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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module Database.Perdure.History (
  ) where

import Data.Bits
import Database.Perdure.Persistent
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.State as Std
import Cgm.Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
import Database.Perdure.Ref
import Database.Perdure.Deref
import Data.Dynamic

newtype Queue a = Queue (CDRef [a]) deriving (Show, Typeable)
singletonQueue :: a -> Queue a
singletonQueue a = Queue $ ref [a]

queueInsert :: a -> Queue a -> (Queue a, Maybe a)
queueInsert a (Queue as) = first (Queue . ref) $ trim (a : deref as) where
  trim l = 
    if length l <= maxQueueLength 
    then (l, Nothing)
    else case reverse $ take (maxQueueLength + 1) l of -- the 'take' drops elements when we decide to reduce maxQueueLength
      (o : r) -> (reverse r, Just o)
      [] -> undefined

maxQueueLength :: Int
maxQueueLength = 2

-- | The History type is used as the state type so as to keep some snapshots of the past, in case data is lost due to a programming error
-- by the application developer. It is an homogenous collection so the argument type has to take care of versionning.
-- To avoid needless reserialization of the past states, the argument type should be a Ref type.
-- We keep the last n samples inserted, then n samples keeping one out of every two, 
-- then n samples keeping one out of every four... Currently n is hard coded to 2.
data History a = History Integer [Queue a] deriving (Show, Typeable)

-- As an example:
-- *Database.Perdure.History> foldr insert empty [0..999] -- if n were 8
-- History 1000 [Queue [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7],Queue [9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23],Queue [27,31,35,39,43,47,51,55],Queue [63,71,79,87,95,103,111
-- ,119],Queue [127,143,159,175,191,207,223,239],Queue [255,287,319,351,383,415,447,479],Queue [543,607,671,735,799,863,927,991]]
-- If the sampling interval is 1 second, and maxQueueLength is 8, we get roughly 8 * log3(running-time/k)
-- For 3 years that's roughly 8*17 = 136 snapshots

initial :: a -> History a
initial = History 1 . pure . singletonQueue

-- | Changes a transformation on 'a' into a transformation on 'History a'. Adds a new state into the 'History'.
updateHistory :: Monad m => Std.StateT a m b -> Std.StateT (History a) m b
updateHistory = Std.StateT . (\u h -> liftM (second $ flip insert h) (u $ current h) )  . Std.runStateT

-- | Changes a transformation on 'a' into a transformation on 'History a'. Adds a new state into the 'History',
-- unless the state has not changed. Uses 'Cgm.Control.Monad.State'.
updateHistoryM :: Monad m => StateT a m b -> StateT (History a) m b
updateHistoryM = StateT . (\u h -> liftM (second $ fmap $ flip insert h) (u $ current h) )  . runStateT

-- | The history is never empty, so it is safe to get the current sample.
current :: History a -> a
current (History _ q') = case q' of
  (Queue q : _) -> head $ deref q
  [] -> undefined

--Used when we want to flush the history
--insert :: a -> History a -> History a
--insert a _ = initial a

-- | Add a newer state to the history
insert :: a -> History a -> History a
insert a (History n qs) = History (n+1) $ ins a qs n where
  ins o [] _ = [singletonQueue o]
  ins o (q:qr) m = let (q', mo') = queueInsert o q in q' : maybe qr (\o' -> if testBit m 0 then qr else ins o' qr (m `shiftR` 1)) mo'
                                                      -- we could use a probability instead of this alternating pattern, but this is easier to implement

instance (Typeable a, Persistent a) => Persistent (History a) where persister = structureMap persister                            
instance (Typeable a, Persistent a) => Persistent (Queue a) where persister = structureMap persister
deriveStructured ''History
deriveStructured ''Queue