpec stmts -- loadGlobalConfig dict _ = dict -- ignore all other blocks -- -- loadTypeConfig :: M.Map Name SA.StySpec -> SA.Block -> M.Map Name SA.StySpec -- loadTypeConfig dict (SA.TypeBlock typ stmts) = M.mapWithKey (\_ s -> procSpec s) dict -- where -- procSpec s = if SA.spType s == typ then getSpec s else s -- getSpec s = foldl procStmt s stmts -- loadTypeConfig dict _ = dict -- ignore all other blocks -- -- loadObjConfig :: M.Map Name SA.StySpec -> SA.Block -> M.Map Name SA.StySpec -- loadObjConfig dict (SA.ObjBlock name stmts) = M.mapWithKey (\_ s -> procSpec s) dict -- where -- procSpec s = if SA.spId s == name then getSpec s else s -- getSpec s = foldl procStmt s stmts -- loadObjConfig dict _ = dict -- ignore all other blocks -- -- procStmt :: SA.StySpec -> SA.Stmt -> SA.StySpec -- procStmt spec (SA.Assign _ (SA.Color c)) = spec { SA.spColor = c } -- procStmt spec (SA.Assign _ (SA.Shape s)) = spec { SA.spShape = s } -- -- getBlocks :: SA.StyProg -> [[SA.Block]] -- getBlocks p = map (\f -> f p) filters -- where filters = map filter [isGlobalBlock, isTypeBlock, isObjBlock] -- -- isGlobalBlock, isTypeBlock, isObjBlock :: SA.Block -> Bool -- isGlobalBlock (SA.GlobalBlock _) = True -- isGlobalBlock _ = False -- -- isTypeBlock (SA.TypeBlock _ _) = True -- isTypeBlock _ = False -- -- isObjBlock (SA.ObjBlock _ _) = True -- isObjBlock _ = False ----- Parser for Style design -- Type aliases for readability in this section type StyDict = M.Map Name SA.StySpec -- type ObjFn a = M.Map Name (Obj' a) -> a type ConstrFn a = [Obj' a] -> a type ObjFn a = [Obj' a] -> a -- A VarMap matches lambda ids in the selector to the actual selected id type VarMap = M.Map Name Name getDictAndFns :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => ([C.SubDecl], [C.SubConstr]) -> SA.StyProg -> (StyDict, [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])], [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])]) getDictAndFns (decls, constrs) blocks = foldl procBlock (initDict, [], []) blocks where res = getSubTuples decls ++ getConstrTuples constrs ids = map (\(x, y, z) -> (x, y)) res -- args = map (\(_, _, z) -> z) res initDict = foldl (\m (t, n, a) -> M.insert n (initSpec { SA.spId = n, SA.spType = t, SA.spArgs = a }) m) M.empty res -- applyConfig f d = foldl f d prog procBlock :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => (StyDict, [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])], [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])]) -> SA.Block -> (StyDict, [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])], [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])]) procBlock (dict, objFns, constrFns) (selectors, stmts) = (newDict, objFns ++ newObjFns, constrFns ++ newConstrFns) where select s = M.elems $ M.filter (match s) dict selectedSpecs :: [[(VarMap, SA.StySpec)]] selectedSpecs = map (\s -> let xs = select s vs = map (allOtherVars . getVarMap s) xs in zip vs xs) selectors -- TODO: scoping - now every block has access to everyone else allOtherVars = M.union (M.fromList $ zip k k) where k = M.keys dict -- Combination of all selected (spec. varmap) allCombs = filter (\x -> length x == length selectedSpecs) $ cartesianProduct (map (map fst) selectedSpecs) mergedMaps = -- let allMaps = map (map fst) allCombs in -- map M.unions (tr "allMaps: " allMaps) -- tr "allmaps: " $ map M.unions allCombs -- Only process assignment statements on matched specs, not the cartesion product of them updateSpec d (vm, sp) = let newSpec = foldl (procAssign vm) sp stmts in M.insert (SA.spId newSpec) newSpec d newDict = foldl updateSpec dict $ concat selectedSpecs -- (zip varMaps selected) genFns f vm = foldl (f vm) [] stmts newObjFns = concatMap (genFns procObjFn) mergedMaps newConstrFns = concatMap (genFns procConstrFn) mergedMaps cartesianProduct = foldr f [[]] where f l a = [ x:xs | x <- l, xs <- a ] -- Returns a map from placeholder ids to actual matched ids getVarMap :: SA.Selector -> SA.StySpec -> VarMap getVarMap sel spec = foldl add M.empty patternNamePairs where patternNamePairs = zip (SA.selPatterns sel) (SA.spArgs spec) add d (p, n) = case p of SA.RawID _ -> d SA.WildCard i -> M.insert i n d -- Returns true of an object matches the selector match :: SA.Selector -> SA.StySpec -> Bool match sel spec = all test (zip args patterns) && SA.selTyp sel == SA.spType spec && length args == length patterns where patterns = SA.selPatterns sel args = SA.spArgs spec -- dummies = SA.selIds sel test (a, p) = case p of SA.RawID i -> a == i SA.WildCard _ -> True procConstrFn :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => VarMap -> [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])] -> SA.Stmt -> [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])] procConstrFn varMap fns (SA.ConstrFn fname es) = -- trStr ("New Constraint function: " ++ fname ++ " " ++ (show names)) $ fns ++ [(func, defaultWeight, names)] where (func, names) = case M.lookup fname constrFuncDict of Just f -> (f, map (getIdByExpr varMap) es) Nothing -> error "procConstrFn: constraint function not known" procConstrFn varMap fns _ = fns -- TODO: avoid functions procObjFn :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => VarMap -> [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])] -> SA.Stmt -> [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])] procObjFn varMap fns (SA.ObjFn fname es) = trStr ("New Objective function: " ++ fname ++ " " ++ (show names)) $ fns ++ [(func, defaultWeight, names)] where (func, names) = case M.lookup fname objFuncDict of Just f -> (f, tr "Args: " args) Nothing -> error "procObjFn: objective function not known" args = map (getIdByExpr varMap) es procObjFn varMap fns (SA.Avoid fname es) = fns -- TODO: avoid functions procObjFn varMap fns _ = fns -- TODO: avoid functions -- TODO: Have a more principled expr look up routine lookupVarMap s varMap= case M.lookup s varMap of Just s -> s Nothing -> (error $ "lookupVarMap: incorrect variable mapping from " ++ s) getIdByExpr d (SA.Id s) = lookupVarMap s d -- TODO: properly resolve access by doing lookups getIdByExpr d (SA.BinOp SA.Access (SA.Id i) (SA.Id "label")) = labelName $ lookupVarMap i d getIdByExpr d (SA.BinOp SA.Access (SA.Id i) (SA.Id "shape")) = lookupVarMap i d getIdByExpr _ _ = error "getIdByExpr: argument unsupported!" procAssign :: VarMap -> SA.StySpec -> SA.Stmt -> SA.StySpec procAssign varMap spec (SA.Assign n (SA.Cons typ stmts)) = if n == "shape" then spec { SA.spShape = (typ, configs) } -- primary shape else spec { SA.spShpMap = M.insert n (typ, configs) $ SA.spShpMap spec } -- secondary shapes where configs = foldl addSpec M.empty stmts -- FIXME: this is incorrect, we should resolve the variables earlier addSpec dict (SA.Assign s e@(SA.Cons SA.NoShape _)) = M.insert s (SA.Id "None") dict addSpec dict (SA.Assign s e@(SA.Cons SA.Auto _)) = M.insert s (SA.Id "Auto") dict addSpec dict (SA.Assign s e) = M.insert s (SA.Id (getIdByExpr varMap e)) dict addSpec _ _ = error "procAssign: only support assignments in constructors!" procAssign _ spec _ = spec -- TODO: ignoring assignment for all others getConstrTuples :: [C.SubConstr] -> [(SA.SubType, String, [String])] getConstrTuples = map getType where getType c = case c of C.Intersect a b -> (SA.Intersect, "Intersect" ++ a ++ b, [a, b]) C.NoIntersect a b -> (SA.NoIntersect, "NoIntersect" ++ a ++ b, [a, b]) C.Subset a b -> (SA.Subset, "Subset" ++ a ++ b, [a, b]) C.NoSubset a b -> (SA.NoSubset, "NoSubset" ++ a ++ b, [a, b]) C.PointIn a b -> (SA.PointIn, "PointIn" ++ a ++ b, [a, b]) C.PointNotIn a b -> (SA.PointNotIn, "PointNotIn" ++ a ++ b, [a, b]) getSubTuples :: [C.SubDecl] -> [(SA.SubType, String, [String])] getSubTuples = map getType where getType (C.Decl d) = case d of C.OS (C.Set' n _) -> (SA.Set, n, [n]) C.OP (C.Pt' n) -> (SA.Pt, n, [n]) C.OM (C.Map' n a b) -> (SA.Map, n, [n, a, b]) getAllIds :: ([C.SubDecl], [C.SubConstr]) -> [String] getAllIds (decls, constrs) = map (\(_, x, _) -> x) $ getSubTuples decls ++ getConstrTuples constrs shapeAndFn :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => StyDict -> String -> ([Obj], [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])], [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])]) shapeAndFn dict name = case M.lookup name dict of Nothing -> error ("Cannot find style info for " ++ name) Just s -> concat3 $ map getShape $ (name, SA.spShape s) : map addPrefix (M.toList $ SA.spShpMap s) where concat3 x = (concatMap fst3 x, concatMap snd3 x, concatMap thd3 x) addPrefix (s, o) = (name ++ "_" ++ s, o) fst3 (a, _, _) = a snd3 (_, a, _) = a thd3 (_, _, a) = a getShape (n, (SA.Text, config)) = initText n config getShape (n, (SA.Arrow, config)) = initArrow n config getShape (n, (SA.Circle, config)) = initCircle n config getShape (n, (SA.Box, config)) = initSquare n config getShape (n, (SA.NoShape, _)) = ([], [], []) getShape (_, (t, _)) = error ("ShapeOf: Unknown shape " ++ show t ++ " for " ++ name) initText, initArrow, initCircle, initSquare :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => String -> M.Map String SA.Expr -> ([Obj], [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])], [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])]) initText n config = ([defaultText n], [], []) initArrow n config = -- ([defaultSolidArrow n, defaultLabel n], [(centerMap, defaultWeight, [n, from, to])], []) -- ([defaultSolidArrow n], [(centerMap, defaultWeight, [n, from, to])], []) if lab == "None" then ([defaultSolidArrow n], [(centerMap, defaultWeight, [n, from, to])], []) else ([defaultSolidArrow n, defaultLabel n], [(centerMap, defaultWeight, [n, from, to])], []) where from = queryConfig "start" config to = queryConfig "end" config lab = queryConfig "label" config initCircle n config = ([defaultCirc n, defaultLabel n], [], [(penalty . maxSize, defaultWeight, [n]), (penalty . minSize, defaultWeight, [n])]) initSquare n config = ([defaultSquare n, defaultLabel n], [], [(penalty . maxSize, defaultWeight, [n])]) queryConfig key dict = case M.lookup key dict of Just (SA.Id i) -> i -- FIXME: get dot access to work for arbitrary input Just (SA.BinOp SA.Access (SA.Id i) (SA.Id "shape")) -> i Nothing -> error ("queryConfig: Key " ++ key ++ " does not exist!") ------- Generate objective functions defaultWeight :: Floating a => a defaultWeight = 1 defaultRad :: Floating a => a defaultRad = 100 objFnOnNone :: ObjFnOn a objFnOnNone _ = 0 -- Parameters to change declSetObjfn :: ObjFnOn a declSetObjfn = objFnOnNone -- centerCirc declPtObjfn :: ObjFnOn a declPtObjfn = objFnOnNone -- centerCirc declLabelObjfn :: ObjFnOn a declLabelObjfn = centerLabel -- objFnOnNone declMapObjfn :: ObjFnOn a declMapObjfn = centerMap constrFuncDict :: forall a. (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => M.Map String (ConstrFn a) constrFuncDict = M.fromSet mapping allFns where allFns = fromList ["sameSizeAs", "smallerThan", "contains", "nonOverlapping", "overlapping", "outsideOf"] mapping f = case f of "sameSizeAs" -> penalty . sameSize "contains" -> penalty . contains "overlapping" -> penalty . overlapping "nonOverlapping" -> penalty . nonOverlapping "outsideOf" -> penalty . outsideOf "smallerThan" -> penalty . smallerThan -- TODO: should this be an objective? -- "avoidSubsets" -> penalty . avoidSubsets _ -> error ("constrFuncDict: unknown function " ++ f) objFuncDict :: forall a. (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => M.Map String (ObjFn a) objFuncDict = M.fromSet mapping allFns where allFns = fromList ["sameX", "sameCenter", "sameHeight", "repel", "onTop", "toLeft", "centerLabel", "outside"] mapping f = case f of "centerLabel" -> centerLabel "toLeft" -> toLeft "onTop" -> onTop "sameHeight" -> sameHeight "sameX" -> (*) 0.2 . sameX "sameCenter" -> (*) 0.01 . sameCenter -- "repel" -> penalty . repel -- "repel" -> (*) 100000000 . repel -- "repel" -> (*) 9000 . repel "repel" -> (*) 900000 . repel -- "repel" -> repe l -- "repel" -> repel "outside" -> outside _ -> error ("objFuncDict: unknown function " ++ f) genAllObjs :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => ([C.SubDecl], [C.SubConstr]) -> StyDict -> ([Obj], [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])], [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])]) -- TODO figure out how the types work. also add weights genAllObjs (decls, constrs) stys = (concat objss, concat objFnss, concat constrFnss) where (objss, objFnss, constrFnss) = unzip3 $ map (shapeAndFn stys) $ getAllIds (decls, constrs) -- genObjsAndFns :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => -- M.Map String SA.StySpec -> C.SubDecl -> ([Obj], [(M.Map Name (Obj' a) -> a, Weight a)]) -- genObjsAndFns stys line@(C.Decl (C.OS (C.Set' sname stype))) = (objs, weightedFns) -- where -- c1 = shapeOf sname stys -- -- TODO proper dimensions for labels -- l1 = defaultLabel sname -- objs = [c1, l1] -- weightedFns = [ (declSetObjfn [sname], defaultWeight), -- (declLabelObjfn [sname, labelName sname], defaultWeight) ] -- genObjsAndFns stys (C.Decl (C.OP (C.Pt' pname))) = (objs, weightedFns) -- where -- p1 = defaultPt pname -- l1 = defaultLabel pname -- objs = [p1, l1] -- weightedFns = [ (declPtObjfn [pname], defaultWeight), -- (declLabelObjfn [pname, labelName pname], defaultWeight) ] -- genObjsAndFns stys (C.Decl (C.OM (C.Map' name from to))) = (objs, weightedFns) -- where -- a = defaultSolidArrow name -- l1 = defaultLabel name -- objs = [a, l1] -- weightedFns = [ -- (toLeft [from, to], defaultWeight), -- (sameY [from, to], defaultWeight), -- (declMapObjfn [name, from, to], defaultWeight), -- TODO: a different obj function -- (declLabelObjfn [name, labelName name], defaultWeight)] -- -- genAllObjsAndFns :: (Floating a, Real a, Show a, Ord a) => -- [C.SubDecl] -> M.Map String SA.StySpec -> ([Obj], [(M.Map Name (Obj' a) -> a, Weight a)]) -- -- TODO figure out how the types work. also add weights -- genAllObjsAndFns decls stys = let (objss, fnss) = unzip $ map (genObjsAndFns stys) decls in -- (concat objss, concat fnss) dictOf :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => [Obj' a] -> M.Map Name (Obj' a) dictOf = foldr addObj M.empty where addObj o dict = M.insert (getName o) o dict dictOfObjs :: [Obj] -> M.Map Name Obj dictOfObjs = foldr addObj M.empty where addObj o dict = M.insert (getName o) o dict -- constant b/c ambient fn value seems to be 10^4 and constr value seems to reach only 10, 10^2 constrWeight :: Floating a => a constrWeight = 10 ^ 4 lookupNames :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => M.Map Name (Obj' a) -> [Name] -> [Obj' a] lookupNames dict ns = map check res where res = map (`M.lookup` dict) ns check x = case x of Just x -> x _ -> error "lookupNames: at least one of the arguments don't exist!" -- TODO should take list of current objects as parameter, and be partially applied with that -- first param: list of parameter annotations for each object in the state -- assumes that the state's SIZE and ORDER never change -- note: CANNOT do dict -> list because that destroys the order genObjFn :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => [[Annotation]] -> [(ObjFn a, Weight a, [Name])] -> [(M.Map Name (Obj' a) -> a, Weight a)] -> [(ConstrFn a, Weight a, [Name])] -> [Obj] -> a -> [a] -> [a] -> a genObjFn annotations objFns ambientObjFns constrObjFns = \currObjs penaltyWeight fixed varying -> let newObjs = pack annotations currObjs fixed varying in let objDict = dictOf newObjs in sumMap (\(f, w, n) -> w * f (lookupNames objDict n)) objFns + (tr "ambient fn value: " (sumMap (\(f, w) -> w * f objDict) ambientObjFns)) + (tr "constr fn value: " (constrWeight * penaltyWeight * sumMap (\(f, w, n) -> w * f (lookupNames objDict n)) constrObjFns)) -- (sumMap (\(f, w) -> w * f objDict) objFns) + -- (sumMap (\(f, w) -> w * f objDict) ambientObjFns) + -- (constrWeight * penaltyWeight * -- sumMap (\(f, w, n) -> w * f (lookupNames objDict n)) constrObjFns) -- factor out weight application? -- TODO: **must** manually change this constraint if you change the constr function for EP -- needs constr to be violated constraint :: [C.SubConstr] -> [Obj] -> Bool constraint constrs = if constraintFlag then \x -> let res = [consistentSizes constrs x] in and res else \x -> True -- generate all objects and the overall objective function -- style program is currently unused -- TODO adjust weights of all functions genInitState :: ([C.SubDecl], [C.SubConstr]) -> SA.StyProg -> State genInitState (decls, constrs) stys = -- objects and objectives (without ambient objfns or constrs) let (dict, userObjFns, userConstrFns) = getDictAndFns (decls, constrs) stys in let (initObjs, initObjFns, initConstrFns) = genAllObjs (decls, constrs) dict in let objFns = userObjFns ++ initObjFns in -- let (initState, objFns) = genAllObjsAndFns decls (getStyDict decls stys) in -- let objFns = [] in -- TODO removed only for debugging constraints -- ambient objectives -- be careful with how the ambient objectives interact with the per-declaration objectives! -- e.g. the repel objective conflicts with a subset/intersect constraint -> nonconvergence! -- let ambientObjFns = [(circlesCenter, defaultWeight)] in let ambientObjFns = [] in -- constraints -- let constrFns = genConstrFns constrs in -- let constrFns = [] in let ambientConstrFns = [] in -- TODO add let constrObjFns = initConstrFns ++ userConstrFns ++ ambientConstrFns in -- resample state w/ constrs. TODO how to deal with `Subset A B` -> `r A < r B`? -- let boolConstr = \x -> True in // TODO needs to take this as a param let (initStateConstr, initRng') = sampleConstrainedState initRng initObjs constrs in -- unpackAnnotate :: [Obj] -> [ [(Float, Annotation)] ] let flatObjsAnnotated = unpackAnnotate (addGrads initStateConstr) in let annotationsCalc = map (map snd) flatObjsAnnotated in -- `map snd` throws away initial floats -- overall objective function let objFnOverall = genObjFn annotationsCalc objFns ambientObjFns constrObjFns in State { objs = initStateConstr, constrs = constrs, params = initParams { objFn = objFnOverall, annotations = annotationsCalc }, down = False, rng = initRng', autostep = False } --------------- end object / objfn generation rad :: Floating a => a rad = 200 -- TODO don't hardcode into constant clamp1D y = if clampflag then 0 else y rad1 :: Floating a => a rad1 = rad-100 rad2 :: Floating a => a rad2 = rad+50 -- Initial state of the world, reading from Substance/Style input initState :: State initState = State { objs = objsInit, constrs = [], down = False, rng = initRng, autostep = False, params = initParams } -- divide two integers to obtain a float divf :: Int -> Int -> Float divf a b = (fromIntegral a) / (fromIntegral b) pw2 :: Float pw2 = picWidth `divf` 2 pw2' :: Floating a => a pw2' = realToFrac pw2 ph2 :: Float ph2 = picHeight `divf` 2 ph2' :: Floating a => a ph2' = realToFrac ph2 -- avoid having black and white to ensure the visibility of objects opacity, cmax, cmin :: Float opacity = 0.5 cmax = 0.1 cmin = 0.9 -- radiusRange, sideRange :: Floating a => (a, a ) widthRange = (-pw2, pw2) heightRange = (-ph2, ph2) radiusRange = (20, picWidth `divf` 6) sideRange = (20, picWidth `divf` 3) colorRange = (cmin, cmax) ------------- The "Style" layer: render the state of the world. renderCirc :: Circ -> Picture renderCirc c = if selected c then let (r', g', b', a') = rgbaOfColor $ colorc c in color (makeColor r' g' b' (a' / 2)) $ translate (xc c) (yc c) $ circleSolid (r c) else color (colorc c) $ translate (xc c) (yc c) $ circleSolid (r c) -- fix to the centering problem of labels, assumeing: -- (1) monospaced font; (2) at least a chracter of max height is in the label string labelScale, textWidth, textHeight :: Floating a => a textWidth = 104.76 -- Half of that of the monospaced version textHeight = 119.05 labelScale = 0.2 label_offset_x, label_offset_y :: String -> Float -> Float label_offset_x str x = x - (textWidth * labelScale * 0.5 * (fromIntegral (length str))) label_offset_y str y = y - labelScale * textHeight * 0.5 renderLabel :: Label -> Picture renderLabel l = pictures $ [ color scolor $ translate (label_offset_x (textl l) (xl l)) (label_offset_y (textl l) (yl l)) $ scale labelScale labelScale $ text (textl l) -- , -- line [(x, y), (x + labelScale * w, y), (x + labelScale * w, y + labelScale * h), -- (x, y + labelScale * h), (x, y)] ] where scolor = if selected l then red else light black w = textWidth * (fromIntegral (length $ textl l)) h = textHeight x = (label_offset_x (textl l) (xl l)) y = (label_offset_y (textl l) (yl l)) renderPt :: Pt -> Picture renderPt p = color scalar $ translate (xp p) (yp p) $ circleSolid ptRadius where scalar = if selected p then red else black -- renderPt p = color scalar $ translate (xp p) (yp p) -- $ circle ptRadius -- where scalar = if selected p then red else black -- renderPt p = let l1 = line [(-ptRadius, -ptRadius), (ptRadius, ptRadius)] -- l2 = line [(-ptRadius, ptRadius), (ptRadius, -ptRadius)] -- in color scalar $ translate (xp p) (yp p) $ Pictures [l1, l2] -- where scalar = if selected p then red else black renderSquare :: Square -> Picture renderSquare s = if selected s then let (r', g', b', a') = rgbaOfColor $ colors s in color (makeColor r' g' b' (a' / 2)) $ translate (xs s) (ys s) $ rectangleSolid (side s) (side s) else color (colors s) $ translate (xs s) (ys s) $ rectangleSolid (side s) (side s) renderArrow :: SolidArrow -> Picture -- renderArrow sa = color black $ line [(startx sa, starty sa), (endx sa, endy sa)] renderArrow sa = color scalar $ translate sx sy $ rotate (negate $ toDegree $ argV dir) $ pictures $ map polygon [ head_path, body_path ] where scalar = if selected sa then red else black (sx, sy, ex, ey, t) = (startx sa, starty sa, endx sa, endy sa, thickness sa / 6) dir = (ex - sx, ey - sy) -- direction the arrow should point to len = magV dir body_path = [ (0, 0 + t), (len - 5*t, t), (len - 5*t, -1*t), (0, -1*t) ] head_path = [(len - 5*t, 3*t), (len, 0), (len - 5*t, -3*t)] toDegree, toRadian :: Floating a => a -> a toDegree rad = rad * 180 / pi toRadian deg = deg * pi / 180 renderObj :: Obj -> Picture renderObj (C circ) = renderCirc circ renderObj (L label) = renderLabel label renderObj (P pt) = renderPt pt renderObj (S sq) = renderSquare sq renderObj (A ar) = renderArrow ar isLabel :: Obj -> Bool isLabel (L l) = True isLabel _ = False splitLabels :: [Obj] -> ([Obj], [Obj]) splitLabels objs = (filter isLabel objs, filter (not . isLabel) objs) picOfState :: State -> Picture picOfState s = let (labels, others) = splitLabels (objs s) in -- currently not putting labels at the top level because the control is not ready -- Pictures $ map renderObj others ++ map renderObj labels Pictures $ map renderObj (objs s) picOf :: State -> Picture picOf s = Pictures [picOfState s, objectiveText, constraintText, stateText, paramText, optText] -- lineXbot, lineXtop, lineYbot, lineYtop] where -- TODO display constraint instead of hardcoding -- (picture for bounding box for bound constraints) -- constraints are currently global params lineXbot = color red $ Line [(leftb, botb), (rightb, botb)] lineXtop = color red $ Line [(leftb, topb), (rightb, topb)] lineYbot = color red $ Line [(leftb, botb), (leftb, topb)] lineYtop = color red $ Line [(rightb, botb), (rightb, topb)] -- TODO generate this text more programmatically objectiveText = translate xInit yInit $ scale sc sc $ text objText constraintText = translate xInit (yInit - yConst) $ scale sc sc $ text constrText stateText = let res = if autostep s then "on" else "off" in translate xInit (yInit - 2 * yConst) $ scale sc sc $ text ("autostep: " ++ res) paramText = translate xInit (yInit - 3 * yConst) $ scale sc sc $ text ("penalty function weight: " ++ show (weight $ params s)) optText = translate xInit (yInit - 4 * yConst) $ scale sc sc $ text ("optimization status: " ++ (statusTextOf $ optStatus $ params s)) statusTextOf val = case val of NewIter -> "opt started; new iteration" UnconstrainedRunning lastState -> "unconstrained running" UnconstrainedConverged lastState -> "unconstrained converged" EPConverged -> "EP converged" -- TODO record num iterations xInit = -pw2+50 yInit = ph2-50 yConst = 30 sc = 0.1 ------- Sampling the state subject to a constraint. Currently not used since we are doing unconstrained optimization. -- generate an infinite list of sampled elements -- keep the last generator for the "good" element genMany :: RandomGen g => g -> (g -> (a, g)) -> [(a, g)] genMany gen genOne = iterate (\(c, g) -> genOne g) (genOne gen) -- take the first element that satisfies the condition -- not the most efficient impl. also assumes infinite list s.t. head always exists crop :: RandomGen g => (a -> Bool) -> [(a, g)] -> (a, g) crop cond xs = --(takeWhile (not . cond) (map fst xs), -- drops gens head $ dropWhile (\(x, _) -> not $ cond x) xs -- drops while top-level condition true. keeps good's gen -- randomly sample location (for circles and labels) and radius (for circles) sampleCoord :: RandomGen g => g -> Obj -> (Obj, g) sampleCoord gen o = let o_loc = setX x' $ setY (clamp1D y') o in case o_loc of C circ -> let (r', gen3) = randomR radiusRange gen2 (cr', gen4) = randomR colorRange gen3 (cg', gen5) = randomR colorRange gen4 (cb', gen6) = randomR colorRange gen5 in (C $ circ { r = r', colorc = makeColor cr' cg' cb' opacity }, gen6) S sq -> let (side', gen3) = randomR sideRange gen2 (cr', gen4) = randomR colorRange gen3 (cg', gen5) = randomR colorRange gen4 (cb', gen6) = randomR colorRange gen5 in (S $ sq { side = side', colors = makeColor cr' cg' cb' opacity }, gen6) L lab -> (o_loc, gen2) -- only sample location P pt -> (o_loc, gen2) A a -> (o_loc, gen2) -- TODO where (x', gen1) = randomR widthRange gen (y', gen2) = randomR heightRange gen1 -- sample each object independently, threading thru gen stateMap :: RandomGen g => g -> (g -> a -> (b, g)) -> [a] -> ([b], g) stateMap gen f [] = ([], gen) stateMap gen f (x:xs) = let (x', gen') = f gen x in let (xs', gen'') = stateMap gen' f xs in (x' : xs', gen'') -- sample a state genState :: RandomGen g => [Obj] -> g -> ([Obj], g) genState shapes gen = stateMap gen sampleCoord shapes -- sample entire state at once until constraint is satisfied -- TODO doesn't take into account pairwise constraints or results from objects sampled first, sequentially sampleConstrainedState :: RandomGen g => g -> [Obj] -> [C.SubConstr] -> ([Obj], g) sampleConstrainedState gen shapes constrs = (state', gen') where (state', gen') = crop (constraint constrs) states states = genMany gen (genState