-- Modeled after Snap: https://github.com/snapframework/snap-core/blob/master/test/TestSuite.hs module Main where import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC import qualified Functions.Tests -- TODO factor out test into functions -- TODO check/track test coverage -- TODO figure out how to test ShadowMain and optimization intermediate stages -- TODO use template haskell / test discovery -- TODO we might want inline assertions in code too, to enforce invariants -- import Main hiding (main) import qualified ShadowMain.Tests import qualified Shapes.Tests import qualified Transforms.Tests import qualified Util.Tests -- import qualified Substance.Tests -- import qualified Style.Tests import qualified Server.Tests main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [ ShadowMain.Tests.tests , Functions.Tests.tests , Shapes.Tests.tests , Util.Tests.tests , Transforms.Tests.tests -- NOTE: need better test cases since we cannot parse Substance nor Style progs without element progs -- Substance.Tests.tests, -- Style.Tests.tests, , Server.Tests.tests ]