{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}

-- | Note that what is referred to as a \"nonce\" in this library may be
-- equivalently described as a \"salt\" by some.
module Data.PerfectHash.Lookup (
    LookupTable (LookupTable)
  , nonces
  , values
  , size
  , encodeDirectEntry
  , lookupPerfect
  ) where

import           Data.Vector.Unboxed      (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed      as Vector

import qualified Data.PerfectHash.Hashing as Hashing

-- | Inputs for the lookup function.
-- There are two arrays used in successive stages of the lookup.
-- In this implementation, both arrays are the same length.
data LookupTable a = LookupTable {
    nonces :: Vector Int
    -- ^ This is the intermediate lookup table.
    -- In the lookup process, the key's hash is computed first with a nonce of
    -- zero to obtain an index into this array.
    -- If the value at this index is negative, it is (after negating and
    -- subtracting one) a direct index into the 'values' array.
    -- Otherwise, the value shall be used as a nonce in a second application of
    -- the hashing function to compute the index into the 'values' array.
    -- See the documentation of 'lookupPerfect' for details.
  , values :: Vector a
    -- ^ An array of values of arbitrary type.
    -- The objective of the perfect hash is to efficiently obtain an index into
    -- this array, given the associated key for the value at that index.

size :: Vector.Unbox a => LookupTable a -> Int
size = Vector.length . values

encodeDirectEntry = subtract 1 . negate

-- | For embedded applications, this function would usually be re-implemented
-- in C code.
-- == Algorithm description
-- The lookup procedure is three steps:
--     1. Compute the 'Hashing.hash' (with a nonce of zero) of the "key", modulo
--        the length of the 'values' array.
--     2. Use the resulting value as an index into the 'nonces' array.  The value
--        found there represents either a direct index into the 'values' array
--        or a nonce for a second round of hashing.
--         * If negative, it is the former.  Negate it (to obtain a positive
--           value) and subtract one to obtain the actual index.
--         * Otherwise, re-compute the hash of the key, using this
--           value instead of zero as the nonce. Again, compute the modulus with
--           respect to the length of the 'values' array.
--     3. Use the result of (2) as the index into the 'values' array.
lookupPerfect :: (Foldable f, Hashing.ToNumeric a, Vector.Unbox b) =>
     LookupTable b
  -> f a
  -> b
lookupPerfect lookup_table key =

  values lookup_table ! v_key

    table_size = size lookup_table

    nonce_index = Hashing.hash 0 key `mod` table_size
    nonce = nonces lookup_table ! nonce_index

    -- Negative value indicates that we don't need extra lookup layer
    v_key = if nonce < 0
      then encodeDirectEntry nonce
      else Hashing.hash nonce key `mod` table_size