shapes) -- init state params are ignored; we just need to know what kinds of objects are in it --------------- Handle user input. "handler" is the main function here. -- Whenever the library receives an input event, it calls "handler" with that event -- and the current state of the world to handle it. ptRadius = 4 -- The size of a point on canvas bbox = 60 -- TODO put all flags and consts together -- hacky bounding box of label -- -- Find the angle between x-axis and a line passing points, reporting in radians -- findAngle :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a -- findAngle (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = atan $ (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) -- -- midpoint :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a) -- mid point -- midpoint (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2) -- -- dist :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a -- distance -- dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = sqrt ((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2) -- -- distsq :: Floating a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a -- distance -- distsq (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 -- Hardcode bbox of label at the center -- TODO properly get bbox; rn text is centered at bottom left inObj :: (Float, Float) -> Obj -> Bool -- TODO: this is NOT an accurate BBox at all. Good for selection though inObj (xm, ym) (L o) = abs (xm - (xl o)) <= 0.1 * (wl o) && abs (ym - (yl o)) <= 0.1 * (hl o) -- is label -- abs (xm - (label_offset_x (textl o) (xl o))) <= 0.25 * (wl o) && -- abs (ym - (label_offset_y (textl o) (yl o))) <= 0.25 * (hl o) -- is label inObj (xm, ym) (C o) = dist (xm, ym) (xc o, yc o) <= r o -- is circle inObj (xm, ym) (S o) = abs (xm - xs o) <= 0.5 * side o && abs (ym - ys o) <= 0.5 * side o -- is squar e inObj (xm, ym) (P o) = dist (xm, ym) (xp o, yp o) <= ptRadius -- is Point, where we arbitrarily define the "radius" of a point -- TODO: due to the way Located is defined, we can only drag the starting pt here inObj (xm, ym) (A a) = let (sx, sy, ex, ey, t) = (startx a, starty a, endx a, endy a, thickness a) (x, y) = midpoint (sx, sy) (ex, ey) len = 0.5 * dist (sx, sy) (ex, ey) in abs (x - xm) <= len && abs (y - ym) <= t -- check convergence of EP method epDone :: State -> Bool epDone s = ((optStatus $ params s) == EPConverged) || ((optStatus $ params s) == NewIter) -- UI so far: pressing and releasing 'r' will re-sample all objects' sizes and positions within some preset range -- if autostep is set, then dragging will move an object while optimization continues -- if autostep is not set, then optimization will only step when 's' is pressed. dragging will move an object while optimization is not happening -- for more on these constructors, see docs: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gloss- -- pattern matches not fully fuzzed--assume that user only performs one action at once -- (e.g. not left-clicking while stepping the optimization) -- TODO "in object" tests -- prevents user from manipulating objects until EP is done, unless objects are re-sampled handler :: Event -> State -> State handler (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ (xm, ym)) s = if epDone s then s { objs = objsFirstSelected, down = True } else s -- so that clicking doesn't select all overlapping objects in bbox -- foldl will reverse the list each time, so a diff obj can be selected -- foldr will preserve the list order, so objects are stepped consistently where (objsFirstSelected, _) = foldr (flip $ selectFirstIfContains (xm, ym)) ([], False) (objs s) selectFirstIfContains (x, y) (xs, alreadySelected) o = if alreadySelected || (not $ inObj (x, y) o) then (o : xs, alreadySelected) else (select (setX xm $ setY ym o) : xs, True) -- dragging mouse when down -- if an object is selected, then if the collection of objects with the object moved satisfies the constraint, -- then move the object to mouse position -- TODO there's probably a better way to implement that handler (EventMotion (xm, ym)) s = if down s && epDone s then s { objs = map (ifSelectedMoveTo (xm, ym)) (objs s), down = down s } else s where ifSelectedMoveTo (xm, ym) o = if selected o then setX xm $ setY (clamp1D ym) o else o -- button released, so deselect all objects AND restart the optimization -- keep the annotations and obj fn, otherwise state will be erased handler (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Up _ _) s = s { objs = map deselect $ objs s, down = False, params = (params s) { weight = initWeight, optStatus = NewIter } } -- if you press a key while down, then the handler resets the entire state (then Up will just reset again) handler (EventKey (Char 'r') Up _ _) s = s { objs = objs', down = False, rng = rng', params = (params s) { weight = initWeight, optStatus = NewIter } } where (objs', rng') = sampleConstrainedState (rng s) (objs s) (constrs s) -- turn autostep on or off (press same button to turn on or off) handler (EventKey (Char 'a') Up _ _) s = if autostep s then s { autostep = False } else s { autostep = True } -- pressing 's' (down) while autostep is off will step the optimization once, overriding the step function -- (which doesn't step if autostep is off). this is the same code as the step function but with reverse condition -- if autostep is on, this does nothing -- also overrides EP done: forces a step (might want this to test if there substantial steps left after convergence, e.g. if magnitude of gradient is still large) handler (EventKey (Char 's') Down _ _) s = if not $ autostep s then s { objs = objs', params = params' } else s where (objs', params') = stepObjs (float2Double calcTimestep) (params s) (objs s) -- change the weights in the barrier/penalty method (scale by 10). don't step objects -- only allow the user to change the weights if EP has converged (just make the constraints sharper) -- (doesn't seem to make a difference, though...) -- in that case, start re-running UO with the last EP state as the current (converged) EP state handler (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) Down _ _) s = if epDone s then s { params = (params s) { weight = weight', optStatus = status' }} else s where currWeight = weight (params s) weight' = currWeight * weightGrowth status' = UnconstrainedRunning $ EPstate (objs s) handler (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) Down _ _) s = if epDone s then s { params = (params s) { weight = weight', optStatus = status' }} else s where currWeight = weight (params s) weight' = currWeight / weightGrowth status' = UnconstrainedRunning $ EPstate (objs s) handler _ s = s ----------- Stepping the state the world via gradient descent. -- First, miscellaneous helper functions. -- Clamp objects' positions so they don't go offscreen. -- TODO clamp needs to take into account bbox of object clampX :: Float -> Float clampX x = if x < -pw2 then -pw2 else if x > pw2 then pw2 else x clampY :: Float -> Float clampY y = if y < -ph2 then -ph2 else if y > ph2 then ph2 else y -- minSize :: Float -- minSize = 5 -- clampSize :: Float -> Float -- TODO assumes the size is a radius -- clampSize s = if s < minSize then minSize -- else if s > ph2 || s > pw2 then min pw2 ph2 else s -- -- Some debugging functions. @@@ -- debugF :: (Show a) => a -> a -- debugF x = if debug then traceShowId x else x -- debugXY x1 x2 y1 y2 = if debug then trace (show x1 ++ " " ++ show x2 ++ " " ++ show y1 ++ " " ++ show y2 ++ "\n") else id -- -- -- To send output to a file, do ./EXECUTABLE 2> FILE.txt -- tr :: Show a => String -> a -> a -- tr s x = if debug then trace "---" $ trace s $ traceShowId x else x -- prints in left to right order -- -- trRaw :: Show a => String -> a -> a -- trRaw s x = if debug then trace "---" $ trace s $ trace (show x ++ "\n") x else x-- prints in left to right order -- -- trStr :: String -> a -> a -- trStr s x = if debug then trace "---" $ trace s x else x -- prints in left to right order -- -- tr' :: Show a => String -> a -> a -- tr' s x = if debugLineSearch then trace "---" $ trace s $ traceShowId x else x -- prints in left to right order -- -- tro :: Show a => String -> a -> a -- tro s x = if debugObj then trace "---" $ trace s $ traceShowId x else x -- prints in left to right order noOverlapPair :: Obj -> Obj -> Bool noOverlapPair (C c1) (C c) = dist (xc c1, yc c1) (xc c, yc c) > r c1 + r c noOverlapPair (S s1) (S s2) = dist (xs s1, ys s1) (xs s2, ys s2) > side s1 + side s2 -- TODO: factor out this noOverlapPair (C c) (S s) = dist (xc c, yc c) (xs s, ys s) > (halfDiagonal . side) s + r c noOverlapPair (S s) (C c) = dist (xs s, ys s) (xc c, yc c) > (halfDiagonal . side) s + r c noOverlapPair _ _ = True -- TODO, ignores labels -- return true iff satisfied -- TODO deal with labels and more than two objects noneOverlap :: [Obj] -> Bool noneOverlap objs = let allPairs = filter (\x -> length x == 2) $ subsequences objs in -- TODO factor out all id $ map (\[o1, o2] -> noOverlapPair o1 o2) allPairs -- noOverlap (c1 : c : []) = noOverlapPair c1 c -- noOverlap (c1 : c : c3 : _) = noOverlapPair c1 c && noOverlapPair c c3 && noOverlapPair c1 c3 -- TODO -- noOverlap _ _ = True -- allOverlap vs. not noOverlap--they're different! allOverlap :: [Obj] -> Bool allOverlap objs = let allPairs = filter (\x -> length x == 2) $ subsequences objs in -- TODO factor out all id $ map (\[o1, o2] -> not $ noOverlapPair o1 o2) allPairs -- -- used when sampling the inital state, make sure sizes satisfy subset constraints -- subsetSizeDiff :: Floating a => a -- subsetSizeDiff = 10.0 -- halfDiagonal :: (Floating a) => a -> a -- halfDiagonal side = 0.5 * dist (0, 0) (side, side) -- TODO: do we want strict subset or loose subset here? Now it is strict consistentSizes :: [C.SubConstr] -> [Obj] -> Bool consistentSizes constrs objs = all id $ map (checkSubsetSize dict) constrs where dict = dictOfObjs objs checkSubsetSize dict constr@(C.Subset inName outName) = case (M.lookup inName dict, M.lookup outName dict) of (Just (C inc), Just (C outc)) -> -- (r outc) (r inc) > subsetSizeDiff -- TODO: taking this as a parameter? 