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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, GADTs, TypeFamilies, RankNTypes, DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Database.Perdure.CDeserializer (
  module Database.Perdure.Persistent,
  module Database.Perdure.CRef
  ) where

import Prelude ()
import Cgm.Prelude
import Database.Perdure.Persistent
import Database.Perdure.StoreFile
import Database.Perdure.CRef
import Cgm.Data.Word
import Data.Bits

-- TODO figure out why the Deserializer's Allocator df is free to differ from f. Why is it a type argument of Deserializer at all if it can be anything?

-- TODO consider reimplementing as in CSerializer (no Serializer layer, and possibly with continuations) and check performance

deserializeFromArray :: (Allocation f, Allocation df, Deserializable w) => Deserializer df a -> ArrayRange (PrimArray f w) -> DeserOut a
deserializeFromArray d = (\(ArrayRange ar start _) -> deserialize d (refineLen start) ar) . deserInput

deserializeFromFullArray :: forall f df w a. (Allocation f, Allocation df, Deserializable w, LgMultiple w Bool, Prim w) => 
                            Deserializer df a -> ArrayRange (PrimArray f w) -> a
deserializeFromFullArray d ar = case deserializeFromArray d ar of
  DeserOut a end -> bool (error $ "Inconsistent deserialized size: " ++ show (end, refineLen $ arrayLen ar :: Len Bool Word)) a $ 
             (coarsenLen end :: Len w Word) == arrayLen ar

-- | The passed persister must have no references
unsafeSeqDeserializer :: Persister a -> Deserializer Free a
unsafeSeqDeserializer p =
  cDeser p (DeserializerContext (error "seqDeserializer has no file" :: ReplicatedFile) (error "seqDeserializer has no cache"))

cDeser :: Persister a -> DeserializerContext -> Deserializer Free a
cDeser p = case p of
  PartialWordPersister n -> const $ partialWordDeserializer n
  PairPersister pa pb -> liftA2 (liftA2 (,)) (cDeser pa) (cDeser pb)
  EitherPersister pa pb -> \dc -> cDeser persister dc >>= bool (Left <$> cDeser pa dc) (Right <$> cDeser pb dc)
  ViewPersister i pb -> flip functorIacomap i . cDeser pb
  SummationPersister pi' d _ -> \dc -> cDeser pi' dc >>= d (\pb ba -> fmap ba $ cDeser pb dc)
  DRefPersister' -> \dc -> DRef persister dc <$> cDeser persister dc 
  CRefPersister' _ pra -> fmap Refed . cDeser pra
instance InjectionACofunctor (Deserializer f) where
  {-# INLINE iacomap #-}
  iacomap = functorIacomap

bitDeserializer :: Deserializer f Word
bitDeserializer = Deserializer $ \b ar -> DeserOut (let (wIx, bIx) = coarseRem b in (indexArray ar wIx `partialShiftRL` getLen bIx) .&. 1) (b + 1)

-- 0 <= n <= wordBits
partialWordDeserializer :: Len Bool Word -> Deserializer f Word
partialWordDeserializer n
  | n == 0 = pure 0
  | n == 1 = bitDeserializer
  | otherwise =
    Deserializer $ \b ar -> 
    DeserOut (
      let (wIx, bIx) = coarseRem b
          avail = wordBits - bIx
          overflow = n - avail
          n' = wordBits - n
      in bool (indexArray ar wIx `partialShiftL` getLen (n' - bIx) `partialShiftRL` getLen n') 
         ((indexArray ar wIx `partialShiftRL` getLen bIx) +
          (indexArray ar (wIx + 1) `partialShiftL` getLen (wordBits - overflow) `partialShiftRL` getLen n')) $ 
         (signed $* getLen overflow) > 0)
    (b + n)


class Deserializable a where deserInput :: (Allocation f, Allocation f') => ArrayRange (PrimArray f a) -> ArrayRange (PrimArray f' Word)
instance Deserializable Word where deserInput = primArrayMatchAllocation
instance Deserializable Word32 where
  deserInput a = onWordConv
                 (primArrayMatchAllocation $ retract wordConvArrayRange a) 
                 (fullArrayRange $ mkArrayWith (coarsenLen $ arrayLen a) $ 
                        (\i -> retract wordConv $ retract splitWord64LE 
                               (indexArray a i, if i + 1 < arrayLen a then indexArray a (i + 1) else 0)) . refineLen) -- TODO: test
instance Deserializable Word64 where
  deserInput a = onWordConv
                 (fullArrayRange $ mkArrayWith (refineLen $ arrayLen a) $ 
                        (\(i, r) -> retract wordConv $ bool fst snd (r == 0) $ apply splitWord64LE $ indexArray a i) . coarseRem) -- TODO test
                 (primArrayMatchAllocation $ retract wordConvArrayRange a) 


-- Deserialization is strict so once DeserOut is forced, we no longer retain the input array. 
-- The strict annotation in DeserOut is not quite sufficient to enfoce that, we also have to make sure we do not put in
-- there a structure with interal thunks pointing to the array. But inspecting this file should show no such Deserializer.
data DeserOut a = DeserOut {
  deserValue :: !a,
  deserPos :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Len Bool Word)} deriving Functor

-- If deserialization was lazy, the lifetime of the array would be unpredictable, so to avoid fragmentation of pinned arrays, we would prefer f = Free
-- But now deserialization is strict and the array is not retained so either Free or Pinned will do.
newtype Deserializer f a = Deserializer {deserialize :: Len Bool Word -> PrimArray f Word -> DeserOut a}
instance Functor (Deserializer f) where
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}
  fmap g = Deserializer . ((fmap g <$>) <$>) . deserialize
--instance Pointed (Deserializer c) where
--    point x = ... inlined into pure
instance Applicative (Deserializer f) where
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  pure x = Deserializer $ \b _ -> DeserOut x b
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
  g <*> x = Deserializer $ \b ptr -> case deserialize g b ptr of DeserOut g' b' -> deserialize (g' <$> x) b' ptr
    -- we could define <*> = ap, but we would like to see if we could use <*> in the definition of join instead, see reflexion below
instance Monad (Deserializer f) where
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  return = pure
  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  (>>=) = fmap join' . flip fmap where
    {-# INLINE join' #-}
    join' :: Deserializer f (Deserializer f a) -> Deserializer f a
    join' d2 = Deserializer $ \b ptr -> case deserialize d2 b ptr of DeserOut d b' -> deserialize d b' ptr