0.7 * (r outc) > (r inc) (Just (S inc), Just (S outc)) -> (side outc) - (side inc) > subsetSizeDiff -- TODO: this does not scale, general way? (Just (C c), Just (S s)) -> r c < 0.5 * side s (Just (S s), Just (C c)) -> (halfDiagonal . side) s < r c (_, _) -> True checkSubsetSize _ _ = True -- Type aliases for shorter type signatures. type TimeInit = Float type Time = Double type ObjFn1 a = forall a . (Show a, Ord a, Floating a, Real a) => [a] -> a type GradFn a = forall a . (Show a, Ord a, Floating a, Real a) => [a] -> [a] type Constraints = [(Int, (Double, Double))] -- TODO: convert lists to lists of type-level length, and define an interface for object state (pos, size) -- also need to check the input length matches obj fn lengths, e.g. in awlinesearch -- old code for bound constraints -- does not project onto an arbitrary set, only intervals -- projCoordInterval :: (Double, Double) -> Double -> Double -- projCoordInterval (lower, upper) x = (sort [lower, upper, x]) !! 1 -- median of the list -- for each element, if there's a constraint on it (by index), project it onto the interval -- lookInAndProj :: Constraints -> (Int, Double) -> [Double] -> [Double] -- lookInAndProj constraints (index, x) acc = -- case (Map.lookup index constraintsMap) of -- Just bounds -> projCoordInterval bounds x : acc -- Nothing -> x : acc -- where constraintsMap = Map.fromList constraints -- don't change the order of elements in the state!! use foldr, not foldl -- projectOnto :: Constraints -> [Double] -> [Double] -- projectOnto constraints state = -- let indexedState = zip [0..] state in -- foldr (lookInAndProj constraints) [] indexedState -------- Step the world by one timestep (provided by the library). -- this function actually ignores the input timestep, because line search calculates the appropriate timestep to use, -- but it's left in, in case we want to debug the line search. -- gloss operates on floats, but the optimization code should be done with doubles, so we -- convert float to double for the input and convert double to float for the output. step :: TimeInit -> State -> State step t s = -- if down s then s -- don't step when dragging if autostep s then s { objs = objs', params = params' } else s where (objs', params') = stepObjs (float2Double t) (params s) (objs s) -- Utility functions for getting object info (currently unused) objInfo :: Obj -> [Float] objInfo o = [getX o, getY o, getSize o] -- TODO deal with labels, also do stuff at type level stateSize :: Int stateSize = 3 chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunksOf _ [] = [] chunksOf n l = take n l : chunksOf n (drop n l) objsInfo :: [a] -> [[a]] objsInfo = chunksOf stateSize -- from [x,y,s] over all objs, return [x,y] over all objsCoords :: [a] -> [a] objsCoords = concatMap (\[x, y, s] -> [x, y]) . objsInfo -- from [x,y,s] over all objs, return [s] over all objsSizes :: [a] -> [a] objsSizes = map (\[x, y, s] -> s) . objsInfo ---- -- convergence criterion for EP -- if you want to use it for UO, needs a different epsilon epStopCond :: (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> [a] -> a -> a -> Bool epStopCond x x' fx fx' = trStr ("EP: \n||x' - x||: " ++ (show $ norm (x -. x')) ++ "\n|f(x') - f(x)|: " ++ (show $ abs (fx - fx'))) $ (norm (x -. x') <= epStop) || (abs (fx - fx') <= epStop) -- just for unconstrained opt, not EP -- stopEps large bc UO doesn't seem to strongly converge... optStopCond :: (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> Bool optStopCond gradEval = trStr ("||gradEval||: " ++ (show $ norm gradEval) ++ "\nstopEps: " ++ (show stopEps)) $ (norm gradEval <= stopEps) -- unpacks all objects into a big state vector, steps that state, and repacks the new state into the objects -- NOTE: all downstream functions (objective functions, line search, etc.) expect a state in the form of -- a big list of floats with the object parameters grouped together: [x1, y1, size1, ... xn, yn, sizen] -- don't use r2f outside of zeroGrad or addGrad, since it doesn't interact well w/ autodiff r2f :: (Fractional b, Real a) => a -> b r2f = realToFrac -- Going from `Floating a` to Float discards the autodiff dual gradient info (I think) zeroGrad :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => Obj' a -> Obj zeroGrad (C' c) = C $ Circ { xc = r2f $ xc' c, yc = r2f $ yc' c, r = r2f $ r' c, selc = selc' c, namec = namec' c, colorc = colorc' c } zeroGrad (S' s) = S $ Square { xs = r2f $ xs' s, ys = r2f $ ys' s, side = r2f $ side' s, sels = sels' s, names = names' s, colors = colors' s, ang = ang' s } zeroGrad (L' l) = L $ Label { xl = r2f $ xl' l, yl = r2f $ yl' l, wl = r2f $ wl' l, hl = r2f $ hl' l, textl = textl' l, sell = sell' l, namel = namel' l } zeroGrad (P' p) = P $ Pt { xp = r2f $ xp' p, yp = r2f $ yp' p, selp = selp' p, namep = namep' p } zeroGrad (A' a) = A $ SolidArrow { startx = r2f $ startx' a, starty = r2f $ starty' a, endx = r2f $ endx' a, endy = r2f $ endy' a, thickness = r2f $ thickness' a, selsa = selsa' a, namesa = namesa' a, colorsa = colorsa' a } zeroGrads :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => [Obj' a] -> [Obj] zeroGrads = map zeroGrad -- Add the grad info by generalizing Obj (on Floats) to polymorphic objects (for autodiff to use) addGrad :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => Obj -> Obj' a addGrad (C c) = C' $ Circ' { xc' = r2f $ xc c, yc' = r2f $ yc c, r' = r2f $ r c, selc' = selc c, namec' = namec c, colorc' = colorc c } addGrad (S s) = S' $ Square' { xs' = r2f $ xs s, ys' = r2f $ ys s, side' = r2f $ side s, sels' = sels s, names' = names s, colors' = colors s, ang' = ang s } addGrad (L l) = L' $ Label' { xl' = r2f $ xl l, yl' = r2f $ yl l, wl' = r2f $ wl l, hl' = r2f $ hl l, textl' = textl l, sell' = sell l, namel' = namel l } addGrad (P p) = P' $ Pt' { xp' = r2f $ xp p, yp' = r2f $ yp p, selp' = selp p, namep' = namep p } addGrad (A a) = A' $ SolidArrow' { startx' = r2f $ startx a, starty' = r2f $ starty a, endx' = r2f $ endx a, endy' = r2f $ endy a, thickness' = r2f $ thickness a, selsa' = selsa a, namesa' = namesa a, colorsa' = colorsa a } addGrads :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => [Obj] -> [Obj' a] addGrads = map addGrad -- implements exterior point algo as described on page 6 here: -- https://www.me.utexas.edu/~jensen/ORMM/supplements/units/nlp_methods/const_opt.pdf -- the initial state (WRT violating constraints), initial weight, params, constraint normalization, etc. -- have all been initialized or set earlier stepObjs :: (Real a, Floating a, Show a, Ord a) => a -> Params -> [Obj] -> ([Obj], Params) stepObjs t sParams objs = let (epWeight, epStatus) = (weight sParams, optStatus sParams) in case epStatus of -- start the outer EP optimization and the inner unconstrained optimization, recording initial EPstate NewIter -> let status' = UnconstrainedRunning $ EPstate objs in (objs', sParams { weight = initWeight, optStatus = status'} ) -- check *weak* convergence of inner unconstrained opt. -- if UO converged, set opt state to converged and update UO state (NOT EP state) -- if not, keep running UO (inner state implicitly stored) -- note convergence checks are only on the varying part of the state UnconstrainedRunning lastEPstate -> -- doesn't use last EP state -- let unconstrConverged = optStopCond gradEval in let unconstrConverged = epStopCond stateVarying stateVarying' (objFnApplied stateVarying) (objFnApplied stateVarying') in if unconstrConverged then let status' = UnconstrainedConverged lastEPstate in -- update UO state only! (objs', sParams { optStatus = status'}) -- note objs' (UO converged), not objs else (objs', sParams) -- update UO state but not EP state; UO still running -- check EP convergence. if converged then stop, else increase weight, update states, and run UO again -- TODO some trickiness about whether unconstrained-converged has updated the correct state -- and whether i should check WRT the updated state or not UnconstrainedConverged (EPstate lastEPstate) -> let (_, epStateVarying) = tupMap (map float2Double) $ unpackSplit $ addGrads lastEPstate in -- TODO factor out let epConverged = epStopCond epStateVarying stateVarying -- stateV is last state for converged UO (objFnApplied epStateVarying) (objFnApplied stateVarying) in if epConverged then let status' = EPConverged in -- no more EP state (objs, sParams { optStatus = status'}) -- do not update UO state -- update EP state: to be the converged state from the most recent UO else let status' = UnconstrainedRunning $ EPstate objs in -- increase weight (objs, sParams { weight = weightGrowth * epWeight, optStatus = status' }) -- done; don't update obj state or params; user can now manipulate EPConverged -> (objs, sParams) -- TODO: implement EPConvergedOverride (for when the magnitude of the gradient is still large) -- TODO factor out--only unconstrainedRunning needs to run stepObjective, but EPconverged needs objfn where (fixed, stateVarying) = tupMap (map float2Double) $ unpackSplit $ addGrads objs -- realToFrac used because `t` output is a Float? I don't really know why this works (stateVarying', objFnApplied, gradEval) = stepWithObjective objs fixed sParams (realToFrac t) stateVarying -- re-pack each object's state list into object objs' = zeroGrads $ pack (annotations sParams) objs fixed stateVarying' -- Given the time, state, and evaluated gradient (or other search direction) at the point, -- return the new state. Note that the time is treated as `Floating a` (which is internally a Double) -- not gloss's `Float` stepT :: Floating a => a -> a -> a -> a stepT dt x dfdx = x - dt * dfdx -- Calculates the new state by calculating the directional derivatives (via autodiff) -- and timestep (via line search), then using them to step the current state. -- Also partially applies the objective function. stepWithObjective :: (RealFloat a, Real a, Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [Obj] -> [a] -> Params -> a -> [a] -> ([a], [a] -> a, [a]) stepWithObjective objs fixed stateParams t state = (steppedState, objFnApplied, gradEval) where (t', gradEval) = timeAndGrad objFnApplied t state -- get timestep via line search, and evaluated gradient at the state -- step each parameter of the state with the time and gradient -- gradEval :: [Double]; gradEval = [dfdx1, dfdy1, dfdsize1, ...] steppedState = let state' = map (\(v, dfdv) -> stepT t' v dfdv) (zip state gradEval) in trStr ("||x' - x||: " ++ (show $ norm (state -. state')) ++ "\n|f(x') - f(x)|: " ++ (show $ abs (objFnApplied state - objFnApplied state'))) state' objFnApplied :: ObjFn1 a -- i'm not clear on why realToFrac is needed here either -- since everything should already be polymorphic -- here, objFn is a function that gets the objective function from stateParams -- note that the objective function is partially applied w/ current list of objects objFnApplied = (objFn stateParams) objs (realToFrac cWeight) (map realToFrac fixed) cWeight = weight stateParams -- a version of grad with a clearer type signature appGrad :: (Show a, Ord a, Floating a, Real a) => (forall a . (Show a, Ord a, Floating a, Real a) => [a] -> a) -> [a] -> [a] appGrad f l = grad f l nanSub :: (RealFloat a, Floating a) => a nanSub = 0 removeNaN' :: (RealFloat a, Floating a) => a -> a removeNaN' x = if isNaN x then nanSub else x removeNaN :: (RealFloat a, Floating a) => [a] -> [a] removeNaN = map removeNaN' removeInf' :: (RealFloat a, Floating a) => a -> a removeInf' x = if isInfinity x then bignum else if isNegInfinity x then (-bignum) else x where bignum = 10**10 removeInf :: (RealFloat a, Floating a) => [a] -> [a] removeInf = map removeInf' tupMap :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b) tupMap f (a, b) = (f a, f b) -- ----- Lists-as-vectors utility functions, TODO split out of file -- -- -- define operator precedence: higher precedence = evaluated earlier -- infixl 6 +., -. -- infixl 7 *. -- .*, /. -- -- -- assumes lists are of the same length -- dotL :: Floating a => [a] -> [a] -> a -- dotL u v = if not $ length u == length v -- then error $ "can't dot-prod different-len lists: " ++ (show $ length u) ++ " " ++ (show $ length v) -- else sum $ zipWith (*) u v -- -- (+.) :: Floating a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -- add two vectors -- (+.) u v = if not $ length u == length v -- then error $ "can't add different-len lists: " ++ (show $ length u) ++ " " ++ (show $ length v) -- else zipWith (+) u v -- -- (-.) :: Floating a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -- subtract two vectors -- (-.) u v = if not $ length u == length v -- then error $ "can't subtract different-len lists: " ++ (show $ length u) ++ " " ++ (show $ length v) -- else zipWith (-) u v -- -- negL :: Floating a => [a] -> [a] -- negL = map negate -- -- (*.) :: Floating a => a -> [a] -> [a] -- multiply by a constant -- (*.) c v = map ((*) c) v -- -- norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a -- norm = sqrt . sum . map (^ 2) -- -- normsq :: Floating a => [a] -> a -- normsq = sum . map (^ 2) -- -- normalize :: Floating a => [a] -> [a] -- normalize v = (1 / norm v) *. v ----- -- Given the objective function, gradient function, timestep, and current state, -- return the timestep (found via line search) and evaluated gradient at the current state. -- TODO change stepWithGradFn(s) to use this fn and its type -- note: continue to use floats throughout the code, since gloss uses floats -- the autodiff library requires that objective functions be polymorphic with Floating a -- M-^ = delete indentation timeAndGrad :: (Show b, Ord b, RealFloat b, Floating b, Real b) => ObjFn1 a -> b -> [b] -> (b, [b]) timeAndGrad f t state = tr "timeAndGrad: " (timestep, gradEval) where gradF :: GradFn a gradF = appGrad f gradEval = gradF state -- Use line search to find a good timestep. -- Redo if it's NaN, defaulting to 0 if all NaNs. TODO descentDir = negL gradEval -- timestep :: Floating c => c timestep = if not linesearch then t else -- use a fixed timestep for debugging let resT = awLineSearch f duf descentDir state in if isNaN resT then tr "returned timestep is NaN" nanSub else resT -- directional derivative at u, where u is the negated gradient in awLineSearch -- descent direction need not have unit norm -- we could also use a different descent direction if desired duf :: (Show a, Ord a, Floating a, Real a) => [a] -> [a] -> a duf u x = gradF x `dotL` u -- Parameters for Armijo-Wolfe line search -- NOTE: must maintain 0 < c1 < c2 < 1 c1 :: Floating a => a c1 = 0.4 -- for Armijo, corresponds to alpha in backtracking line search (see below for explanation) -- smaller c1 = shallower slope = less of a decrease in fn value needed = easier to satisfy -- turn Armijo off: c1 = 0 c2 :: Floating a => a c2 = 0.2 -- for Wolfe, is the factor decrease needed in derivative value -- new directional derivative value / old DD value <= c2 -- smaller c2 = smaller new derivative value = harder to satisfy -- turn Wolfe off: c1 = 1 (basically backatracking line search onlyl infinity :: Floating a => a infinity = 1/0 -- x/0 == Infinity for any x > 0 (x = 0 -> Nan, x < 0 -> -Infinity) -- all numbers are smaller than infinity except infinity, to which it's equal negInfinity :: Floating a => a negInfinity = -infinity isInfinity x = (x == infinity) isNegInfinity x = (x == negInfinity) -- Implements Armijo-Wolfe line search as specified in Keenan's notes, converges on nonconvex fns as well -- based off Lewis & Overton, "Nonsmooth optimization via quasi-Newton methods", page TODO -- duf = D_u(f), the directional derivative of f at descent direction u -- D_u(x) = . If u = -gradF(x) (as it is here), then D_u(x) = -||gradF(x)||^2 -- TODO summarize algorithm -- TODO what happens if there are NaNs in awLineSearch? or infinities awLineSearch :: (Floating b, Ord b, Show b, Real b) => ObjFn1 a -> ObjFn2 a -> [b] -> [b] -> b awLineSearch f duf_noU descentDir x0 = -- results after a&w are satisfied are junk and can be discarded -- drop while a&w are not satisfied OR the interval is large enough let (af, bf, tf) = head $ dropWhile intervalOK_or_notArmijoAndWolfe $ iterate update (a0, b0, t0) in tf where (a0, b0, t0) = (0, infinity, 1) duf = duf_noU descentDir update (a, b, t) = let (a', b', sat) = if not $ armijo t then tr' "not armijo" (a, t, False) else if not $ weakWolfe t then tr' "not wolfe" (t, b, False) -- remember to change both wolfes else (a, b, True) in if sat then (a, b, t) -- if armijo and wolfe, then we use (a, b, t) as-is else if b' < infinity then tr' "b' < infinity" (a', b', (a' + b') / 2) else tr' "b' = infinity" (a', b', 2 * a') intervalOK_or_notArmijoAndWolfe (a, b, t) = not $ if armijo t && weakWolfe t then -- takes precedence tr ("stop: both sat. |-gradf(x0)| = " ++ show (norm descentDir)) True else if abs (b - a) < minInterval then tr ("stop: interval too small. |-gradf(x0)| = " ++ show (norm descentDir)) True else False -- could be shorter; long for debugging purposes armijo t = (f ((tr' "** x0" x0) +. t *. (tr' "descentDir" descentDir))) <= ((tr' "fAtX0"fAtx0) + c1 * t * (tr' "dufAtX0" dufAtx0)) strongWolfe t = abs (duf (x0 +. t *. descentDir)) <= c2 * abs dufAtx0 weakWolfe t = duf_x_tu >= (c2 * dufAtx0) -- split up for debugging purposes where duf_x_tu = tr' "Duf(x + tu)" (duf (x0 +. t' *. descentDir')) t' = tr' "t" t descentDir' = descentDir --tr' "descentDir" descentDir dufAtx0 = duf x0 -- cache some results, can cache more if needed fAtx0 =f x0 -- TODO debug why NaN. even using removeNaN' didn't help minInterval = if intervalMin then 10 ** (-10) else 0 -- stop if the interval gets too small; might not terminate ------------------------ ### frequently-changed params for debugging objsInit = [] -- Flags for debugging the surrounding functions. clampflag = False -- debug = True -- debug = False -- debugLineSearch = False -- debugObj = False -- turn on/off output in obj fn or constraint constraintFlag = False objFnOn = True -- turns obj function on or off in exterior pt method (for debugging constraints only) constraintFnOn = True -- TODO need to implement constraint fn synthesis type ObjFnPenalty a = forall a . (Show a, Floating a, Ord a, Real a) => a -> [a] -> [a] -> a -- needs to be partially applied with the current list of objects -- this type is only for the TOP-LEVEL synthesized objective function, not for any of the ones that people write type ObjFnPenaltyState a = forall a . (Show a, Floating a, Ord a, Real a) => [Obj] -> a -> [a] -> [a] -> a -- TODO should use objFn as a parameter objFnPenalty :: ObjFnPenalty a objFnPenalty weight = combineObjfns objFnUnconstrained weight where objFnUnconstrained :: Floating a => ObjFn2 a -- objFnUnconstrained = centerObjs -- centerAndRepel objFnUnconstrained = centerAndRepel -- if the list of constraints is empty, it behaves as unconstrained optimization boundConstraints :: Constraints boundConstraints = [] -- first_two_objs_box weightGrowth :: Floating a => a -- for EP weight weightGrowth = 10 epStop :: Floating a => a -- for EP diff epStop = 10 ** (-3) -- epStop = 60 ** (-3) -- epStop = 0.01 -- epStop = 0.1 -- for use in barrier/penalty method (interior/exterior point method) -- seems if the point starts in interior + weight starts v small and increases, then it converges -- not quite... if the weight is too small then the constraint will be violated initWeight :: Floating a => a initWeight = 10 ** (-5) -- initWeight = 10 ** (-3) stopEps :: Floating a => a stopEps = 10 ** (-1) ------------ Various constants and helper functions related to objective functions -- epsd :: Floating a => a -- to prevent 1/0 (infinity). put it in the denominator -- epsd = 10 ** (-10) objText = "objective: center all sets; center all labels in set" constrText = "constraint: satisfy constraints specified in Substance program" -- separates fixed parameters (here, size) from varying parameters (here, location) -- ObjFn2 has two parameters, ObjFn1 has one (partially applied) type ObjFn2 a = forall a . (Show a, Ord a, Floating a, Real a) => [a] -> [a] -> a linesearch = True -- TODO move these parameters back intervalMin = True -- true = force linesearch halt if interval gets too small; false = no forced halt sumMap :: Floating b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> b -- common pattern in objective functions sumMap f l = sum $ map f l -------------- Sample bound constraints -- TODO test bound constraints with EP, keep separate and formally build in if it doesn't work -- TODO add more constraints for testing -- x-coord of first object's center in [-300,-200], y-coord of first object's center in [0, 200] first_two_objs_box :: Constraints first_two_objs_box = [(0, (-300, -100)), (1, (0, 200)), (4, (100, 300)), (5, (-100, -400))] -------------- Objective functions -- simple test function minx1 :: ObjFn2 a -- timestep t minx1 _ xs = if length xs == 0 then error "minx1 empty list" else (head xs)^2 -- only center the first object (for debugging). NOTE: need to pass in parameters in the right order centerObjNoSqrt :: ObjFn2 a centerObjNoSqrt _ (x1 : y1 : _) = x1^2 + y1^2 -- sum $ -- center both objects without sqrt centerObjsNoSqrt :: ObjFn2 a centerObjsNoSqrt _ = sumMap (^2) centerx1Sqrt :: ObjFn2 a -- discontinuous, timestep = 100 * t. autodiff behaves differently for this vs abs centerx1Sqrt _ (x1 : _) = sqrt $ x1^2 -- lot of "interval too small"s happening with the objfns on lists now centerObjs :: ObjFn2 a -- with sqrt centerObjs fixed = sqrt . (centerObjsNoSqrt fixed) -- Repel two objects repel2 :: ObjFn2 a repel2 _ [x1, y1, x2, y2] = 1 / ((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 + epsd) -- pairwise repel on a list of objects (by distance b/t their centers) repelCenter :: ObjFn2 a repelCenter _ locs = sumMap (\x -> 1 / (x + epsd)) denoms where denoms = map diffSq allPairs diffSq [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]] = (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 allPairs = filter (\x -> length x == 2) $ subsequences objs -- TODO implement more efficient version. also, subseq only returns *unique* subseqs objs = chunksOf 2 locs -- does not deal with labels centerAndRepel :: ObjFn2 a -- timestep t centerAndRepel fixed varying = centerObjsNoSqrt fixed varying + weight * repelCenter fixed varying where weight = 10 ** (9.8) -- TODO calculate this weight as a function of radii and bbox -- pairwise repel on a list of objects (by distance b/t their centers) -- TODO: version of above function that separates fixed parameters (size) from varying parameters (location) -- assuming 1 size for each two locs, and s1 corresponds to x1, y1 (and so on) repelDist :: ObjFn2 a repelDist sizes locs = sumMap (\x -> 1 / (x + epsd)) denoms where denoms = map diffSq allPairs diffSq [[x1, y1, s1], [x2, y2, s2]] = (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 - s1 - s2 allPairs = filter (\x -> length x == 2) $ subsequences objs objs = zipWith (++) locPairs sizes' (sizes', locPairs) = (map (\x -> [x]) sizes, chunksOf 2 locs) -- attempts to account for the radii of the objects -- currently, they repel each other "too much"--want them to be as centered as possible -- not sure whether to use sqrt or not -- try multiple objects? centerAndRepel_dist :: ObjFn2 a centerAndRepel_dist fixed varying = centerObjsNoSqrt fixed varying + weight * (repelDist fixed varying) where weight = 10 ** 10 ----- doNothing :: ObjFn2 a -- for debugging doNothing _ _ = 0 nonDifferentiable :: ObjFn2 a nonDifferentiable sizes locs = let q = head locs in -- max q 0 abs q -- actually works fine with the line search -- TODO these need separate pack/unpack functions because they change the sizes. these don't currently work grow2 :: ObjFn2 a grow2 _ [_, _, s1, _, _, s2] = 1 / (s1 + epsd) + 1 / (s2 + epsd) grow :: ObjFn2 a grow _ varying = sumMap (\x -> 1 / (x + epsd)) $ varying -- TODO this needs to use the set size info. hardcode radii for now -- TODO to use "min rad rad1" we need to add "Ord a" to the type signatures everywhere -- we want the distance between the sets to be less than having them just touch -- this isn't working? and isn't resampling? -- also i'm getting interval shrinking problems just with this function (using 'distance' only) setsIntersect2 :: ObjFn2 a setsIntersect2 sizes [x1, y1, x2, y2] = (dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) - overlap)^2 where overlap = rad + rad1 - 0.5 * rad1 -- should be "min rad rad1" ------ Objective function to place a label either inside of or right outside of a set eps' :: Floating a => a eps' = 60 -- why is this 100?? -- two parabolas, one at f(d) = d^2 and one at f(d) = (d-c)^2, intersecting at c/2 -- (i could try making the first one bigger and solving for the new intersection pt if i want the threshold -- to be greater than (r + margin)/2 -- note: whenever an objective function has a partial derivative that might be fractional, -- and vary in the denominator, need to add epsilon to denominator to avoid 1/0, or avoid it altogether -- e.g. f(x) = sqrt(x) -> f'(x) = 1/(2sqrt(x)) -- in the first branch, we square the distance, because the objective there is to minimize the distance (resulting in 1/0). -- in the second branch, the objective is to keep the distance at (r_set + margin), not at 0--so there’s no NaN in the denominator centerOrRadParabola2 :: Bool -> ObjFn2 a centerOrRadParabola2 inSet [r_set, _] [x1, y1, x2, y2] = if dsq <= r_set^2 then dsq else (if inSet then dsq else coeff * (d - const)^2) -- false -> can lay it outside as well where d = dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) -- + epsd dsq = distsq (x1, y1) (x2, y2) -- + epsd coeff = r_set^2 / (r_set - const)^2 -- chosen s.t. parabolas intersect at r const = r_set + margin -- second parabola's zero margin = if r_set <= 30 then 30 else 60 -- distance from edge of set (as a fn of r) -- we want r to be close to r_set+margin, otherwise if r is small it converges slowly? -- NOTE: assumes that object and label are exactly contiguous in list: sizes of [o1, l1, o2, l2...] -- and locs: [x_o1, y_o1, x_l1, y_l1, x_o2, y_o2, x_l2, y_l2...] -- TODO abstract out repelDist / labelSum pattern labelSum :: Bool -> ObjFn2 a labelSum inSet objLabelSizes objLabelLocs = let objLabelSizes' = chunksOf 2 objLabelSizes in let objLabelLocs' = chunksOf 4 objLabelLocs in sumMap (\(sizes, locs) -> centerOrRadParabola2 inSet sizes locs) (zip objLabelSizes' objLabelLocs') ------ -- TODO: label-only obj fns don't work out-of-the-box with set-only obj fns since they do unpacking differently -- Start composing set-wise functions (centerAndRepel) with set-label functions (labelSum) -- Sets repel each other, labels repel each other, and sets are labeled -- TODO non-label sets should repel those labels -- TODO resample initial state s.t. labels start inside the set (the centerOrRad is mostly useful if there are other objects inside the set that might repel the label) -- TODO abstract out the unpacking functions here and factor out the weights centerRepelLabel :: ObjFn2 a centerRepelLabel olSizes olLocs = centerAndRepel oSizes oLocs + weight * repelCenter lSizes lLocs + labelSum inSet olSizes olLocs where (oSizes, lSizes) = (map fst zippedSizes, map snd zippedSizes) zippedSizes = map (\[obj, lab] -> (obj, lab)) $ chunksOf 2 olSizes (oLocs, lLocs) = (concatMap fst zippedLocs, concatMap snd zippedLocs) zippedLocs = map (\[xo, yo, xl, yl] -> ([xo, yo], [xl, yl])) $ chunksOf 4 olLocs weight = 10 ** 6 inSet = True -- label only in set vs. in or at radius ---------------- Exterior point method functions -- Given an objective function and a list of constraints (phrased in terms of violations on a list of floats), -- combines them using the penalty method (parametrized by a constraint weight over the sum of the constraints, -- & individual normalizing weights on each constraint). Returns the corresponding unconstrained objective fn, -- for use in unconstrained opt with line search. -- PAIRWISE constraint functions that return the magnitude of violation -- same type as ObjFn2; more general than PairConstrV type StateConstrV a = forall a . (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> [a] -> a -- type PairConstrV a = forall a . (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [[a]] -> a -- takes pairs of "packed" objs -- noConstraint :: PairConstrV a -- noConstraint _ = 0 -- -- -- To convert your inequality constraint into a violation to be penalized: -- -- it needs to be in the form "c < 0" and c is the violation penalized if > 0 -- -- so e.g. if you want "x < -100" then you would convert it to "x + 100 < 0" with c = x + 100 -- -- if you want "f x > -100" then you would convert it to "-(f x + 100) < 0" with c = -(f x + 100)" -- -- -- all sets must pairwise-strict-intersect -- -- plus an offset so they overlap by a visible amount (perhaps this should be an optimization parameter?) -- looseIntersect :: PairConstrV a -- looseIntersect [[x1, y1, s1], [x2, y2, s2]] = let offset = 10 in -- -- if s1 + s2 < offset then error "radii too small" --TODO: make it const -- -- else -- dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) - (s1 + s2 - offset) -- -- -- the energy actually increases so it always settles around the offset -- -- that's because i am centering all of them--test w/objective off -- -- TODO flatten energy afterward, or get it to be *far* from the other set -- -- offset so the sets differ by a visible amount -- noSubset :: PairConstrV a -- noSubset [[x1, y1, s1], [x2, y2, s2]] = let offset = 10 in -- max/min dealing with s1 > s2 or s2 < s1 -- -(dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) + max s2 s1 - min s2 s1 + offset -- -- -- the first set is the subset of the second, and thus smaller than the second in size. -- -- TODO: test for equal sets -- -- TODO: for two primitives we have 4 functions, which is not sustainable. NOT NEEDED, remove them. -- strictSubset :: PairConstrV a -- strictSubset [[x1, y1, s1], [x2, y2, s2]] = dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) - (s2 - s1) -- -- -- exterior point method constraint: no intersection (meaning also no subset) -- noIntersectExt :: PairConstrV a -- noIntersectExt [[x1, y1, s1], [x2, y2, s2]] = -(dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) + s1 + s2 + offset where offset = 10 -- -- pointInExt :: PairConstrV a -- pointInExt [[x1, y1], [x2, y2, r]] = dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) - 0.5 * r -- -- pointNotInExt :: PairConstrV a -- pointNotInExt [[x1, y1], [x2, y2, r]] = - dist (x1, y1) (x2, y2) + r -- -- -- exterior point method: penalty function -- penalty :: (Ord a, Floating a, Show a) => a -> a -- penalty x = (max x 0) ^ q -- weights should get progressively larger in cr_dist -- where q = 2 -- also, may need to sample OUTSIDE feasible set -- -- where q = 3 -- also, may need to sample OUTSIDE feasible set -- for each pair, for each constraint on that pair, compose w/ penalty function and sum -- TODO add vector of normalization constants for each constraint pairToPenalties :: PairConstrV a pairToPenalties pair = sum $ map (\((f, w), p) -> w * (penalty $ f p)) $ zip pairConstrVs (repeat pair) -- sum penalized violations of each constraint on the whole state stateConstrsToObjfn :: ObjFn2 a stateConstrsToObjfn fixed varying = sum $ map (\((f, w), (fix, vary)) -> w * (penalty $ f fix vary)) $ zip stateConstrVs (repeat (fixed, varying)) -- the overall penalty function is the sum m (unweighted) -- generate all unique pairs of objs and sum the penalized violation on each pair pairConstrsToObjfn :: ObjFn2 a pairConstrsToObjfn sizes locs = sumMap pairToPenalties allPairs where -- generates all *unique* pairs (does not generate e.g. (o1, o2) and (o2, o1)) allPairs = filter (\x -> length x == 2) $ subsequences objs objs = zipWith (++) locPairs sizes' (sizes', locPairs) = (map (\x -> [x]) sizes, chunksOf 2 locs) -- add the obj fn value to all penalized violations of constraints -- note that a high weight may result in an "ill-conditioned hessian" with high differences b/t eigenvalues -- with which the line search and stopping conditions may have trouble -- https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_is_stopping_criteria_of_any_optimization_algorithm combineObjfns :: ObjFn2 a -> ObjFnPenalty a combineObjfns objfn weight fixed varying = -- input objfn is unconstrained (if objFnOn then tro "obj val" $ objWeight * objfn fixed varying else 0) + (if constraintFnOn then tro "penalty val" $ weight * (pairConstrsToObjfn fixed varying + stateConstrsToObjfn fixed varying) else 0) where objWeight = 1 -- constraint functions that act on the entire state -- this one just acts on the first object and ignores the fixed params firstObjInBbox :: (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => (a, a, a, a) -> [([a] -> [a] -> a, a)] firstObjInBbox (l, r, b, t) = [(leftBound, 1), (rightBound, 1), (botBound, 1), (topBound, 1)] where leftBound fixed (x1 : _ : _) = -(x1 - l) leftBound _ _ = error "not enough floats in state to apply constr function firstObjInBbox" rightBound fixed (x1 : _ : _) = x1 - r botBound fixed (_ : y1 : _) = -(y1 - b) topBound fixed (_ : y1 : _) = y1 - t stateConstrVs :: (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [([a] -> [a] -> a, a)] -- constr, constr weight stateConstrVs = -- firstObjInBbox (leftb, rightb, botb, topb) -- ++ firstObjInBbox (-pw2', pw2', -ph2', ph2') -- first object in viewport, TODO for all objs [] -- TODO add more -- Parameter to modify (TODO move it to other section) -- [PairConstrV a] is not allowed b/c impredicative types pairConstrVs :: (Floating a, Ord a, Show a) => [([[a]] -> a, a)] -- constr, constr weight pairConstrVs = [(noSubset, 1)] -- It's not clear what happens with contradictory constraints like these: -- It looks like one pair satisfies strict subset, and the other pairs all intersect -- pairConstrVs = [(strictSubset, 1), (noIntersectExt, 1)] -- Corners for hard-coded bounding box constraint. leftb :: Floating a => a leftb = -200 rightb :: Floating a => a rightb = 100 botb :: Floating a => a botb = 0 topb :: Floating a => a topb = 200